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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Today SAA liberated 1200 km2 in Syrian desert by capturing various towns and villages. ISIS is collapsing fast in rural Homs.
Has the situation turned into Mad Max already? If I win the lottery I would pay some mercenaries and invade the shit out of tired warring factions and build my own country. How lit would that be?


US Department of Defense spokesperson Adrian Rankine-Galloway said that the United States has started delivering military equipment to the Kurdish fighters within the Syrian Democratic Forces, including small arms and vehicles.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States has started delivering military equipment to the Kurdish fighters within the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), including small arms and vehicles, US Department of Defense spokesperson Adrian Rankine-Galloway told Sputnik on Tuesday.

"I can confirm the US-led coalition has begun issuing arms and equipment to Kurdish elements of the SDF," Rankine-Galloway said. "These initial deliveries consist of small arms and vehicles."

The spokesperson noted that the US advisers will monitor the use of the weapons "wherever possible" to ensure they are used only against Daesh terror group.

Russia has carried out airstrikes, sending its cutting-edge Kalibr cruise missiles against Daesh targets near the ancient city of Palmyra to prevent the terrorist group from creating obstacles in the way of Damascus liberating Deir ez-Zor, defense analyst Ivan Konovalov told Radio Sputnik.
"The war goes on. Clearly there are still many militants fighting under Daesh banners. They have launched desperate counterattacks. They have tried to capture Deir ez-Zor, which has been partially controlled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) for three years," he said.

Konovalov, who heads the Center for the Study of Strategic Trends, pointed to Palmyra's strategic location, particularly when it comes to liberating Deir ez-Zor.

"It is Palmyra that the SAA is planning to use to send its main force to lift the blockade of Deir ez-Zor and push Daesh out of the city," he said. "Daesh understands that they are likely to lose Raqqa, their de facto capital. They are determined to turn Deir ez-Zor into their new stronghold. This is why the areas around Palmyra are one of the most complex operational theaters. Using Kalibr missiles [to hit targets located] in this region was a reasonable move," the analyst said.

Earlier, on Tuesday, the Admiral Essen frigate and the Project 636 Varshavyanka submarine Krasnodar launched four Kalibr cruise missiles from the eastern Mediterranean, hitting all intended targets to the east of Palmyra. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian Navy destroyed Daesh hideouts, housing heavy military equipment. An unconfirmed number of militants were eliminated in the successful operation.


The United States said on Tuesday that its transfers of weapons to the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Unit (YPG) have officially begun, much to the consternation of NATO ally Turkey.
The Pentagon's spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway said that the Kurdish fighter have been the recipients of US-provided small arms and military vehicles ready for the push to take the Raqqa from Daesh who have used at as their de-facto capital in the war-torn country.







A Syrian civilian was killed and four others were injured when regime forces shelled opposition-held areas in the northwestern Latakia province on Wednesday, according to a local source.

The artillery shelling targeted the villages of Kelez, Sarraf, Sallur, Karaman and Isapinari in the Turkmen Mountain (Jabal al-Turkman) region, the source said on condition of anonymity due to security fears.

Regime forces were also reported to have shelled Jabal Al-Akrad area, west of the Turkmen Mountain region.

Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since early 2011, when the Bashar al-Assad regime cracked down on pro-democracy protests -- which erupted as part of the Arab Spring uprisings -- with unexpected ferocity.

Since then, more than 250,000 people have been killed and more than 10 million displaced across the war-torn country, according to the UN.
Putin views on Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack of Syria دیدگاه پوتین در حمله شیمیایی خان شيخون

in a interview with France Le Figaro newspaper Putin exposes his views on Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack in Syria

Syrian government had no role in Idlib chemical attack: Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed confidence that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces had no role in the April chemical attack in Idlib Province, describing the incident as the West’s pretext to continue its pressure against Damascus.
"According to our information, there is no proof that chemical weapons were used by Assad. We are convinced that he did not do it," Putin said in a Tuesday interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro.
The allegation was a way of "explaining to the international community why it was necessary to continue to impose measures to pressure Assad, including militarily," Putin added.
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