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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

You are funny. So, they should just let jihadists do what they want, because they sit in syrian buildings?
Rebels take towns fast and intact, Asadists level them to the ground and expel population.


Now back to the topic. Rebels together with Turkey took 3 more villages from ISIS today:

Qizil Mazraah, Tughali, Yahmul

Ron Paul: Saudi Arabia Admitted It Created ISIS, CIA Knew About It
October 9, 2016 10:56 am by Ivan Stamenkovic

During his most recent trip to Saudi Arabia, President Barack Obama used the time he had visiting the Saudis to talk about the Iran nuclear deal and Syria. But according to Financial TimesandZero Hedge, there is more to this meeting than news organizations seem to be covering.

According to FT, the Saudis were never able to get over the fact that the US-led invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein allowed the Shia majority to take over the Arab country. FT explained by saying that, “When Hosni Mubarak was toppled by Egypt’s popular revolt in 2011, Riyadh accused Mr. Obama of betraying a US ally.” As the Saudis began to question“US complacency in the face of Iran’s advances in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen,” Saudi royals allegedly “created Daesh, or ISIS… in response to Obama’s disastrous policy in the region.” Now that Western powers are overly concerned about “ISIS jihadism as the main threat in and from the Middle East,” the Saudis are having none of it.

After Mosul fell to ISIS in 2014, the late Prince Saud al-Faisal who also served as the country’s foreign minister protested with US Secretary of State John Kerry, claiming that “Daesh [ISIS] is our [Sunni] response to your support for the Da’wa,”which stands as the Shia Islamist ruling party of Iraq, which is aligned with Iran.

Dr. Ron Paul used his latest Liberty Report segment to discuss this bombastic piece of news.

He starts by telling Daniel McAdams that, when it comes to Saudi Arabia’s admission of guiltconcerning ISIS, he can’t say he isn’t shocked. He explains:

“We can’t say we aren’t shocked … But this is all in the midst of this legislation going on to try to find out what was on the 9/11 report and why there were 28 pages redacted and most people are very, very suspicious now that Saudi Arabia [admits that it] is very much involved in all this.

“So here, they are beginning to admit it that they have been involved in helping to start ISIS. And the truth is, the evidence is pretty clear too that they don’t do these things without the CIA knowing.

“The CIA either knows … or [anticipates] it. And they were always saying that, seven months ago, ‘we knew about this, we were anticipating that our Pentagon, CIA were involved in this’ and whether or not they were doing everything literally, they very much were involved because to them it’s just logical. You know, ‘why not create ISIS and they will do our dirty work!’

“Our policy is ‘Assad has to go,’ and Americans won’t have to be exposed, but then things happened, unintended consequences. Since then we’ve had the Russians come in, and things aren’t going so well, but [the foreign intervention] is something that has been going on for a long time. This isn’t something brand new, that our CIA creates monsters out there to do such and such that we don’t want to be seen doing, and then, it comes back to haunt us.”


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/saudiz-to-kerry-we-created-isis-to-decrease-irans-power-in-iraq.454800/
Rebels take towns fast and intact, Asadists level them to the ground and expel population.

Israel leveled a Lebanese town to the ground to take it from Hezbollah in 2006 and still it failed miserably. The difference is, Hezbollah fighters are not terrorists, while in Syria, most groups are either terrorists or allied to terrorists. When guerrilla groups capture a town, it's usually not easy to recapture it with regular armed forces when they resist heavily.

South Aleppo is an example. Towns of Hader and Al-Eis were captured from terrorists almost intact, because they fled the towns. When they don't flee, the result is destruction.

Kindi hospital is another example. SAA forces defended it to last breath, and terrorists had to use a suicide bomber eventually to fully destroy the hospital and capture it.

You are not fooling anyone with your lies here.
Israel leveled a Lebanese town to the ground to take it from Hezbollah in 2006 and still it failed miserably. The difference is, Hezbollah fighters are not terrorists, while in Syria, most groups are either terrorists or allied to terrorists. When guerrilla groups capture a town, it's usually not easy to recapture it with regular armed forces when they resist heavily.
Israel captured over 300 square of heavy populated well fortified mountain area in 2 weeks, killed over 500 best trained Hezbies. Since then they dont dare to attack Israel. Mission accomplished.

South Aleppo is an example. Towns of Hader and Al-Eis were captured from terrorists almost intact, because they fled the towns. When they don't flee, the result is destruction.
These are just poor Bedouin villages which were ethnically cleansed by Khamenai terrorists. Just like Palmyra.

Kindi hospital is another example. SAA forces defended it to last breath, and terrorists had to use a suicide bomber eventually to fully destroy the hospital and capture it.
I've already answered that false to ur friends. Assad terrorists turned Kindi hospital into a military base. This is Kindi day after rebels took it:


This is after Assadist takover:

Rebels take towns fast and intact, Asadists level them to the ground and expel population.


Now back to the topic. Rebels together with Turkey took 3 more villages from ISIS today:

Qizil Mazraah, Tughali, Yahmul

Because Syrian army retreat instead of hiding inside civilian buildings. But the terrorist use civilians as shield
Assadists were one who turned a hospital into a military base. They did same not only in Aleppo but in Jassem, Jisr ash Shughur.
and rebels have done the same too so wtf is your point? you always make double standards for Assad but not for rebels.

killed over 500 best trained Hezbies. Since then they dont dare to attack Israel. Mission accomplished.
Mission accomplished? Actually ISrael accomplished no prior stated objectives during the 2006 war and thats why it was called a stalemate. Once again you mention your enemies losses and refuse to mention's Israel's losses. Not to talk about the fact that u are not ashamed your country couldnt win against a militia, talk less about a country. you guys fought gaza again for a month and started begging US for shells. i know israel cant fight any strong country alone for 30 days though without daddy US coming into help.
Mission accomplished? Actually ISrael accomplished no prior stated objectives during the 2006 war and thats why it was called a stalemate. Once again you mention your enemies losses and refuse to mention's Israel's losses. Not to talk about the fact that u are not ashamed your country couldnt win against a militia, talk less about a country. you guys fought gaza again for a month and started begging US for shells. i know israel cant fight any strong country alone for 30 days though without daddy US coming into help.
Before 2006 Hezbies were constantly attacking Israel, they walked free in South Lebanon and did no allow anyone to enter, even the Lebanese Army. All that changed. All other claims are nonsense too< dont want to open off topic.

10 October was very bad for Assadists.

Lost position in Hama:



Plus their ISIS allies were miserably beaten in Aleppo:

You are funny. So, they should just let jihadists do what they want, because they sit in syrian buildings?
Main task is destroying of all terrorists and supporters with strongholds.
Wiping of terrorists is far better solution on middle east than in Europe.
When war will end immediately can start rebuilding of Syria because big companies across globe should be involved in the project but mostly Chinese,Russian,European or American.
Also countries like Katar,Israel,Saudi Arabia can take part of rebuilding of region, they will be base for treatment of post war syndrome in their hospitals...
Fresh Iraqi cannon fodder arrives in Syria non stop:

Soon return back in coffins.

Tree - Lebanon
Man - Hezbollah
Fire - Syria

What about Mosul? Who is going to fight in Iraq?
10 October was very bad for Assadists.
assad putin iranian.jpg
assad putin iranian.jpg1.jpg
assad putin iranian.jpg2.jpg

Syrian Army unstoppable in Aleppo as troops advance from two flanks – Map update
By Chris Tomson -

Yesterday evening, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fully secured the Bustan Al-Basha districtafter conducting a succesful 48-hour offensive in the northern Aleppo neighbourhood.

With fierce clashes still ongoing at the nearby Owaija district, SAA troops and Liwa al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary) are yet to break through rebel defenses in this neighbourhood. Islamist rebels here are increasingly relying on booby traps, snipers and occasional suicide bombers to prevent rapid government advances.

Meanwhile, the leadership of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat Al-Nusra) said they would not evacuate the jihadist group's fighters from Aleppo despite a desperate pleafrom the UN's Staffan de Mistura to rid the city's rebel-held districts of Al-Qaeda militants through diplomatic means.

In southern Aleppo, the SAA's Republican Guard - backed by Hezbollah and Al-Baath battalions - was able to capture the Sheikh Sa'eed Hill this morning after launching two waves of attacks on the Sheikh Sa'eed district beginning at daybreak on Friday. Government forces now have fire control over the entire neighbourhood.

Effectively, with the SAA advancing through rebel-held districts from two flanks in Aleppo, it seems only a matter of time before the entire city falls into government hands.


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