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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

While Tiyas Military Airbase is under the siege of IS, another airport in nearby town of Tadmur/Palmyra suffers attack from IS militants. Clashes going on in the eastern side of the town.
#تدمر الآن ::
قصف مدفعي متقطع من مطار تدمر العسكري و برج الاشارة يستهدف أطراف المدينة .

تنسيقية مدينة تدمر (@PalmyraRev1) on Twitter

Tiyas Military Airport -> Palmyra Airport = 67 km

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Reliable resources informed SOHR that YPG fighters carried out 2 military operations yesterday night targeting IS vehicles in Halnaj area and Aleppo- Kobani road in the countryside of Kobani, information reported casualties on IS side. In addition to, they advanced towards al- Haj Rashad Mosque area in the city of Kobani. The city is witnessing a calm breaking by the mutual firing between the two sides.
Show left, shoot right.

#IS captures village "Quraish" west of Yarubiya, and shelling PKK militia.#Hasaka #Syria

#IS inghimasis killed and wounded number of PKK and regime fighters in south of Hasaka city, on the site of the Electricity Company.#Syria

IED targeted regime checkpoint on the eastern entrance to #Hasaka city, killing and wounding regime soldiers. #Syria
Tiyas is the home to Mig-29s of SAA, and is an important air base. Is the news about Palmyra and Tiyas confirmed by other sources?

I have not seen anything about Tadmur.

For Tiyas/Tayfour/T4 Airbase, pro-IS sources claim they control parts of the airbase, while loyalist pro-regime sources claim that they are keeping IS at bay.
It was only 1 moth ago that the so called moderate opposition begged U.S not to bomb Nusra positions in Syria because they were allies in their fight against Assad. Now they got their arses handed to them by the same 'allies'. Jamal Marouf, head of U.S backed SRF, has called Golani (Nusra leader) the agent of Iran. :lol:
Nusra drives US-backed rebels from northern bastion

Fighters from Al-Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front have driven rebels of the Western-backed Syrian Revolutionary Front from their bastion in the northwestern province of Idlib after 24 hours of combat, a monitor said Saturday.

The defeat, in which some of the SRF fighters deserted and joined Nusra, is seen as a blow to U.S. efforts to create and train a moderate rebel force as a counterweight to jihadists and the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Nusra captured Deir Sinbel and also controls most of the other towns and villages in the Jabal al-Zawiya area, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

It "seized SRF arms and tanks, and some of the rebels swore allegiance to Nusra, while others fled," the Britain-based organisation said.

The Observatory said Nusra was backed by jihadists from the ISIS in the operation, though the two organisations are fighting each other fiercely elsewhere in Syria.

ISIS, a radical Sunni Muslim group, has seized large swathes of Syria and Iraq, committing widespread atrocities and proclaiming an Islamic caliphate in territory it controls.

The SRF, backed by the West and various Arab countries, favours the establishment of a democratic state in a post-Assad Syria.

It was formed at the end of 2013 as an alliance of moderate rebels. It was hoped that its chief, Jamaal Maarouf, would spearhead the formation of a nationwide force capable of challenging not only the jihadists but also the regime.

With the loss of its bastion in Idlib, the SRF now only has a presence in southern Syria.
Nusra drives US-backed rebels from northern bastion | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

@Syrian Lion @ResurgentIran @haman10 @500 @JEskandari @forcetrip
It was only 1 moth ago that the so called moderate opposition begged U.S not to bomb Nusra positions in Syria because they were allies in their fight against Assad. Now they got their arses handed to them by the same 'allies'. Jamal Marouf, head of U.S backed SRF, has called Golani (Nusra leader) the agent of Iran. :lol:
Nusra drives US-backed rebels from northern bastion

Fighters from Al-Qaeda affiliate the Nusra Front have driven rebels of the Western-backed Syrian Revolutionary Front from their bastion in the northwestern province of Idlib after 24 hours of combat, a monitor said Saturday.

The defeat, in which some of the SRF fighters deserted and joined Nusra, is seen as a blow to U.S. efforts to create and train a moderate rebel force as a counterweight to jihadists and the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Nusra captured Deir Sinbel and also controls most of the other towns and villages in the Jabal al-Zawiya area, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

It "seized SRF arms and tanks, and some of the rebels swore allegiance to Nusra, while others fled," the Britain-based organisation said.

The Observatory said Nusra was backed by jihadists from the ISIS in the operation, though the two organisations are fighting each other fiercely elsewhere in Syria.

ISIS, a radical Sunni Muslim group, has seized large swathes of Syria and Iraq, committing widespread atrocities and proclaiming an Islamic caliphate in territory it controls.

The SRF, backed by the West and various Arab countries, favours the establishment of a democratic state in a post-Assad Syria.

It was formed at the end of 2013 as an alliance of moderate rebels. It was hoped that its chief, Jamaal Maarouf, would spearhead the formation of a nationwide force capable of challenging not only the jihadists but also the regime.

With the loss of its bastion in Idlib, the SRF now only has a presence in southern Syria.
Nusra drives US-backed rebels from northern bastion | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

@Syrian Lion @ResurgentIran @haman10 @500 @JEskandari @forcetrip
LMAO !!! :rofl::rofl:

dude if u let me i want to make sure everyone gets a good laugh !!! :lol::lol:

@The SiLent crY @New @kollang @SOHEIL @yalesaraat @Gold Eagle @1000 @SALMAN AL-FARSI @

haha , terrorists and their demyelinated parrot brains :lol:

couldn't stay buddies for 1 month :rofl::rofl::rofl: :enjoy::enjoy:
After losing 1,000 men in Syria, Hezbollah builds ‘security zone’

Almost six months have passed since the last suicide bombing on the streets of Dahiya, the Shi’ite quarter of Beirut and a Hezbollah stronghold. After a number of lethal attacks from radical Sunni groups, including the Abdullah Azzam Brigade, on Iranian and Hezbollah targets, it appears that the Shi’ite organization has managed, with considerable effort, to stop the attacks, if only temporarily.

There are several reasons for this success, including Hezbollah activities on the Syrian side of the border, and Lebanese Army raids on terrorist strongholds.

But a major cause for the stabilized security situation in Shi’ite areas is the “security zone” Hezbollah has created on the Syria/Lebanon border. It features a series of permanent bases built by the organization in recent months in order to prevent the flow of Sunni terrorists into Lebanon. These outposts are situated primarily in the central sector of the border. In part, this is because the movement of vehicles to the north and to the south is difficult, and can be monitored and controlled by Hezbollah without a round-the-clock presence.

The center of the border was seen as especially problematic by Hezbollah, and the organization recognized that this was the area that had to be closed off and secured, and that random patrols or observation from afar would not suffice. Hezbollah understood it needed to focus on this sector 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This led to the decision to build permanent bases overlooking the entire sector, similar to Israel’s security zone in southern Lebanon until 2000.

According to various estimates, 1,000 Hezbollah fighters are stationed within the outposts alone. Add to that figure another 4,500-5,000 operating in Syria and battling the opposition forces there. Patrols around the central sector head out from these outposts, and there is also an effort to enlist local collaborators who can provide real-time intelligence.

The fighters are protected by fortifications and earthworks, and they are supported by a complex logistical effort, which includes food, clothing, and arms which arrive in an orderly fashion.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah addressing supporters via satellite link during a rally in the southern Lebanese border village of Aita in August 2013. (photo credit: AP/Mohammed Zaatari)

In other words, this is not the 1990s Hezbollah, and not even Hezbollah from the last decade. The Shi’ite organization no longer operates solely as a terrorist or guerrilla group. It does that as well, but Hezbollah has adopted the modus operandi of nothing less than a conventional army in its efforts to keep Sunni fighters out of Lebanon.

This initiative has been taking place alongside and in coordination with the Lebanese Army, which this week completed its takeover of Islamist strongholds in the northern city of Tripoli. After heavy fighting in the city’s neighborhoods, the Lebanese Army announced on Monday afternoon that it had finished cleaning out the city.

Despite these achievements, the conflict between Sunnis and Shi’ites in Lebanon is far from over. And Hezbollah has also suffered a number of defeats to the east, on Syrian soil.

According to a senior Israeli official, the organization has lost more than 1,000 fighters in the fighting alongside President Bashar Assad’s forces to date. This is a huge figure, far higher than previous estimates of Hezbollah casualties in Syria.

Hezbollah’s campaigns alongside the Syrian Army to take back the Daraa and Nawa regions in southwest Syria, not far from the Israeli border, have ended in defeat. On the Kalmon Ridge, which Hezbollah took over a few months ago, bloody battles are being fought between its fighters and those of the al-Nusra Front.

This adds up to a complex situation for Hezbollah. Its members are spread across three countries: in Iraq, from where some of its senior advisers returned in coffins; in Syria, including the neighborhoods of Damascus (primarily around the famous Shi’ite Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque); and, of course, in Lebanon.

Hezbollah still faces plenty of surprises from groups affiliated with al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the al-Nusra Front, who are aiming to weaken Hezbollah’s position in Lebanon. Just this week there was an escalation near the Sunni village Aarsal, which sits on the Syrian border and controls the Shi’ite portion of the Bekaa Valley. The village is populated by a large number of Sunni refugees from Syria as well as by militants, who this week fired rockets from the village toward the neighboring town of Labweh.

Hezbollah operatives near the northern border with Israel, September 2014 (photo credit: Courtesy/IDF)

How does any of this relate to Israel?

It seems that with Hezbollah busy fighting in Lebanon and Syria, there isn’t much motivation to go to war against Israel.

True, there was a dangerous escalation recently on the border between Israel and Lebanon, and the discovery of minefields there led to the injury of four Israeli soldiers. This illustrates the potential for escalation.

And the Hezbollah commander responsible for planning attacks against Israel from the Golan area is Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Imad Mughniyeh, the Hezbollah terror chief and military commander who was assassinated in 2008. This despite the fact that only a small piece of the Golan Heights remains under the control of Hezbollah’s ally, the Syrian army (mainly in the Druze al-Khader area).

Still, with a third of the group’s manpower fighting in a different country, and after more than 1,000 dead, it would be especially adventurous for the group’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah to lead Hezbollah into another confrontation with Israel at such a time.

After losing 1,000 men in Syria, Hezbollah builds 'security zone' | The Times of Israel
A number of ambulances arrived with the dead and the wounded (from Assad militia) in Tadmur/Palmyra Hospital.

#هام #تدمر ::
قدوم عدد من سيارات الاسعاف المحملة بقتلى و جرحى عصابات الاسد من معارك شاعر الى مشفى تدمر الوطني .

تنسيقية مدينة تدمر (@PalmyraRev1) on Twitter

ISIS to seize military airport in Homs

November 1, 2014

Damascus, Syria – On Friday, insurgents of the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) seized control of major parts of the military airport of al-Tifor in the eastern countryside of Homs in central Syria, media activists reported.

Speaking to ARA News, activist Hassan al-Tadmuri said that the Islamic State’s militants have made considerable progress in the eastern countryside of Homs during the past few days, where they captured al-Shaer field for oil and natural gas.

According to al-Tadmuri, the IS radical group seized dozens of tanks and other heavy vehicles during those battles.

“The IS insurgents took control of several parts of the military airport of al-Tifor after launching a car bomb attack at the main gate,” al-Tadmuri added.

Local source told ARA News that militants of the IS group also controlled al-Tiyas road linking the city of Palmyra and al-Tifor military airport where the battles are still going on at the airport, amid heavy shelling launched by the IS on the regime-held parts in the airport.

On the other hand, human rights organizations in the city of al-Qaryatain in the eastern countryside of Homs announced that today the Syrian regime forces handed over 45 dead bodies, including children, from the city who were detained for a while.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed the death of about 40 people under torture, without mentioning the dates or conditions of the incidents.

ISIS to seize military airport in Homs - ARA News
the times of israel & ARA news .....

not at all propaganda sites ..... not at all
Does anyone know if Saudi Arabia is back to funding ISIS after dropping a dud bomb over the deserts of Syria somewhere on the first day of Operational Inherent Resolve AKA Operation this is going to last forever?
The so called moderate freedom fighters who were directly supported by US and west are being eliminated in Idlib by Nusra front . Soon there will be no sign of moderate groups in Syria , only bunch of Al Qaeda - IS beheaders who fight for Syrian people to gift them peace , love , civilization and above all democracy .

There is nothing more honorable than achieving freedom by the hands of lord's prophets Mr Al Baghdadi and Mr Joulani .

Good for Syrians .
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