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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Shalom cousin, I'm interested to know what he average person in Israel thinks about Saudi Arabia. Do they see us as allies or a natural power? Or maybe enemies? Also I'd like to know your personal views as well. Salam.
Salam. Average person in Israel knows very little about Saudi Arabia. I guess he could tell only that it has lots of oil and fundamentalist.

My view is that KSA is important stabilizing force in Middle East. Israel and KSA have lots of common interests and no real disputes. Unfortunately open relationships are not possible in any near future.
Yesterday it was 4th anniversary of Houla massacre. When Assadists britally slaughtered with knives 108 people, mostly kids and women. It was the turning point when Assad decided to turn the popular revolt against corrupted dictator into a genocidal sectarian war. And he succeeded well in it.

Such sad seeing a beautiful country in ruins .
Can anyone tell me I read somewhere that Israel controlled southern edge of the country,is this true?why would they do that?

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