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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)


Muslim kids ethnically cleansed by Khamenai terrorists, in order that corrupt genocidal atheist dictator could sit on throne for another month:


Muslim kids ethnically cleansed by Khamenai terrorists, in order that corrupt genocidal atheist dictator could sit on throne for another month:



War isn't pretty. But of course, you already KNOW that.

If Assad wanted to, he could have killed everyone in Waer using 100 ballistic missiles.
Muslim kids ethnically cleansed by Khamenai terrorists, in order that corrupt genocidal atheist dictator could sit on throne for another month:



Well Jews have ethnically cleansed plenty of Palestinians by bulldozing neighborhoods.

500s comback--no any Palestinians were ethnically cleansed. No any bulldozers used, Palestinians love Israel and hand out flowers to kind Israeli construction workers in bulldozers.
Syrians in Manbij protest against Assad regime, demand SDF intervention
May 19, 2017 Syria

Dozens of displaced civilians from the al-Khafse town and nearby villages in the countryside of Manbij, in northern Syria, gathered on Thursday in Arbaa al-Kabir village and protested against the Syrian government.

The protesters demanded the removal of pro-Assad forces from their villages and called for the intervention of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The al-Khafse town was taken from ISIS by the Syrian government and the residents were forced to leave due to the clashes and headed to areas controlled by the SDF and the allied Manbij Military Council (MMC).

According to the pro-Kurdish ANHA agency, the residents of the area refused to return to their villages under Syrian government control, accusing the regime forces of looting their houses and threatening the residents.

As a result, dozens of IDPs from al-Khasfe gathered on Thursday demanding the Syrian government to withdraw from their villages, so that they can return home.

“I am from Khafse and we are protesting today because we want to go back home and live in safety, but this will not be possible if the Syrian regime troops do not get out of our villages,” a civilian said. “We ask the SDF and Manbij Military Council to protect our areas.”

The regime forces are stealing and burning our properties and don’t allow us to go back home and threaten us,” he added.

On Thursday evening, the protestors headed to the Ras Ein al-Hamer checkpoint –controlled by the Syrian government– and asked for a permission to return to their villages. However, the soldiers did not allow them to cross the checkpoint, local sources told ARA News.


info on the palestinian pro government forces fighting al qaeda
Translation from Assadish to English:

al Qaeda = anyone who dares to stand against corrupt genocidal dictator.
liberation = total destruction of East Aleppo and expulsion of its citizens.

The U.S. dispatched around new 100 trucks consisting of military equipment to the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria on May 15 and May 20, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency has reported.

The trucks were reported in the city of al-Hasakah, located in northeast Syria, before heading to Raqqa’s northern rural areas.

The dispatched trucks were indicated to have entered the region under YPG control though the Simelka-Peshkhabour border crossing between Syria and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

The vehicles were reportedly carrying fuel oil, military armored vehicles, heavy construction equipment and ammunition.

The U.S. move came after President Donald Trump on May 9 authorized the arming of the YPG in Syria ahead of a planned assault to retake the city of Raqqa from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), causing ire in Ankara.

The Turkish government considers the YPG to be linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and has long pressed Washington to stop its support for the group, as it says that the arms provided to the group are handed over to the PKK.
Media report death of 2 Russian servicemen in Syria

Rami Makhlouf's son in Dubai:


Iranians killed 1 million Syrians and expelled another 12 million, so he could keep driving fancy cars.
Your numbers are wrong and far from the truth, here are the true numbers, we killed 2.5 billion Syrians and expelled another 2 trillion. Also 10 trillion Syrians are injured.
By the end of 2015 demographic loss was 1.3 million.


Now it's much higher. Number of killed includes those who died indirectly as result of scorched earth policies.

People in Manbij area (under Kurdish control) demontrate against Assad ethnic cleansing and stealing:

All areas captured by Assadists from ISIS are ethnically cleansed. Property is stolen by Khamenai thugs, people are not allowed to return.

Meranwhile life in Tabqa already begins to return to normal:

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