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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Secular Hezbollah with Secular Shia Warriors supports Secular Shia Goverment :)
Waov I like democracy but if my party won.
Secular sunni people hate you and your boss.

I have forgotten secular Islamic Republic of IRAN:)
I.S.I.S = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

minutes 3:10 to 3:25

Sole purpose of so-called Arab-springs & other phenomena like that, and now ISIS, is to weaken the neighboring countries so much that zionist messiah wouldn't have hard time in expanding the borders of israel.
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These Der Untergang jokes are very old. If talk seriously then Assad is exactly like Hitler in the end of the war. He knows that its over, that he cant win, yet keeps sending millions of soldiers, including kids to die and kill.
These Der Untergang jokes are very old. If talk seriously then Assad is exactly like Hitler in the end of the war. He knows that its over, that he cant win, yet keeps sending millions of soldiers, including kids to die and kill.
Come on don't you think that "He knows that its over, that he cant win, yet keeps sending millions of soldiers," comment is a little exaggerated.

He even in the last days believed he somehow wins and by the way certainly in last months of war that the defeat of German was obvious didn't sent millions to the front line to die.
there was rebel infighting between ahrar al sham and jund al asqa with around 25 killed, one of them was jund al asqa commander :cheesy:
Come on don't you think that "He knows that its over, that he cant win, yet keeps sending millions of soldiers," comment is a little exaggerated.

He even in the last days believed he somehow wins and by the way certainly in last months of war that the defeat of German was obvious didn't sent millions to the front line to die.
German army in last days of war was about 8 millions. 1945 battles were extremely bloody for all sides.

Current map of Syria:


Red - Khamenai terrorists.
Grey - ISIS terrorists
Green - Syrian rebels
Blue - Turkey
Yellow - USA aka Kurds
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