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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

well I don't know what you are talking about as I can see nothing similar to hatred in my post and I was not aware that @500 is a moderator , I wonder since when he become one .and not being proficient with English is not a crime or a reason for not saying what is in your mind.

It was meant for Rustum, my mistake!
What u are babbling? Sarin chemical attack in Ghouta was carried by Assad using Volcano rockets (same they used in "revenge" attack in Aleppo). Assad also used barrel bombs with chlorine gas. All other attacks which happened are nothing significant.

and yeah Syria use chemical weapons at the exact moment that UN inspector are there and investigating chemical attack claims ? how convincing .
and they use a missile that is made in 1967 and they decommissioned decades ago?

The Russian government dismissed the initial UN report after it was released, calling it "one-sided" and "distorted".[34] On 17 September, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reiterated his government's belief that the opposition carried out the attacks as a "provocation".[35] The United Nations high representative for disarmament affairs, Angela Kane, stated that the inspection team would review Russia's objections.[36]

A Russian defence expert Ruslan Pukhov, said that the code found by the UN investigators on the M-14 munition showed it had been produced in 1967 by the Sibselmash plant in Novosibirsk for a BM-14-17 multiple rocket launcher. He said that these weapons had been taken out of service by Syria and replaced with BM-21s. The second projectile identified by weapons inspectors, he thought, looked to be ‘home made’.[37] Eliot Higgins has posted evidence of the Syrian National Defence Forces using the munition type linked to the August 21 attack however, and has concluded that 'it now seems undeniable that the Syrian military has been using this family of munitions for at least the past 10 months.'[38] An Iranian chemical weapons expert, Abbas Foroutan, said in October 2013 that the UN should publish more details about the investigation than were provided in the report, including victims' pulse rates and blood pressure and their response to the atropine treatment, the victims' levels of acetylcholinesterase (sarin is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor), and more technical details on the lab testing process.

oh and by the way those rockets only had 2km of range , far less than what needed to be fired from Government controlled area.
But a report published by missile experts showed otherwise. Richard Lloyd is a former UN weapons inspector and currently works at Tesla Labs in Arlington, Virginia. Theodore A. Postol is a professor of science, technology, and national security policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston.

They analyzed the data presented by the UN inspectors concerning the Sarin-laden rockets. They concluded that the rockets would have a maximum range of two kilometers. When asked about this issue at a press conference, Sellstrom concurred that the two kilometer range would be a “fair guess.” He later indicated the rockets could have been fired as close as one kilometer.

Lloyd and Postol superimposed the two kilometer rocket range onto the White House maps. Their report said, “These munitions could not possibly have been fired at east Ghouta from the ‘heart,’ or from the eastern edge, of the Syrian government-controlled area shown in the intelligence map published by the White House on Aug. 30, 2013.”
You prove my point: noting significant in ur links. First link tells that 1 girl killed in Chemical attack on Kurkuk. Really. Even Kassam is much deadlier.

and yeah Syria use chemical weapons at the exact moment that UN inspector are there and investigating chemical attack claims ? how convincing .
and they use a missile that is made in 1967 and they decommissioned decades ago?
Chemical attack was carried by Volcano rockets, which only Assadist have.

oh and by the way those rockets only had 2km of range , far less than what needed to be fired from Government controlled area.
Thats total crap. Volcano is derivative of Iranian Falaq-2 with over 10 km range. And most of the hit areas were very close to Assadist.

We have a fact: Uragan cluster rocket which Assad massively uses killed people in Aleppo. There zero evidence that rebels every had any such rocket.

Thats why Assadists came up with moronic argument that rebels reused cluster rocket shell that was fired at them. LOL. You are tring to divert topic to nonsense.
Israeli terrorists at it again:

He said that because of the presence of Hezbollah fighters in civilian areas, "there is no other way to take out this threat without really creating large damage to the Lebanese infrastructure, to Lebanese houses and other civilian facilities".


Let @500 bring all the excuses about how Israeli saints are justified to destroy cities in Lebanon.
Your hatred has been redirected towards the mods.

No, You are mirroring and projecting again, its you who directs hatred Because You Can Not IMPOSE your ISIS Democracy on our region or our people. Same reason that Israeli is mad.

You simply lost your argument and have zero logic or facts behind you. Simple as that and now want to divert the subject, as does the ISIS or Israel or the Western Media propaganda to shut the people down who expose you BS.

Speaks volumes of your cause and goodwill for my regional affairs when the only guys here speaking in support for you are THE ISARELI and a few WAHHABIS of various nations.

As for English, look up the word sycophant in dictionary,

And no, sorry I do not carry a Bengali Dictionary that teaches you the word Sychopath.

you are not that proficient in English.

Quite contrary little boy, I am not only proficient but fluent in over 6 different languages, imagine that..and may even boast to have been quite articulate in my command over the english language itself over the years.

You learned to slander quite well, it shows the level of your education.

No where I come from, we dont begin education by Slander, so wont know how you were taught but this is another weak comeback really.

In reality, You didn;t even know origins of the concepts you back. You should ask Saudi Arabia, Isarel or America and Britain to Pay you a salary of 10 dollars a month for being their Parrot.

So dont even get started on education, your nation is full of illiterates and fake doctors and engineers who constantly end up curing or building things that kill people, you ought to know, even your rulers and MP's carry fake certificates, and god forbid you record yourself speaking the english language.

We dont need Satan and Fools telling us he is concerned, keep your crocodile tears.
Israeli terrorists at it again:

He said that because of the presence of Hezbollah fighters in civilian areas, "there is no other way to take out this threat without really creating large damage to the Lebanese infrastructure, to Lebanese houses and other civilian facilities".


Let @500 bring all the excuses about how Israeli saints are justified to destroy cities in Lebanon.
Hezbollah installed 100,000 rockets in South Lebanon villages and openly brags about it. Of course to treat that we will create a large damage to these villages. But no one will do indiscriminate shelling of populated areas and number of casualties will be not even 1% of Assad/Khamenai murder.
Israeli terrorists at it again:.

The Moment an Isareli is in Support for Islamic Jihadists who are their sworn enemies, exposes what we have been saying all along.

Specially @500 AKA 500 Yahudis operating from Hasbara under one account every day. Unless its just a reverse psychology tactic to take out their Frankenstein monster. Of course basically the plan is and always was to annex syria, to weaken syria, and if they can put ISIS in power, then even better, next they can call for full intervention by Israel, Turkey and NATO to take out all ISIS and divide the country among Israel and Turkey.
No, You are mirroring and projecting again, its you who directs hatred Because You Can Not IMPOSE your ISIS Democracy on our region or our people. Same reason that Israeli is mad.

You simply lost your argument and have zero logic or facts behind you. Simple as that and now want to divert the subject, as does the ISIS or Israel or the Western Media propaganda to shut the people down who expose you BS.

Speaks volumes of your cause and goodwill for my regional affairs when the only guys here speaking in support for you are THE ISARELI and a few WAHHABIS of various nations.

And no, sorry I do not carry a Bengali Dictionary that teaches you the word Sychopath.

Quite contrary little boy, I am not only proficient but fluent in over 6 different languages, imagine that..and may even boast to have been quite articulate in my command over the english language itself over the years.

No where I come from, we dont begin education by Slander, so wont know how you were taught but this is another weak comeback really.

In reality, You didn;t even know origins of the concepts you back. You should ask Saudi Arabia, Isarel or America and Britain to Pay you a salary of 10 dollars a month for being their Parrot.

So dont even get started on education, your nation is full of illiterates and fake doctors and engineers who constantly end up curing or building things that kill people, you ought to know, even your rulers and MP's carry fake certificates, and god forbid you record yourself speaking the english language.

We dont need Satan and Fools telling us he is concerned, keep your crocodile tears.

Calling others little boy won't enlarge your dick even a centimeter, you have to be happy with whatever you have. As for so-called ISIS democracy, liars claim so many things.
Calling others little boy won't enlarge your dick even a centimeter, you have to be happy with whatever you have. As for so-called ISIS democracy, liars claim so many things.

This is school boy logic...

bengali babu, What exactly does my male member (penis) have to do with our conversation of your advocacy against assad and pro western democracy through ISIS rebels?

Are you again projecting your own short comings? :lol:

Are you so insecure you can not come with a valid argument?

Seems like it, you only divert and avoid and try to change the whole thing with personal attacks..no logic, no brains, no brawn, no nothing but garbage.

Are you also a advocate for the homosexual bs in syria. or are you just mentally challenged?
The Moment an Isareli is in Support for Islamic Jihadists who are their sworn enemies, exposes what we have been saying all along.

Specially @500 AKA 500 Yahudis operating from Hasbara under one account every day. Unless its just a reverse psychology tactic to take out their Frankenstein monster. Of course basically the plan is and always was to annex syria, to weaken syria, and if they can put ISIS in power, then even better, next they can call for full intervention by Israel, Turkey and NATO to take out all ISIS and divide the country among Israel and Turkey.
Khamenaist degenerate logic: if you dare to talk against indiscriminate shelling and starving of Muslim civilians - you are Yahudi ISIS.
Khamenaist degenerate logic: if you dare to talk against indiscriminate shelling and starving of Muslim civilians - you are Yahudi ISIS.

1. Well thats more or less unproven claims.

That aside, my yahudi 500, its been many years since we have gone into conversation, I see you are still maintaining your propaganda job here after all these years and doing well on the honey bait.

2. Its common knowledge ISRAEL / ISRAELIS (as you and your generals and your medical treatment of "rebels")

Thing is,
3. Why Would Isarel or an Isareli be in Support of an supposedly "Islamic Jihadists Wanting a Caliphate"

ISIS, which is sworn enemy of Jews and all others? Thats ten times worse then any Hezbollah, Assad or some Khamenist or whatever? Why would you be in support of a group whos motto is "Kill Jews or Yahudies or Infedels who dont follow our Salafi Islamic Ideology"

Because...its your long term game.
ISIS is a evil you need, to expand and grow and sustain.

Simply put..

ISIS Takes over Iraq/Syria,
Resistance to Israel falls,
You Isareli Parasites & Turkey Take over and divide up ISIS held territories overnight.


Thats why you are here talking down Assad otherwise nobody no secularist or anybody in their right mind specially a Isareli or Jew would be in support of ISIS..

You funny little squatter, gotta love the plan, too bad...You play with us a game we mastered.
1. Well thats more or less unproven claims.

That aside, my yahudi 500, its been many years since we have gone into conversation, I see you are still maintaining your propaganda job here after all these years and doing well on the honey bait.

2. Its common knowledge ISRAEL / ISRAELIS (as you and your generals and your medical treatment of "rebels")

Thing is,
3. Why Would Isarel or an Isareli be in Support of an supposedly "Islamic Jihadists Wanting a Caliphate"

ISIS, which is sworn enemy of Jews and all others? Thats ten times worse then any Hezbollah, Assad or some Khamenist or whatever? Why would you be in support of a group whos motto is "Kill Jews or Yahudies or Infedels who dont follow our Salafi Islamic Ideology"

Because...its your long term game.
ISIS is a evil you need, to expand and grow and sustain.

Simply put..

ISIS Takes over Iraq/Syria,
Resistance to Israel falls,
You Isareli Parasites & Turkey Take over and divide up ISIS held territories overnight.


Thats why you are here talking down Assad otherwise nobody no secularist or anybody in their right mind specially a Isareli or Jew would be in support of ISIS..

You funny little squatter, gotta love the plan, too bad...You play with us a game we mastered.
You are mentally ill.

Shahed 129 crashed in Syria:



Khamenaist degenerate logic: if you dare to talk against indiscriminate shelling and starving of Muslim civilians - you are Yahudi ISIS.
Yeah, I read an imam's commentary last week - can't find it now - which uses "Zionist" as meaning any view of Islam that doesn't conform with the majority of the ummah. This perversion of language and meaning is a form of linguistic tyranny employed by the crooked to confuse others and thus ascend to or keep itself in power. (Think of Shift in The Last Battle of The Chronicles of Narnia.)
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