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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

@ptldM3 You realize many of these Rebels supporters are closet Jihadis....

Of course they are and they are incredibly stubborn or just dumb. Many keep denying that Russia is fighting ISIS even when Russia provides video footage of ISIS targets being bombed. Even ISIS acknowledges that Russia bombs them. Some people live in fantasy land.

I have a lot of fun reading Team Jihhad's comments. They are completely out of touch with reality.
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Of course they are and they are incredibly stubborn or just dumb. Many keep denying that Russia is fighting ISIS even when Russia provides video footage of ISIS targets being bombed. Even ISIS acknowledges that Russia bombs them. Some people live in fantasy land.

I have a lot of fun reading Team Jihhad's comments. They are completely out of touch with reality.

Your delusional or drunk

Assad is a minority alewite dictator ruling over a majority population who no longer wish to bow to a king

All Russia is doing is supporting the king to massacre, butcher its people to extend his rule

Now if your drunk to the rafters on vodka then I can understand your confusion but if your sober then their is no excuse for your delusions
As I checked last time, Saudi wasn't the one who cluster bombs innocent Syrians, but communist russians do.
Saudi didn't back a murderer who killed about 400k of his citizens, but communist russians do.
Saudis didn't invade Ukraine, but drunk russians did.
Saudi didn't supply Assad and other terror groups with chemical weapons, but Russia did.
It seems you forgot who you are, you claim that Russia is fighting Daesh, but what we see your terrorist country has been bombing civilians in Aleppo and Idlib while Daesh who mainly based in Raqqah lives in peace because you are busy with bombing hospitals.
I brought up Stalin but I didn't think that will make you lose your sanity, it seems Stalin hits nerves, you even can't deny the relation between your current communist terror and Stalin communist terror :)
Russia isn't saving any innocent life in Syria, it commits genocide and has starved people in Madaya with Assadists.

Yeah Stalin died many years ago, but he is an Idea, an Idea never die. It seems your communist Putin is a Stalin start-up. If the world don't act so quick to prevent such a drunk and terrorist guy, then we might face another Stalin with most brutal weapons and thousands of sheep.

Yes, it's true that Russia has taken side of the genocidal maniac in Syria but is the House of Saud any better than the Russians? The KSA regime speaks for the rights of the protestors in Syria but helps sisi to crush protestors in Egypt. Now you tell me, how consistent is this policy?

@ptldM3 You realize many of these Rebels supporters are closet Jihadis....

Those who support the Baathist terrorism must be closet RSS terrorists!
Your delusional or drunk

Assad is a minority alewite dictator ruling over a majority population who no longer wish to bow to a king

All Russia is doing is supporting the king to massacre, butcher its people to extend his rule

Now if your drunk to the rafters on vodka then I can understand your confusion but if your sober then their is no excuse for your delusions

Learn the difference between you're and your before you go off on a frustrated rant, and why does his religion have any relevance? :lol:

Terrorist supporters have to always bring up religion in to everything. Assad is not very religious, his wife dresses like a westerner and so does he. He protects minorities such as Christian and this is the real reason why wahabi terrorists and terrorist states want him gone.
Learn the difference between you're and your before you go off on a frustrated rant, and why does his religion have any relevance? :lol:

Terrorist supporters have to always bring up religion in to everything. Assad is not very religious, his wife dresses like a westerner and so does he. He protects minorities such as Christian and this is the real reason why wahabi terrorists and terrorist states want him gone.
He is becoming a hard nut to break.t hats what's most jihadis lovers dislike about him
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Yes, it's true that Russia has taken side of the genocidal maniac in Syria but is the House of Saud any better than the Russians? The KSA regime speaks for the rights of the protestors in Syria but helps sisi to crush protestors in Egypt. Now you tell me, how consistent is this policy?

Yea right Saudi Arabia "speaks for the rights of protesters" :lol: while executing protesters in Saudi Arabia that are demonstrating the ISIS like rule of the Saudi regime.

"Mohammad Faisal al-Shioukh was 19 when Saudi authorities arrested him in February 2012. He was one of seven protesters sentenced to death before the kingdom’s controversial Specialised Criminal Court for their participation in various Arab Spring protests between 2011 and 2012."

Besides being hypocrites the Saudis are flooding arms into Syria many of which are given to terrorists.
Learn the difference between you're and your before you go off on a frustrated rant, and why does his religion have any relevance? :lol:

Terrorist supporters have to always bring up religion in to everything. Assad is not very religious, his wife dresses like a westerner and so does he. He protects minorities such as Christian and this is the real reason why wahabi terrorists and terrorist states want him gone.

The fact you dont get why a alewite dynasty thst was forced upon the Syrians by colonial france is a travesty is why your delusional

Out of the worlds 1.7 billion muslims the vast majority a sunni of one form or other as much as 85%, then comes the shia at around 10%-12%, the alewites are a tiny tiny minority in Syria let alone the wider muslim world

The Syrian people have put up with this alewite dictatorship for decades and any attempt to remove them has resulted in murder and slaughter

This cannot go on forever the Syrian people will not accept endless alewite dictatorship

The Alewite king and his regime would be dead and buried if it were not for Iranian (sectarian reasons) & Russian (stupid reasons) propping them up.

You can murder and kill Syrians but because the opposition belong to the majority sub group in islam they will get continued support and the murder if syrians will create animosity in enormous numbers across the world

You are pissing against the wind Russian, supporting a king to crush his people
The fact you dont get why a alewite dynasty thst was forced upon the Syrians by colonial france is a travesty is why your delusional

Out of the worlds 1.7 billion muslims the vast majority a sunni of one form or other as much as 85%, then comes the shia at around 10%-12%, the alewites are a tiny tiny minority in Syria let alone the wider muslim world

The Syrian people have put up with this alewite dictatorship for decades and any attempt to remove them has resulted in murder and slaughter

This cannot go on forever the Syrian people will not accept endless alewite dictatorship

The Alewite king and his regime would be dead and buried if it were not for Iranian (sectarian reasons) & Russian (stupid reasons) propping them up.

You can murder and kill Syrians but because the opposition belong to the majority sub group in islam they will get continued support and the murder if syrians will create animosity in enormous numbers across the world

You are pissing against the wind Russian, supporting a king to crush his people

None of you thought the sectarian differences in syria was important until western powers manipulated you all to think it was. I don't remember pre-2011, when talking to ANY Syrian person, religion ever being brought up.
Where are magic Tigers? Cant see them anywhere. Seems they so successfully fought for Mallah farms than need now 2 month to recover. Or they are busy looting Hamdaniyeh (one of the richest Aleppo neighborhoods).
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