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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

It was fast because terror groups retreated from area without a fight, otherwise it would be a hard battle and a high density urban area. Same should be done for rest of Aleppo, make them retreat in fear of getting besieged. There should be a Homs like scenario.

There are 3 options:
1- Laying down arms and being forgiven (as Assad ordered yesterday)
2- Getting out of besieged areas with their arms without a fight
3- Being starved to death.

Meanwhile civilians are given free passage to leave eastern Aleppo while militants are preventing many from leaving.

#SAA distributes flyers showing safe passages for civilians living under rebel control in eastern #Aleppo

what are the chances of Assad granting amnesty to rebels? Do you not think he would put them in a prison and then ''lose'' them?
o_O I guess as long as we are allowed to bomb YPG and the Turkmen are spared something could materialize.

Well in the past month Turkey and Russia HAVE been mending fences. Furthermore Deputy PM Simsek went out of his way to thank Moscow for their early support duirng the coup attempt. Washington is seen with deep mistrust by both the Turkish gov and people. There probably will be some sort of coop regarding Syria. Will be interesting to see what happens, hope it works out for all parties involved..as for Qatar...I guess they will have to deal with it. Money alone doesnt make a great nor powerful state...especially in this part of the world
Tigers and Republican Guards have met meaning the siege is now officially complete.

At the same time, Assad has issued an official pardon to any rebel who surrenders within three months.

@CrimsonFury any truth to this? This could upset Qatar that went to great lengths to make nusra moderates.

Qatar has forgotten about political ambition since a few years now. It was a short fad for them and they soon realized it was more costly and difficult than it seems
what are the chances of Assad granting amnesty to rebels? Do you not think he would put them in a prison and then ''lose'' them?
He's been granting amnesty since 2011:

May 31, 2011
(CNN) -- Syria announced Tuesday that it is granting "amnesty" to protesters accused of committing crimes.


16 January 2012
Assad offers 'amnesty' for opposition

Once the extremist rebels (ISIS, Al Nusra, shia militias, etc) are exterminated, Assad must apologise to Syrians and hold free and fair elections. The Syrian Sunnis should give guarantee to Syrians minorities that they will be safe in a future Syria and Syrians must forgive each other for their kids future. Syrians should be smart enough to realise foreign players have hijacked their revolution to settle their own scores and turn Syria into their colony.

Once the extremist rebels (ISIS, Al Nusra, shia militias, etc) are exterminated, Assad must apologise to Syrians and hold free and fair elections. The Syrian Sunnis should give guarantee to Syrians minorities that they will be safe in a future Syria and Syrians must forgive each other for their kids future. Syrians should be smart enough to realise foreign players have hijacked their revolution to settle their own scores and turn Syria into their colony.

Assad is fairly elected in 2014 and will serve his first term until 2021 before the next election.

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