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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Beirut, August 12, 2018 21:58 IST
Updated: August 12, 2018 21:58 IST
An explosion in a residential building thought to be storing weapons and ammunition in Syria's rebel-held Idlib killed at least 39 people including 12 children on Sunday, a war monitor said.

The explosion happened in the town of Sarmada, which is near the Turkish border and north of the provincial capital Idlib city, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, adding that 12 children were among the 39 dead.

Syrian civilians, displaced during the country's seven-year long war, were living in the building which was also used by an arms dealer, the Observatory said.

The Syrian White Helmets, a group of rescue workers established in rebel-held areas of the country, also said on Twitter that 36 people were dead and dozens were wounded in the attack, and that so far 10 people had been pulled alive from the rubble after the dawn explosion.

They said the cause of the blast, which brought down the whole multi-story building block, was unknown.

Idlib province is in the last swathe of territory still held by rebels opposed to the rule of President Bashar al-Assad.
Up to 30,000 Daesh members in Iraq, Syria, says report

30,000 members of the group in Iraq and Syria pose a rising threat. (AFP)
Updated 15 August 2018
August 15, 2018 00:49

  • The experts said Al-Qaeda’s global network also “continues to show resilience”
  • The report to the Security Council by experts monitoring sanctions against Daesh and Al-Qaeda said the estimate of the current total Daesh membership in Iraq and Syria came from governments it did not identify
NEW YORK: Daesh has up to 30,000 members roughly equally distributed between Syria and Iraq and its global network poses a rising threat — as does Al-Qaeda, which is much stronger in places, a report says.

The report by experts circulated on Monday said that despite the defeat of Daesh in Iraq and most of Syria, it is likely that a reduced “covert version” of the terrorist group’s “core” will survive in both countries, with significant affiliated supporters in Afghanistan, Libya, Southeast Asia and West Africa.

The experts said Al-Qaeda’s global network also “continues to show resilience,” with its affiliates and allies much stronger than Daesh in some spots, including Somalia, Yemen, South Asia and Africa’s Sahel region.

Al-Qaeda’s leaders in Iran “have grown more prominent” and have been working with the extremist group’s top leader, Ayman Al-Zawahri, “projecting his authority more effectively than he could previously” including on events in Syria, the experts said.

The report to the Security Council by experts monitoring sanctions against Daesh and Al-Qaeda said the estimate of the current total Daesh membership in Iraq and Syria came from governments it did not identify. The estimate of between 20,000 and 30,000 members includes “a significant component of the many thousands of active foreign terrorist fighters,” it said.

While many Daesh men have been killed in fighting, and many other fighters and supporters have left the immediate conflict zone, the experts said many still remain in the two countries — some engaged militarily “and others hiding out in sympathetic communities and urban areas.”

With its physical caliphate largely destroyed, Daesh is transforming from a “proto-state” to a covert “terrorist” network, “a process that is most advanced in Iraq” because it still controls pockets in Syria, the report said.

The experts said the discipline imposed by Daesh remains intact and its leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi “remains in authority” despite reports that he was injured.

“It is just more delegated than before, by necessity, to the wider network outside the conflict zone,” the experts said.

The flow of foreign fighters to Daesh in Syria and Iraq has come to a halt, they said, but “the reverse flow, although slower than expected, remains a serious challenge.”

U.S. warns of strong response

U.S. President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser warned on Wednesday that the United States would respond “very strongly” if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uses chemical weapons in an offensive to retake Idlib province.

“We now see plans for the Syrian regime to resume offensive military activities in Idlib province,” John Bolton told a press conference during a visit to Jerusalem.

“We are obviously concerned about the possibility that Assad may use chemical weapons again,” he said.

“Just so there’s no confusion here, if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.”

The northern province of Idlib is home to the last major rebel bastion in Syria.

Mr. Bolton also said that the Trump administration was not seeking to oust Iran’s leadership with its reimposition of sanctions on Tehran.
BEIRUT: Drone attacks on an air base in Syria used by Damascus ally Russia have increased since last month but all were shot down, a monitor said on Friday.

“Drone attacks against Hmeimim have increased” since July, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, referring to Russia’s main military base in the war-torn country, where it intervened on the regime’s side in 2015 to help fight the armed opposition.

The Britain-based Observatory reported 13 assaults in July and five this month, out of a total of 23 since the start of the year.

In such attacks, small unmanned aircraft have been loaded with explosives.

But “most of the drones are downed by Russian or Syrian air defenses before reaching their target,” Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP. The others were also downed.

Hmeimim lies just west of opposition-held territory in the northwestern province of Idlib, which President Bashar
Assad has said he intends to bring back under his control.

The attackers “are sending a message to Russia that they are able to directly target the main center for Russian forces in Syria,” Abdel Rahman said.

On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blamed “terrorists” for the attacks.

“The drone attacks they have launched have become regular in Hmeimim. Our air defenses have downed 45 of them,” she said.

Earlier this month, Russian army spokesman Gen. Igor Konachenkov also reported a spike in these attempts in July.

“Last month, we observed an increase in attempted drone attacks” against Hmeimim, he said on Aug. 16.

Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham controls more than half of Idlib while a string of opposition outfits hold most of the rest.
Analysts say Russia-backed regime forces will likely only target a small part of Idlib with any upcoming military campaign, around the town of Jisr Al-Shughur.

Sam Heller, from the International Crisis Group think-tank, told AFP last week that “the Russians are convinced that the drones that have targeted their air base ... are emanating from the area around Jisr Al-Shughur.”

In this August 13, 2018 picture released by the official website of the Iranian Defense Ministry, Defense Minister Gen. Amir Hatami walks past the missile during inauguration of its production line at an undisclosed location, Iran. Iran on Monday said it launched a production line for a radar-evading, short range surface-to-surface missile capable of hitting targets in any weather condition. | Photo Credit: [URL='https://www.thehindu.com/profile/photographers/AP/'] AP


August 26, 2018 12:27 IST
Updated: August 26, 2018 12:27 IST

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said last week that Iran should remove its forces from Syria.

Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami arrived in Syria on Sunday for meetings with “senior defence and military officials” according to the Tasnim news agency.

Iranian forces have backed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the country's civil war.

“We hope to have a productive role in the reconstruction of Syria,” Mr. Hatami said on arrival in Syria, according to Fars News.

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said last week that Iran should remove its forces from Syria.

Senior Iranian officials have said their military presence in Syria is at the invitation of the Assad government and they have no immediate plans to withdraw.

More than 1,000 Iranians, including senior members of the elite Revolutionary Guards, have been killed in Syria since 2012.

The Guards initially kept quiet about their role in the Syria conflict. But in recent years, as casualties have mounted, they have been more outspoken about their engagement, framing it as an existential struggle against thefighters of Islamic State who see Shias - the majority of Iran's population - as apostates.
Senior US diplomat visits Kurdish-held territory in Syria

A Syrian Kurdish sniper looks at the rubble in the Syrian city of Kobane, Jan. 30, 2015. (File photo: AP)

  • Ambassador William Roebuck was in the town of Shadidi after visiting the towns of Kobani and Minbej in recent days
  • He is expected to continue to Deir Ezzor
SHADADI, Syria: A senior US diplomat visited Kurdish-held territory in Syria on Saturday as the minority negotiates with Damascus over the future of its semi-autonomous region.
Ambassador William Roebuck was in the town of Shadidi in the northwestern province of Hasakah after visiting the towns of Kobani and Minbej in recent days.

He is expected to continue to Deir Ezzor, an eastern province where the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed coalition of Kurdish and Arab fighters, is fighting the Daesh group in the militants’ last redoubt.

“We are prepared to stay here, as the president (Donald Trump) has made clear, to ensure the enduring defeat of Daesh,” Roebuck said, using an alternative for Daesh.

“We remain focused on ensuring the withdrawal of Iranian forces and their proxies as well.”
Washington has repeatedly criticized Tehran and its ally, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, for their roles in the Syrian conflict.

Support from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah has allowed President Bashar Assad’s government to regain much of the territory lost to rebels and jihadists in the early years of the country’s seven-year war.

Iranian forces and Tehran-backed Shiite militias have also been key to Assad’s recapture of large swathes of Deir Ezzor province, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

But other areas of the oil-rich province are controlled by the SDF, which spearheaded the US-backed fight against Daesh in Syria.

Syria’s war has left more than 350,000 people dead and displaced millions since it broke out with the brutal repression of an initially peaceful uprising in 2011.

With the regime focused on crushing the rebellion, Kurdish forces carved out a de facto autonomous region in the country’s north and northeast.

Roebuck’s visit comes as the Kurds and the regime engage in difficult talks over the fate of territory under SDF control.

Assad’s government now controls nearly two-thirds of Syria and is determined to reassert its authority over Kurdish-held territory, which forms the lion’s share of the rest.

But Kurdish leaders and their supporters are desperate to salvage what they can of their painstakingly built institutions.
Syria Army Inflicts Losses on Terrorists in Idlib, Hama

Syrian troops shelled the positions of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in the town of al-Khawin in the southern countryside of Idlib province, inflicting major losses on them.


Syrian forces carried out a series of intensive bombardments against a gathering of the Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group on the eastern outskirts of al-Tamani’a town in Idlib, killing and injuring scores of them, SANA news agency reported on Monday.

In a separate development, the Syrian military targeted the positions of the so-called “al-Ezza Brigades” on the western outskirts of al-Zakat village in Hama province, killing all terrorists there.

According to reports, the Syrian army is sending soldiers to three frontline areas which share borders with the last major militant stronghold of Idlib, namely the central province of Hama, the coastal province of Latakia and the southern part of Idlib itself.
Iran, Syria Sign Military Cooperation Deal

The Defense Ministries of Iran and Syria signed an agreement on military and technical cooperation during Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami’s visit.

General Hatami, who has travelled to Syria with a ranking military delegation, signed the bilateral agreement in Damascus after talks with Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and Defense Minister General Ali Abdullah Ayyoub.

Under the agreement, Iran and Syria will enhance military and defense cooperation.

“Syria is moving out of crisis and entering the reconstruction phase,” the Iranian defense minister said, adding that the agreement with Syria defines the grounds for Tehran-Damascus defense cooperation.

Ayyoub, for his part, praised Iran for supporting his country in the fight against terrorism, stressing that Syria and Iran would not allow others to harm their close relations.

Since the outbreak of war and foreign militancy in Syria in 2011, Iran has stood by the Syrian government and supported its people against terrorist groups, including Daesh (ISIL).

In recent months, the Syrian army has managed to liberate many of the areas occupied by terrorists and has begun the reconstruction process.

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