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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Peshmerga fighter are running away:-). Ther are a lot of propaganda with gossip stories on the inetnet:p:. 100 isid fighters killed, they didnt fight back blablagla---:-).
Peshmerga fighter are running away:-). Ther are a lot of propaganda with gossip stories on the inetnet:p:. 100 isid fighters killed, they didnt fight back blablagla---:-).
I still don't understand why we allowed Pesmerga to help PKK/YPG terrorists.

We are angry US supplies them with air drops but we allow them to be reinforced through our land.

Probably there is something we don't know. Or maybe Erdogan just wanted to see Peshmerga being humiliated. 1/3 already ran away before entering Kobane :lol:

Couple of hunderd men won't make a difference anyway. Everybody including US, Turkey and the neighbors know that it is going to fall. Everybody is resupplying so ISIS and PKK/YPG will continue fighting and damage each other.

ISIS marching against the scum
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The so called moderate freedom fighters who were directly supported by US and west are being eliminated in Idlib by Nusra front . Soon there will be no sign of moderate groups in Syria , only bunch of Al Qaeda - IS beheaders who fight for Syrian people to gift them peace , love , civilization and above all democracy .

There is nothing more honorable than achieving freedom by the hands of lord's prophets Mr Al Baghdadi and Mr Joulani .

Good for Syrians .
Everyone with a brain saw it coming years ago. These groups never had a chance against hardened jihadi fighters. By now the fog of war has completely drawn away, but it's only the west who still believes in the myth of moderate terrorists.

I still don't understand why we allowed Pesmerga to help PKK/YPG terrorists.

We are angry US supplies them with air drops but we allow them to be reinforced through our land.

Probably there is something we don't know. Or maybe Erdogan just wanted to see Peshmerga being humiliated. 1/3 already ran away before entering Kobane :lol:

Couple of hunderd men won't make a difference anyway. Everybody including US, Turkey and the neighbors know that it is going to fall. Everybody is resupplying so ISIS and PKK/YPG will continue fighting and damage each other.

ISIS marching against the scum
Erdogan wants the PKK eliminated, only to be replaced by Barzani's pro-Turkish militia.
SRF Leader Maarouf Ends his Group's Alliance with Nusra Front: Joulani and Baghdadi are the Same
Jamal Maarouf, the leader of the Syrian Revolutionaries' Front (SRF), a US-backed Islamist group formed as an alliance of ex-FSA brigades, sent a strong message to Abu Muhammad al-Joulani, the leader of Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front), which is al-Qaeda's official branch in Syria, angry at him for fighting against him and his group in Jabal al-Zawiya. Maarouf does not hesitate to level the same accusations against Nusra Front that other US-backed groups in Syria have made against ISIL, such as being agents of the Syrian government :rofl:. The close relationship that binds the Nusra Front and many other rebel groups in Syria puts the SRF in a weak position.

The US-backed SRF and other "moderate" groups were tasked since early 2014 by the Obama administration to fight other hardcore Wahhabi militant groups such as ISIL and Nusra Front. Until recently, the SRF conducted joint operations with Nusra Front; however, recent fighting seems to suggest that this alliance is over.

Situation Map as 1 November 2014

Aleppo Province: A man died while others were injured due to the regime’s shelling by mortar shells on the neighborhood of Tal al- Zarazir.

The helicopters dropped 2 barrel bombs onto the neighborhood of al- Sekkari with no information about casualties.

Violent clashes are erupting between the regime forces supported by NDF and Hezbollah guerrillas against al- Nusra Front, the rebel and Islamic battalions on the outskirts of al- Tarrab neighborhood near the airbase of al- Nayrab, information reported death of 3 elements from the regime forces.

Al- Hasakah Province: Violent clashes took place between IS militants and the regime forces in south of al- Hasakah City coincided with shelling by the regime forces on the area.

Unknown gunmen fired a man, and then they burned the oil tanker that he was driving near the village of Hesso in the countryside of al- Qahtaneyyi town leading to kill the man.

Rif Dimashq Province: The warplanes carried out 5 raids on areas in the town of Marj al- Sultan in the Eastern Ghota.

A woman died by a regime’s sniper shot in al- Kabrah area in the city of al Zabadani.

Violent clashes renewed between the regime forces and the Islamic battalions on the outskirts of Erbin and Mid’a towns in the Eastern Ghota, information reported casualties on both sides.

Daraa Province: The number of people who died by sniper shots and in the clashes with the regime forces in the town of al- Sheikh Meskin has risen to 6, including 2 women.

Violent clashes have taken place between the regime forces and the Islamic battalions in the town of al- Sheikh Meskin, where the regime forces try to advance towards the city.

Erdogan wants the PKK eliminated, only to be replaced by Barzani's pro-Turkish militia.
I am not pro Erdogan at all but i am very surprised the newspapers here totally cheated his last speech
there is a clear campaign anti Turkey here
and well i would not blame Erdogan not trusting sicky PKK or YPG
Out of 152 Peshmerga who were supposed to participate in Ayn al-Arab Battle, 9 fighters deserted on the way. 27 of them stood on the Turkish side to coordinate the battle. Only 116 of them entered Ayn al-Arab under US aerial bombardment of ISIS positions. Peshmerga is not participating in house to house battles. They are launching mortar and grad rockets to IS positions. FSA has started complaining btw.

Aptallar ve de hainler için süper senaryo!.. - Ahmet TAKAN
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Latest Photos from Ayn al-Arab. Graphic photo which shows 2 dead PKK members (male and female) excluded.










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Liwa Usud al-Islam attacked Assad militia position in Dalak near Salamiyah, killing 17 Assad militias, losing 6 from their own ranks. Seized a T-55 tank and various small firearms.

لله الحمد والمنة تمكن المجاهدون الأبطال فجر اليوم من تحرير حاجز قرية الدلاك قرب السلمية حيث دارات إشتباكات عنيفة بين الابطال وقوات النظام قتل خلالها 17 عنصر من قوات الدفاع الوطني فيما إرتقى 6 شهداء من أبطالنا المجاهدين وإغتنام دبابة ( t55 ) وأسلحة وذخائر متنوعة

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