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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

84. Civilians were killed in SAA aleppo by jihadis kharjis bombing
Western Aleppo is bombed by Assadist Smerch rockets:


so jihadis don't mind killing 30 + protestors to suppress them.
Assad survived them all and he has Trump joining in the fight as the new sidekick!

how can you compare democratic countries who constantly change leaders according to people's will/election with a dictator's familly dynasty whose family has been ruling the country ruthlessly since independence to this day and who has no intention of ever leaving power no matter the cost to his country, since according to him, his familly was born to rule the country?
Baffles me how people can compare the two.
Plus you should remove our former P.M Cameron from the list, since he resigned on his own will despite no pressure or call from him to do so, something that is unheard of in your region. Lol
To be honest, all sides have committed atrocities. Only difference is that Assad regime ha committed/killed far more since he has far more means to carry out his killing on a larger scale than the rebels do. plus, being the official government of the country, the leader is obviously more responsible and accountable that non state actors.
That's about it. :)

Its impossible!
How long do you want Syrians to bow to a alewite dictator?
Oops...You are replying to yourself dude. lol

Aleppo – the Aim is to Displace 250,000 People

Eastern Aleppo is experiencing bleak and tragic days that words and pictures cannot describe. Russian fighter jets are bombing the city, and Assad’s forces and Iran’s militias are attacking the outskirts of it. In addition to this, Hezbollah’s militias have seized control of external supply routes. Five hospitals have been destroyed, the most recent of which was a children’s hospital that was bombed by aircraft using chlorine gas, and there is no longer a place to transfer the thousands of wounded to.

Most of the attacks target parts of the city where there are no fighters. This is because they want to make the tragedy bigger, pressurise the world and displace the rest of the population in the direction of the Turkish border. It is for this reason that they refused requests to let humanitarian aid through, and rejected the proposal made by Turkey and the United Nations to allow the city to manage itself, in addition to refusing any solutions to stop the tragedy. As a result, operations to destruct take place around the clock. One of the female residents of the city said that she resorts to sleeping in order to escape the tragedy.

Despite this, the regime’s Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moallem said “We will not accept the solution that involves the self-government of the city, we will not allow the delivery of aid to the city and we will not leave eastern Aleppo, with its 275,000 residents, to be the hostage of 6,000 terrorists.”

The truth is the opposite of that. Assad’s forces and its allies Iran and Russia are the ones who have taken the population as hostages. They are besieging and attacking the city, destroying houses and targeting hospitals as part of a plan to make Aleppo uninhabitable in addition to eliminating 6,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters.

Nothing is being done to stop the massacre that is taking place in Aleppo except the making of verbal appeals. This is despite the whole world witnessing what is happening. The massacre is a foundation which is paving the way for the next phase of Syria’s “wars” even if the Syrian regime manages to storm the last FSA post and takes possession of it.

We are talking about FSA fighters and not fighters of terrorist groups including Al-Nusra Front. The regime and its allies have deliberately not opposed Al-Nusra Front so that they can use them as a new excuse, as they are doing now, in order to complete the regime’s project to displace people and take control under the pretext of fighting Al-Nusra Front and ISIS terrorists. Since the fighting expanded last year, Assad’s army, Hezbollah’s militias, other extremist Shiite groups and the Russian air force have not been fighting ISIS as they pledged and have consistently declared in their statements.

It is the US-led coalition that is fighting ISIS in Raqqa and other areas where there are clashes with terrorists. It facilitated the task of the Iranian-Assad coalition and strengthened extremist Shiite militias which devoted their time to fighting people in several areas that are mainly Sunni in order to consolidate a sectarian Alawite governance that follows a very small minority. What is happening today is actually crazy, and the implications will be deep and long lasting.

What is the next stage after Assad’s fall? The FSA, which has been the main fighting force against the Assad regime over the last five years and whose views reflect that of most citizens, will become weakened and may split up. Many of its fighters will leave its ranks to join armed, extremist and Islamist groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra Front and others. Some may wonder what the difference between the FSA and Al-Nusra Front is considering they are all fighting Assad. There is a big difference between the two and that is their goals for fighting.

FSA fighters are Syrians with a patriotic goal; to liberate their land and country from a regime that they disagree with. Al-Nusra Front is mostly made up of Syrians as opposed to ISIS fighters who are mostly foreign. Its goals are religious and it believes that it is fighting disbelievers. It also believes that most people, including Sunni Syrians in their country, are disbelievers and it aspires to establish its extremist caliphate and wage “jihad” around the world.

The massacre that is taking place in Aleppo and in the countrysides of Idlib and Hama today will push thousands of Syrians to join Al-Nusra Front because it is the only remaining team that is prepared to fight the regime. Through Al-Nusra Front, they will be able to take revenge on their former enemies and the whole world. We are not talking about this in order to implore support for the FSA. However, what the Russians, Iranians, Hezbollah and the regime are doing today in terms of sowing sectarian divisions, murdering civilians and systematically displacing people, will not be forgotten.

Eastern Aleppo could fall within days and this may be followed by other cities, but the crisis will widen and double the danger that the region and the world face.

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is the general manager of Al-Arabiya television. He is also the former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, and the leading Arabic weekly magazine Al-Majalla. He is also a senior columnist in the daily newspapers Al-Madina and Al-Bilad. He has a US post-graduate degree in mass communications, and has been a guest on many TV current affairs programs. He is currently based in Dubai.​

Aleppo – the Aim is to Displace 250,000 People

Eastern Aleppo is experiencing bleak and tragic days that words and pictures cannot describe. Russian fighter jets are bombing the city, and Assad’s forces and Iran’s militias are attacking the outskirts of it. In addition to this, Hezbollah’s militias have seized control of external supply routes. Five hospitals have been destroyed, the most recent of which was a children’s hospital that was bombed by aircraft using chlorine gas, and there is no longer a place to transfer the thousands of wounded to.

Most of the attacks target parts of the city where there are no fighters. This is because they want to make the tragedy bigger, pressurise the world and displace the rest of the population in the direction of the Turkish border. It is for this reason that they refused requests to let humanitarian aid through, and rejected the proposal made by Turkey and the United Nations to allow the city to manage itself, in addition to refusing any solutions to stop the tragedy. As a result, operations to destruct take place around the clock. One of the female residents of the city said that she resorts to sleeping in order to escape the tragedy.

Despite this, the regime’s Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moallem said “We will not accept the solution that involves the self-government of the city, we will not allow the delivery of aid to the city and we will not leave eastern Aleppo, with its 275,000 residents, to be the hostage of 6,000 terrorists.”

The truth is the opposite of that. Assad’s forces and its allies Iran and Russia are the ones who have taken the population as hostages. They are besieging and attacking the city, destroying houses and targeting hospitals as part of a plan to make Aleppo uninhabitable in addition to eliminating 6,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters.

Nothing is being done to stop the massacre that is taking place in Aleppo except the making of verbal appeals. This is despite the whole world witnessing what is happening. The massacre is a foundation which is paving the way for the next phase of Syria’s “wars” even if the Syrian regime manages to storm the last FSA post and takes possession of it.

We are talking about FSA fighters and not fighters of terrorist groups including Al-Nusra Front. The regime and its allies have deliberately not opposed Al-Nusra Front so that they can use them as a new excuse, as they are doing now, in order to complete the regime’s project to displace people and take control under the pretext of fighting Al-Nusra Front and ISIS terrorists. Since the fighting expanded last year, Assad’s army, Hezbollah’s militias, other extremist Shiite groups and the Russian air force have not been fighting ISIS as they pledged and have consistently declared in their statements.

It is the US-led coalition that is fighting ISIS in Raqqa and other areas where there are clashes with terrorists. It facilitated the task of the Iranian-Assad coalition and strengthened extremist Shiite militias which devoted their time to fighting people in several areas that are mainly Sunni in order to consolidate a sectarian Alawite governance that follows a very small minority. What is happening today is actually crazy, and the implications will be deep and long lasting.

What is the next stage after Assad’s fall? The FSA, which has been the main fighting force against the Assad regime over the last five years and whose views reflect that of most citizens, will become weakened and may split up. Many of its fighters will leave its ranks to join armed, extremist and Islamist groups such as ISIS, Al-Nusra Front and others. Some may wonder what the difference between the FSA and Al-Nusra Front is considering they are all fighting Assad. There is a big difference between the two and that is their goals for fighting.

FSA fighters are Syrians with a patriotic goal; to liberate their land and country from a regime that they disagree with. Al-Nusra Front is mostly made up of Syrians as opposed to ISIS fighters who are mostly foreign. Its goals are religious and it believes that it is fighting disbelievers. It also believes that most people, including Sunni Syrians in their country, are disbelievers and it aspires to establish its extremist caliphate and wage “jihad” around the world.

The massacre that is taking place in Aleppo and in the countrysides of Idlib and Hama today will push thousands of Syrians to join Al-Nusra Front because it is the only remaining team that is prepared to fight the regime. Through Al-Nusra Front, they will be able to take revenge on their former enemies and the whole world. We are not talking about this in order to implore support for the FSA. However, what the Russians, Iranians, Hezbollah and the regime are doing today in terms of sowing sectarian divisions, murdering civilians and systematically displacing people, will not be forgotten.

Eastern Aleppo could fall within days and this may be followed by other cities, but the crisis will widen and double the danger that the region and the world face.

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed
Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is the general manager of Al-Arabiya television. He is also the former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, and the leading Arabic weekly magazine Al-Majalla. He is also a senior columnist in the daily newspapers Al-Madina and Al-Bilad. He has a US post-graduate degree in mass communications, and has been a guest on many TV current affairs programs. He is currently based in Dubai.​
Aim is to liberate eastern aleppo civilians. . medis isn't showing protest against jihadis in aleppo . Wonder why civilians are freeing from jihadis areas to SAA areas .

An air strike carried out by the United States last week killed Abu Afghan Al-Masri, a "senior al Qaeda leader," near Sarmada, Syria, on Nov. 18, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said on Tuesday.

Cook, speaking during a press briefing, told reporters that Al-Masri, an Egyptian, originally joined al Qaeda in Afghanistan and later moved to it's Syrian affiliate.

"He had ties to terrorist groups operating throughout Southwest Asia including groups responsible for attacking U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan and those plotting to attack the West," Cook said.

(Reporting by Idrees Ali and Phil Stewart; Editing by Chris Reese)
Syrian Air Force kills
Turkish soldiers in east
Aleppo: report
By Leith Fadel - 24/11/2016  2
TAGS Aleppo Syria Turkey
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Ejército turco acusa a la
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by Taboola
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Abu Zina
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (10:20 A.M.) - The Turkish
regime accused the Syrian Air Force of killing
three of their soldiers in the eastern countryside
of the Aleppo Governorate on Thursday.
According to a statement released by the Turkish
Armed Forces, the Syrian Air Force was
conducting airstrikes near the key town of Al-
Bab, when one of their bombs hit Turkish military
positions in the area.
The Syrian Ministry of Defense has not
commented on this matter, despite the
allegations made by Ankara on Thursday.
The Syrian Air Force has been targeting the
islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS)
militants in the Al-Bab Plateau and Deir Hafer
Plains lately; furthermore, they have never had
any confrontation with the Turkish-backed
rebels, so the claim is rather odd.
Al-Masdar News reached out to sources at the
Kuweires Military Airport; however, they were not
available to comment on the matter.
how can you compare democratic countries who constantly change leaders according to people's will/election with a dictator's familly dynasty whose family has been ruling the country ruthlessly since independence to this day and who has no intention of ever leaving power no matter the cost to his country, since according to him, his familly was born to rule the country?
Baffles me how people can compare the two.
Plus you should remove our former P.M Cameron from the list, since he resigned on his own will despite no pressure or call from him to do so, something that is unheard of in your region. Lol

What baffles me is how the west indirectly assists such regimes! There's absolutely no difference between what terrorist organization like Daesh thinks of the ordinary citizens and what regimes like this think of the people. For power they can commit any crime one can possibly imagine.
46 Assadists were killed in failed Latakia offensive yesterday:

What baffles me is how the west indirectly assists such regimes! There's absolutely no difference between what terrorist organization like Daesh thinks of the ordinary citizens and what regimes like this think of the people. For power they can commit any crime one can possibly imagine.
Well, I believe every world power has their Interests in the Syrian conflict, can't blame them. So I believe the Assad regime hanging on to power will only prolong this conflict for a long time to come.
Unfortunately, even if dictator Assad was to leave power today(which we all know it's impossible giving how power hungry middle eastern dictators can be), it will still be too late to change much, the conflict will still continue between various sides now vying for power.
The best outcome would have been to avoid this civil war in the beginning when there was uprisings against his rule around the country, by Assad stepping down for a transitional government or being toppled by the army like the Egyptian army did with dictator Mubarak. This would have prevented the county from falling into total chaos and dividing the military(defections and rebellions) leading to civil war drawing in regional and world powers.

Anyway, now it's too late, the only positive thing here is for countries in the region to draw a good lesson from Syria's experience and avoid such thing in future. Leaders and dictators in the region should know when to give up power or at least even transfer power to others(even if it's to those friendly to them,its still better than having one person staying in power forever until his death). lol Nobody is born to be president/govern for life. :disagree:

By Tulay Karadeniz | ANKARA

Turkey said a suspected Syrian air strike had killed three of its soldiers overnight, in what appeared to be the first Turkish casualties at the hands of the Damascus government's forces since Ankara launched an incursion into Syria three months ago.

The attack occurred at around 3:30 am during a Turkish-backed Syrian rebel operation in northern Syria, the Turkish military said in a statement on Thursday.

The military said 10 other soldiers were wounded in the air strike that it "assessed to have been carried out by Syrian regime forces", but it gave no details on the exact location.

There was no immediate comment from the Syrian military. But it said in October the presence of Turkish troops on Syrian soil was a "flagrant breach of Syria's sovereignty" and warned it would bring down Turkish warplanes entering its air space.

Security and hospital sources in Turkey earlier blamed Islamic State fighters for the overnight attack and said it was in the al-Bab region. The wounded soldiers were transferred to hospitals in the Turkish border provinces of Kilis and Gaziantep, they said.

NATO member Turkey sent tanks, special forces and jets into Syria on Aug. 24 in support of largely Turkmen and Arab rebels in an offensive dubbed "Euphrates Shield" meant to push Islamic State and Kurdish militia fighters from its border.

President Tayyip Erdogan said last week that the Turkish-backed rebels were close to taking the Syrian city of al-Bab, the last urban stronghold of Islamic State in the northern Aleppo countryside.

Forces allied to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned Turkey last month against making any advance toward their positions to the north and east of Aleppo, saying any such move would be met "decisively and with force".

The Turkish-backed rebels have clashed with Syrian government forces before, including in late October, when a suspected Syrian government helicopter bombed their positions near Dabiq, a former Islamic State stronghold.

But Wednesday night's clash was the first time the Turkish military has said its own soldiers were killed by Syrian forces since Euphrates Shield began.

The attack came on the first anniversary of Turkey shooting down a Russian warplane over Syria, which prompted a lengthy diplomatic rift between Moscow and Ankara which only ended in August. Moscow is a major military backer of Assad.

(Additional reporting by Ercan Gurses and Tom Perry in Beirut; Writing by Daren Butler and Humeyra Pamuk; Editing by Nick Tattersall and Gareth Jones)

Reuters / Wednesday, November 23, 2016
A civil defence member runs at a site hit by an airstrike in the rebel held besieged Douma neighborhood of Damascus, Syria. REUTERS/Bassam Khabieh
Russian troops in Syria have everything they need to fight terrorism - Russian Defense Ministry

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