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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

And once again you have zero proof for your claim that it was the Syrian military.
They stole jet from Assad and bombed themselves to blame Assad.

But it's expected of you, just days ago you posted a outdated map of the situation in Syria and when I called you out on it your excuse for not including Syrian controlled areas was because they were "ethnically cleansed" :lol:
I explained about that map. Since then Assadist lost more territories than gained.
SAA and YPG clashes soon I think. When the IS is gone, YPG will try to carve out a chunk of syrian clay for themselves. If the SAA and Russia will allow that, the whole war would be for nothing.
I bet Assad and Erdogan will be "friends" overnight as soon as the YPG declares independency on Syrian clay.
You spoke the truth he is not slaughtering his people.. His ppl are the two million or little bit more shia and alawi and some druse ppl and he is not starving or killing them.. Nor he genocides them..

I guess you are absolutely right. Now, I understand the Turkish, Israel, Nato and the lifeless/spineless arab state's fury against Syria..Thank you for the tip!

Whitewashing murder wont change facts.Today Assad terrorist forces bombed market of Darkush in Idlib killing over 20 people. Far far way from any frontlines. Why? - Because why not.
Somehow, you are the only one who can separate Syrian army massacres from the anti Syrian Gov ones! Was it due to the color of the dust or its smell?
Rebels are taking out their anger on Govt. held areas of the city. Reports say around 20 civilians killed and over 100 injured. Some pictures are floating around if you want to search for them.
SAA cuts Castillo road and encircles terrorists in the city, instead they shell gov held areas and kill 40 civilians, including many children and injure 250.
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They stole jet from Assad and bombed themselves to blame Assad.

What jets? Every time I debate you, you start to go into incoherent rants because you have been caught with your pants down.

The fact is you have zero proof it was an aircraft...zero. It makes no logical sense for the Syrian Air Force to waste precious fuel and bombs for no reason. It was most likely a suicide bomber, as I mentioned earlier Iraq has had well over 2000 suicide bombings by groups like ISIS yet Syria doesn't get hit with suicide bombers? Of course they do you just prefer to close your eyes and spread propaganda without proof.

Furthermore, human rights groups, eye witness accounts and many western news outlets have documented FSA and other terrorist groups attack civilians (they are dumb enough to video tape themselves do it). The FSA is notoriouse for shelling Christian town and dececrating churches.

I explained about that map. Since then Assadist lost more territories than gained.

Once again more lies from you. The Syrian army did not lose more territory then it gained. I posted a map from SyrianCivilWarMaps.com on July 1st, you posted a map from March :lol:

The Syrian military has regained over 10,000 sq KM and that was before palmyra was taken and before the Raqqa offensive. The Syrian army has had to give up ground many times thoughout the war but on many occasions the Syrian army and its allies regrouped and took back what they lost, but you always put a propaganda spin on things.[/QUOTE]

SAA cuts Castillo road and encircles terrorists in the city, instead they shell gov held areas and kill 40 civilians, including many children and injure 250.

But you know how it will go, people like 500 and the press will blame Assad. Like I talked about earlier, the FSA is notorious for shelling government held areas, they even shell Christian and other minority town. Iraq has experienced over 2000 suicide bombings from Isis and similar terror groups yet in the press they never covers the suicide bombings in Syria, it's easier to ignor it and blame Assad for those suicide bombings...they just alway label suicide bombings as barrel bombs.
Rebels are taking out their anger on Govt. held areas of the city. Reports say around 20 civilians killed and over 100 injured. Some pictures are floating around if you want to search for them.
SAA cuts Castillo road and encircles terrorists in the city, instead they shell gov held areas and kill 40 civilians, including many children and injure 250.
Civilians were killed by Uragan cluster rocket, which only Assadist side has:


What jets?
Which indiscriminately bomb Syria on daily basis.

Once again more lies from you. The Syrian army did not lose more territory then it gained. I posted a map from SyrianCivilWarMaps.com on July 1st, you posted a map from March :lol:
I already explained that since the truth Assadist ethnically cleansed ("gained") a small Palmyra, while losing Shaer gas field, El Eis and Khan Touman, Kinsabba and surroundings in Latakia.

The Syrian military has regained over 10,000 sq KM and that was before palmyra was taken and before the Raqqa offensive.
Not even close:


Raqqa offensive miserably failed.

But you know how it will go, people like 500 and the press will blame Assad.
Yup. It was Assad who slaughtered civilians in Western Aleppo with cluster Uragan rocket.
what is your position on syria crisis? assad vs isil?

this thing makes me think israeli actions are more merciful.
what is your position on syria crisis? assad vs isil?

this thing makes me think israeli actions are more merciful.

It was never assad vs Daesh, it was always assad vs the rebels. Daesh is indirectly assisting assad.
Civilians were killed by Uragan cluster rocket, which only Assadist side has:

Let's debunk your lies, again.

Terrorists do have BM-27 tubes and they recycle and use them purely for terror, shelling gov held areas in Aleppo.


However, while it is true that the Syrian Army does utilize the 9M27K missiles and has used them abundantly in the Ghab plains, the BM-27’s rocket tubes featured in the images shown above come from another source.

When the the 9M27K missile explodes, the rocket tube remains intact. Those empty rocket tubes could then be stuffed with explosives and recycled when salvaged from the battlefields. Being used generously in the battlefields of the Ghab plains, the rebel groups such as Jund al-Aqsa and Jabhat al-Sham have managed to capture a good amount of those missile tubes, and recycle them for use against Aleppo’s populated neighborhoods.

As shown in the video below, the rebel fighters uncovered a number of rocket tubes they salvaged and promised to stuff them and launch them against government targets.

It was never assad vs Daesh, it was always assad vs the rebels. Daesh is indirectly assisting assad.

It takes special kind of ignorance to still say Daesh is helping Assad while it is SAA that has the most intensive battles with Daesh in Syria and kills the most number of them while terrorists that you call rebels were fighting shoulder to shoulder with Daesh against SAA before they started fighting together for land and money.

Let's debunk your lies, again.

Terrorists do have BM-27 tubes and they recycle and use them purely for terror, shelling gov held areas in Aleppo.


It takes special kind of ignorance to still say Daesh is helping Assad while it is SAA that has the most intensive battles with Daesh in Syria and kills the most number of them while terrorists that you call rebels were fighting shoulder to shoulder with Daesh against SAA before they started fighting together for land and money.


You show rebels holding empty casings of Uragan cluster rockets. So? It only proves that Assad fired these rockets before.
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