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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

LOL whats heroic there? Thousands armed to teeth asadists with air support (including massive US air support) against several hundred peasants with rusty AK.

Zahreddine is a war criminal, sadist beheader and corruptioner who demands bribes from poor people who want to escape to safety and steals UN aid.

Here’s How Syria’s Regime Is Profiting From People Under Siege
In the besieged Syrian city of Deir Ezzor, regime officials line their pockets by charging exorbitant amounts for exit fees, tolls, and international aid while residents starve and suffer.

ISTANBUL — Sara Khaled and her family had finally had enough. She had withstood more than four years of revolution and civil war, culminating in the siege by ISIS of her regime-controlled neighborhood. The misery was too much too bear: Food was scarce, medicine even scarcer. She and five members of her immediate family decided to leave the city of Deir Ezzor late last summer.

But first they had to pay a toll — a fee of 300,000 Syrian pounds per person, or about $1,300 — to Major General Issam Zahreddine and Major General Mohammad Kaddour, Syrian regime commanders of the military in the area — to get past the first checkpoint. Then they arrived at a second checkpoint, where regime soldiers also demanded a bribe.

“You have to claim that your relative is dying,” the 24-year-old petrochemical engineer told BuzzFeed News from Germany. “‘I have a sick person; he’s about to die,’ so they feel sorry for you and give you permission to leave. But none of this is free. When we left, we paid hundreds of thousands of Syrian pounds so that we and our car and our family could leave safely.”

The regime of Bashar al-Assad has come under international scrutiny for imposing crippling sieges on rebel-held areas, leading to the starvation deaths of scores of civilians, including children. Such sieges are a time-honored method of warfare, an attempt to force a rebellious population to submit or die. The U.N. is currently investigating whether the Syrian regime’s deprivations amount to war crimes as Assad’s forces, backed by Iranian militias and Russian airstrikes, are on the verge of placing the country’s largest city, Aleppo, under siege.

"Such methods of warfare are prohibited under international humanitarian law and violate core human rights obligations with regard to the rights to adequate food, health and the right to life, not to mention the special duty of care owed to the well-being of children," Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the U.N. commission investigating war crimes in Syria, said in a letter to Reuters.

Less scrutinized are the mechanics of how the regime and its denizens are profiting financially from sieges, including from those under its own authority in loyalist neighborhoods.

The city of Deir Ezzor is effectively divided into two sections: The western part is held by the regime and an eastern part is under ISIS control. The regime-controlled districts have been under siege by ISIS for 13 months, leading to a deterioration of the humanitarian situation in those neighborhoods. But what’s hurting civilians even more is the profiteering by regime officials purporting to be their protectors.

According to interviews with more than half a dozen people from Deir Ezzor, regime officials are behind the exorbitant prices that drive people to leave those areas while at the same time profiting by charging ever more exorbitant fees to those who exit. Since Khaled’s departure last summer, the price to get out of Deir Ezzor has jumped from between 400,000 Syrian pounds per head (almost $2,000) to 1 million Syrian pounds (over $4,500) for a seat on a helicopter, say residents.

“After losing the oil fields in Deir Ezzor, [the regime is] profiting from those leaving, and it’s allowing them to stay strong in the city,” said Karam al-Hamad, a political activist from Deir Ezzor, speaking to BuzzFeed News from southern Turkey.

In addition, regime officials jack up prices for food and fuel and sell international aid at a profit, forcing civilians to pay for goods donated by relief organizations such as the Red Cross or the United Nations. Pro-regime businessmen buy homes and cars on the cheap for those desperate to finance their escapes.

“There’s a huge extortion racket going on in Deir Ezzor, where the regime takes bribes for getting people onto helicopters to safety,” said James Sadri, director of the Syria Campaign, a Beirut- and New York-based advocacy group campaigning for the protection of civilians.

The eastern, ISIS-controlled section of Deir Ezzor has witnessed a rise in prices, but nothing near the skyrocketing costs under the regime. For example, under ISIS, a pound of sugar costs about 50 cents, compared to $10 in regime-controlled neighborhoods, residents said. The disparity in prices is in large part due to the regime taking over any type of resources or aid, hiking up the prices, and selling them for a profit.

There is no evidence that Assad himself or those at the center of power in Damascus are profiting from the sieges. The money potentially fills empty local government coffers or at least lines the pockets of regional officials and well-connected merchants.

Many said they suspect ISIS or its hangers-on are collaborating with and profiting alongside the regime in the trade of supplies into the area. But uniformed members of Assad’s armed forces remain the biggest financial beneficiaries. “The smuggling business was overseen by military men themselves,” said Shadi, a Deir Ezzor journalist now based in Turkey, who asked that his full name not be used out of fear for his safety. “The men of the regime are benefiting. All business is happening under their supervision.”


:rofl: Buzzfeed is a hardcore leftist social justice warrior tabloid :lol:

Most of their "news" involves interviewing teenagers about how "white people can do better" or how white peoples have "privilege" or how eveil Trump is and how great trannies are.

Isis is getting crewed sideways. I'm not sure why You are not posting anything about that. Russia keeps releasing footage of ISIS tanks and other vehicles being destroyed but yea, Isis just has "rusty AKs".
:rofl: Buzzfeed is a hardcore leftist social justice warrior tabloid :lol:

Most of their "news" involves interviewing teenagers about how "white people can do better" or how white peoples have "privilege" or how eveil Trump is and how great trannies are.

Isis is getting crewed sideways. I'm not sure why You are not posting anything about that. Russia keeps releasing footage of ISIS tanks and other vehicles being destroyed but yea, Isis just has "rusty AKs".
All ISIS tanks were captured from Assad by guys with rusty AK. If Assad and Russia were slightly more competent all that empty desert would be captured in couple weeks at most.
Only 25 km remains to break the 4 year siege on city of deir al zoor, basically the most herioc resistance against ISIS in entire Syrian war. Literally a dozen great movies can be made about siege of Deir al zoor and how the Syrian army in there made it the biggest graveyard of ISIS in Syria. The moment forces meet each other will be history, one side commanded by Suhail al-Hassan aka the Tiger and the other side commanded by General Issam Zahreddine.

Well said

I think these were some of the best trained troops of SAA and a perfect example of how well an Army can fight if its led by an able commander. I hope the troops stationed at Deir Ez Zor get some well deserved time off and receive a hero's welcome. Deir Ez Zor has been the biggest meat grinder for ISIS, again and again they were forced to divert massive resources to try and take the base. They came close but were never able to break through.
Well said

I think these were some of the best trained troops of SAA and a perfect example of how well an Army can fight if its led by an able commander. I hope the troops stationed at Deir Ez Zor get some well deserved time off and receive a hero's welcome. Deir Ez Zor has been the biggest meat grinder for ISIS, again and again they were forced to divert massive resources to try and take the base. They came close but were never able to break through.
The biggest meat grinder of ISIS in Syria was Kobani. Deir ez Zor does not come even close.

The true heroes are people of Rastan, Talbise, Homs, Daraya, Jobar, Zabadani... who defended their houses for many years with light arms against swarms of armed to teeth Assad mercenaries and foreign sectarian gangs, who literally flattened everything.
The biggest meat grinder of ISIS in Syria was Kobani. Deir ez Zor does not come even close.

The true heroes are people of Rastan, Talbise, Homs, Daraya, Jobar, Zabadani... who defended their houses for many years with light arms against swarms of armed to teeth Assad mercenaries and foreign sectarian gangs, who literally flattened everything.

On the contrary. If Assad wanted to kill every rebel, he would have using ballistic missiles.
LOL whats heroic there? Thousands armed to teeth asadists with air support (including massive US air support) against several hundred peasants with rusty AK.

Zahreddine is a war criminal, sadist beheader and corruptioner who demands bribes from poor people who want to escape to safety and steals UN aid.
congrats to all
siege of deir-al-zor is broken.
Not today, tomorrow I guess. Heil America. But that wont help poor Alawis and Aghans, they will keep dying for Mahlouf's Ferarri.
I hope the troops stationed at Deir Ez Zor get some well deserved time off and receive a hero's welcome.
I doubt they would have time for that. Another terrorist organization on the way to Deir ez-Zor, fully supported by US. Good luck with once supported Kurdish terrorists.

"Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, the commander of the counter-Daesh coalition in Iraq and Syria, told reporters via a video teleconference from Baghdad that the final battle against the terror group will be given in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, which includes the oil-rich and geographically important Deir ez-Zor."
US to provide support to YPG-led SDF in offensive against Daesh-held Deir ez-Zor
The biggest meat grinder of ISIS in Syria was Kobani. Deir ez Zor does not come even close.

The true heroes are people of Rastan, Talbise, Homs, Daraya, Jobar, Zabadani... who defended their houses for many years with light arms against swarms of armed to teeth Assad mercenaries and foreign sectarian gangs, who literally flattened everything.

Isis lost more men and equipment attempting to take Deir ez zoir then they did in Kobani.

In Kobani they lost 2000 fighters, in Deir ez zoir they lost nearly 2000 and this is not four Russia hitting Isis convoys with dozens of vehicles from Iraq and and Raqqa.

As for your comment about Russia and Syria being 'incompetent because a competent military should take a few weeks to take empty desert'.

Right, and the Kurds have upwards of 80,000 fighters and a dozen US military bases with support from US special forces and aircraft and they haven't even taken a Raqqa (which is like a village compared to Aleppo) and their advance by the Euphrates has grind to a halt.

Most military planners have praised Russia for making a big impact in Syria, but if you want to talk about Russia being incompetent, look at Israel's performance in 2006 vs Hezballah. Israeli launched a murderous bombing campaign, send in entire armored divisions and had atleast 30,000 soldiers and still achieved nothing of strategic importance. Russia has lost less soldiers in Syria in 2 years then Israeli did in a month.
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Not today, tomorrow I guess. Heil America. But that wont help poor Alawis and Aghans, they will keep dying for Mahlouf's Ferarri.

Every man will die. It is not how you die, it is how you live.

Most military planners have praised Russia for making a big impact in Syria, but if you want to talk about Russia being incompetent, look at Israel l's performance in 2006 vs Hezballah. Israeli launched a murderous bombing campaign, send in entire armored divisions and had atleast 30,000 and still achieved nothing of strategic importance. Russia has lost less soldiers in Syria in 2 years then Israeli did in a month.
Fighting ex-Saddam's soldiers with cavemen level of preparedness, rusted out equipment and camel-grade logistics in comparison to Hezbollah - a well equipped militia with all the possible goods from Iran and years of preparation for war is pointless. So they killed ~120 soldiers and destroyed a few tanks while sustaining numerous times more damage themselves is not winning anything. And using civilian infrastructure to hide their weapons and command centers is asking for civilian casualties, they can't just do this and cry for unfairness when Israel doesn't give a crap and taking them along with the surroundings. Nasrallah himself said that if he'd known the outcome of the war he would not had started it in the first place, the number one enemy the IDF had to face in those two months was not Hezbollah but our own indecisive political cabinet.
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