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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

1) Its funny how are always obsessed to prove that I was wrong somewhere.

You claimed that in ambush on 24 April were killed 50 and injured 80 rebels. All Assadists could show as evidence is a schoolbag with bullets. Not a single POW or body. Such a huge ambush yet not a single body left? How its even possible? :rolleyes:

Statement you show is from 27 April and tells about death of 21 fighters in Aleppo. In Syrian war were about 50 killed each day there is nothing special about this number. Especially since this April witnessed pretty heavy battles.

2) I am an atheist Jew while rebels are religious Muslims, so I have nothing to do with them. The biggest irony of this conflict is that religious Shiites are much closer to rebels than to Alawites, who are 99% secular (and 1% religious have some bizarre religion which is everything but Islam).

Current regime in Iran has nothing to do with Islam however either. They are crazy Khomeini/Khamenai worshipers.


So they didn't teach you Arabic properly in IDF. It clearly says in the statement that 21 were killed in the battle to 'liberate western entrances of Aleppo' which is exactly the same failed offensive I mentioned earlier.
So they didn't teach you Arabic properly in IDF. It clearly says in the statement that 21 were killed in the battle to 'liberate western entrances of Aleppo' which is exactly the same failed offensive I mentioned earlier.
There were many battles in that area in April. Rebels tried to seize Khalidia and Barnah (which they entered and then retreated).

You still have not answered me how possible that after mega ambush with 130 casualties from rebel side (entire company!) Assadists could not find a single body.
There were many battles in that area in April. Rebels tried to seize Khalidia and Barnah (which they entered and then retreated).

You still have not answered me how possible that after mega ambush with 130 casualties from rebel side (entire company!) Assadists could not find a single body.

Perhaps the bodies were taken to hospitals and that's why the Russians bombed a hospital. This is what the asad supporters would possibly say. Had the rebels possessed (weapons) even 1/3 of what the SAA possesses the table would have been turned. The rebels have superior tactics that's why even with such superiority in weapons the SAA cannot wipe them out.

T-Rex, See these people are slow, they don't get it, Following House of Saud blindly is the only way to heaven. Because of that instead of 70 virgins you will get 140 virgins twice the fun!!!!!

These people don't understand that Terrorist in Syria were sent by Saudi's on the request of Assad.

They don't understand that fighting the terrorist is the same as being the terrorist.

They don't understand that only CIA approved and installed tyrants are accepted by whichever god T-Rex and other Saudi lovers worship.

Please!!. Use more bold letters.

Show me one post where I supported the US installed tyrants and then show one post where you opposed the tyranny by the asad regime. So, please don't put me in your category. As for writing in bold perhaps you should try it. You're most welcome to adopt my style.

if ,I go and fight with my enemy do God send angels to fight fr me .
if my enemy want to kill me do God Order birds and insects to hide me.

Do you think for Allah the only way to help His servants is by sending angels? Allah can surely shape the thoughts and actions of people if He wills. Allah can alter natural factors, Allah can do whatever He wants but He has His ways and His servants need to learn that first.

That is not true, Prophet Mohamed, saws, didn't prevail against "within" rebellion..that brought the rise of Omar El khattab and Abu Bakr Assedik.Even his own daughters were against him at the last part of his life..

That's what the shias believe, don't try it with us. Now I know that shias like you believe that our Prophet (pbuh) was defeated by his own trusted disciples. We believe that our Prophet had known nothing but victory in his life. One of you said that our Prophet was a unique case because he was directly assisted by Allah, if so how could he not know that his trusted disciples were conspiring against him? You see, you argue like the Jews, in the end you get caught by your own words.

Assad was elected by the Syrian. .
Yes, the way Kim Jong Un is elected in NK. Why do make yourself a laughing stock?
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There were many battles in that area in April. Rebels tried to seize Khalidia and Barnah (which they entered and then retreated).
I know how hard it is for you to accept bitter truth, let's leave it. What matters is, tens of terrorists killed in failed offensive.
You still have not answered me how possible that after mega ambush with 130 casualties from rebel side (entire company!) Assadists could not find a single body.

Who said no pic is published? Syrian reporter actually made a full report of the failed offensive, which terrorist sympathizers are whining about her filming dead corpses.



Meanwhile, 53 Nusra allied terrorists killed yesterday attacking YPG allied Jaish al-Thuwar. While they are losing land to ISIS, they thought it's a good time to lose 53 fighters in a failed offensive in North Aleppo.
You can find pics of their bodies here:
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I know how hard it is for you to accept bitter truth, let's leave it. What matters is, tens of terrorists killed in failed offensive.

Who said no pic is published? Syrian reporter actually made a full report of the failed offensive, which terrorist sympathizers are whining about her filming dead corpses.
Again. This is a footage from that saweage you talk about for days:

All they showed is one schoolbag. DOnt tell me that Assadists well known for their necrophilia were shy to show bodies.

As for your fat fake blond Alawite, her necrophilia is overwhelming even compare to other Assadists. Every time she hears there are couple bodies she runs to make pictures near them.

Meanwhile, 53 Nusra allied terrorists killed yesterday attacking YPG allied Jaish al-Thuwar. While they are losing land to ISIS, they thought it's a good time to lose 53 fighters in a failed offensive in North Aleppo.
You can find pics of their bodies here:
There is virtyally no any Nusra in N. Aleppo. Its populated by American vetted groups who are NOT fighting Assad. They actually gained lands from ISIS despite backstabbed by Kurds. Similar clowns are now acting in South Syria (New Syrian Army, Alabdo and so on). When recently ISIS approached Dumair they came to save Assads butt.

That's what the shias believe, don't try it with us. Now I know that shias like you believe that our Prophet (pbuh) was defeated by his own trusted disciples. We believe that our Prophet had known nothing but victory in his life. One of you said that our Prophet was a unique case because he was directly assisted by Allah, if so how could he not know that his trusted disciples were conspiring against him? You see, you argue like the Jews, in the end you get caught by your own words.
Bullshit, a lot of it! Mohamed saws was aided by Allah like he aided Saddam or Kaddafy...Allah has never talked to any prophet but thru an angel! And the prophet Mohamed saws, like all the prophets that preceded him, had dissent among his followers. The Shia split after the legal succession of the prophet came to light...And to your information, Algerian in their majority are sunnis, and I have said above is common knowledge to all muslims but to the wahab who hijacked the true religion of Islam, a religion of peace and of love thy neighbor to a tasteless , bloody, sectarian bouillabaisse fit for hyenas. Have you given a thought why the ISIS big kahuna chose the name Abu Bakr? He chose it to give him legitimacy to the mayhem and blood that he is causing. Abu Bakr, was a irrational and bloodthirsty too...

Yes, the way Kim Jong Un is elected in NK. Why do make yourself a laughing stock?
Shut the f---ck up! using insults to hide you dimwitted being and lazy brain! What ever the results were, he was elected by the Syrian people and his election resemble most of the muslim countries elections....your country included!
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I've been saying here for years: Obama has clear policy in Syria to prolong the war and cause maximum destruction. Thats why they denied weapons to rebels. Thats why they released sanctions from Iran so they could send more Mongol invaders into Syria.Thats why they issued current statement: they want a complete destruction of Aleppo, the main city of Syria.
As expected Assad/Russia took US statement as green light to insane bombing of all Aleppo. Destroying only hospital in rebel area and killing doctors.

Pure terror. Nothing more and nothing less.

At least 202 killed in fresh Aleppo violence

An injured woman reacts at a site hit by airstrikes in the rebel held area of Old Aleppo. (Reuters)
Reuters, Beirut​

Friday, 29 April 2016

Air strikes on rebel-held areas of Aleppo killed 123 civilians including 18 children during the past seven days of intensified violence in the northern Syrian city, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday.

Seventy-one civilians, including 13 children, were killed by rebel shelling into government-held areas of the city during the same period, the British-based monitoring group said.

Eight more civilians, including three children, were killed by government shelling into areas not under its control in the city, the Observatory said.


How a regime can continue to kill its OWN civilian population in such a systematic way and at this rate baffles me beyond belief. The braindead giraffe is destroying his own country and people for each day. Somebody should assassinate him as soon as possible and thus do Syria, Syrians and the world a huge favor. How can a supposed Arab nationalist and patriot do such things?
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Bullshit, a lot of it! Mohamed saws was aided by Allah like he aided Saddam or Kaddafy...Allah has never talked to any prophet but thru an angel! And the prophet Mohamed saws, like all the prophets that preceded him, had dissent among his followers. The Shia split after the legal succession of the prophet came to light...And to your information, Algerian in their majority are sunnis, and I have said above is common knowledge to all muslims but to the wahab who hijacked the true religion of Islam, a religion of peace and of love thy neighbor to a tasteless , bloody, sectarian bouillabaisse fit for hyenas. Have you given a thought why the ISIS big kahuna chose the name Abu Bakr? He chose it to give him legitimacy to the mayhem and blood that he is causing. Abu Bakr, was a irrational and bloodthirsty too...


Shut the f---ck up! using insults to hide you dimwitted being and lazy brain! What ever the results were, he was elected by the Syrian people and his election resemble most of the muslim countries elections....your country included!

This is how Nazis used to react when they were told what they were. The world hasn't changed much. Too bad that this forum isn't asad's Syria where the truth is silenced by guns but asad has his sycophants here too.
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