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BBC News - UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

UN's Del Ponte says evidence Syria rebels 'used sarin'

Carla Del Ponte: "I was a little bit stupefied by the first indication of the use of nerve gas by the opposition"Continue reading the main story
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Testimony from victims of the conflict in Syria suggests rebels have used the nerve agent, sarin, a leading member of a UN commission of inquiry has said.

Carla Del Ponte told Swiss TV that there were "strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof".

Ms Del Ponte did not rule out the possibility that government forces might also have used chemical weapons.

Later, the commission stressed that it had "not reached conclusive findings" as to their use by any parties.

"As a result, the commission is not in a position to further comment on the allegations at this time," a statement added.

The BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva says the statement was terse and shows that the UN was taken by surprise at Ms Del Ponte's remarks.

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria was established in August 2011 to examine alleged violations of human rights in the Syrian uprising. It is due to issue its latest report next month.

In an interview with Swiss-Italian TV on Sunday, Ms Del Ponte, who serves as a commissioner on the panel, said: "Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals.

"According to their report of last week, which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated."

Sarin, a colourless, odourless liquid or gas which can cause respiratory arrest and death, is classed as a weapon of mass destruction and is banned under international law.

Ms Del Ponte, a former Swiss attorney-general and prosecutor with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), did not rule out the possibility that troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad might also have used chemical weapons, but said further investigation was needed.

"I was a little bit stupefied by the first indications we got... they were about the use of nerve gas by the opposition," she said.

Ms Del Ponte gave no details of when or where sarin may have been used.

However, a member of the main Syrian opposition alliance, the National Coalition, denied rebel fighters had done so.

"The claim is unsupported," Molham al-Droubi told the Reuters news agency. "There is no objective evidence."

US officials also said Washington had no information to suggest Syrian rebels had the capability or intention to use Sarin.

Start Quote

Signs that world public opinion is being prepared for possible military intervention in the Syrian Arab Republic cause great concern”

Alexander Lukashevich
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman

Last week, the US and UK have said their own investigations suggest government forces have used chemical weapons. British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said the evidence was quite compelling, but that it would need to be incontrovertible before the case for an international response could be made at the UN.

On Monday, Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said it was deeply concerned by "signs that world public opinion is being prepared for possible military intervention" in Syria.

On the question of whether chemical weapons had been used, he called for an "end to the politicisation of this issue" and to the "whipping up of an anti-Syrian atmosphere".

Ms Del Ponte's comments might therefore complicate matters for the US Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of his visit to Moscow this week, says BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall.

If Mr Kerry was hoping to cite fears that the Assad regime was now using chemical warfare as a reason why the Russians should shift their position, that argument will not be so easy to make, our correspondent adds.

Mutual accusations
A separate United Nations team was established to look specifically into the issue of chemical weapons.

It is ready to go to Syria but wants unconditional access with the right to inquire into all credible allegations.

Both the Syrian government and the rebels have in the past accused each other using chemical weapons.

The US and the UK have said there is emerging evidence of Syrian government forces having used sarin, with Washington saying it had "varying degrees of confidence" that chemical weapons had been deployed.

President Barack Obama called in April for a "vigorous investigation", saying the use of such weapons would be a "game changer" if verified.

President Assad's government says the claims do not have any credibility, denouncing them as "lies".

Israeli raids
Ms Del Ponte's allegations concerning the use of sarin by rebels came after Israel carried out a series of air strikes on Syrian military targets early on Sunday.

The Israeli government made no official comment, but security sources said the strikes were aimed at preventing the transfer of advanced Iranian-made missiles to Lebanon's Shia Islamist movement, Hezbollah.

The Syrian government said the Jamraya military research centre, north-west of Damascus, was hit.

A later statement gave more details, saying military positions in the Jamraya area were struck along with other facilities at Maysaloun, near the Lebanese border, and a military airport at Dimass.

The statement said there was massive damage at those locations and nearby civilian areas with many people killed or injured. It also denied that the targets had included missiles for Hezbollah.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad said the Israeli air strikes amounted to a "declaration of war" and threatened retaliation.

The New York Times quotes an unnamed senior Syrian official as saying dozens of elite troops stationed near the presidential palace had been killed. The AFP news agency quoted the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based activist group, as saying 42 soldiers had died and another 100 were unaccounted for.

Images on state TV showed large areas of rubble with many buildings destroyed or badly damaged.

Picture from Syrian national news agency Sana, which it says shows damage after an Israeli air strike near Damascus (05/05/13)
Syria said the latest Israeli air strikes hit three locations
The Arab League condemned the raids and UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon expressed concern.

He said all sides should "exercise maximum calm and restraint" and "act with a sense of responsibility to prevent an escalation of what is already a devastating and highly dangerous conflict".

Russia's foreign ministry warned that the "further whipping-up of armed confrontation" sharply increased the risk of "pockets of tension" in Syria and Lebanon, and along their shared border.
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Try to put your Hate for Shia, Iranian or whatever aside for a second, ok!

In the PNAC Saudi Arabia is also on the list, along with Egypt.

Eh, excuse me but what are you talking about? You are playing the victim card again. I believe I told you this before. I have no problems with Shias. Do you see my ever making anti-Shia threads or talking about Shias in KSA or Yemen? I have not even made a single thread about Iran or even wrote in the Iranian section. My problem is your regime and those that follow your "holy men". They are poison for our Arab world. Proven every day since the year 1979.

Not even Al-Sistani is a follower of your government or the "Qom school". Highest Shia Twelver authority in the world. Take his advice. Although he is an Arab. Try look past that.

I say why not invade and attack KSA. They could quickly remove the Al-Saud family and install a new pro-American government who could even serve their interests even more.

Eh, which list? So it is a list with all Muslim countries? What is those conspiracy theories all about? USA is already controlling more than enough.

Where is China and Russia in all this?
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Also we cannot do anything about it anyway. USA could destroy us all with a atomic bomb if they wanted and we would not be able to do anything. Most people in the region are poor and do not care about politics. Nor know about all this. Just want to live a normal life.

Russia cannot be trusted either. They have a long history of murdering Muslims and meddling in the Middle East and Arab world too.

There is little we can do. Unity is impossible in this climate. Too many actors pulling people in all kind of directions. This is the reality.
They plan to attack 7 middle east countries ... Syria , Iran and Pakistan being the 7nth country
Well, better give all those 7 countries nukes
Well, better give all those 7 countries nukes

Nukes won't work, because they changed their strategy. They no longer go to war in a traditional way, so Nukes can't deter them. They use Asymmetrical warfare like Terrorism aka Rebels. etc..

It's so much cheaper for them.
If Assad didn't use the Chemical Weapons why his govt took 5 days to clear permission for UN inspectors to inspect the area where chemical weapon was used.

Well, better give all those 7 countries nukes

You can't blackmail US with nukes.
@Star Wars @SHAMK9 @kollang @Abii @Esfand @DESERT FIGHTER @Serpentine

Going Rogue: America's Unconventional Warfare in the Mideast

The intent of U.S. [Unconventional Warfare] UW efforts is to exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U.S. strategic objectives…For the foreseeable future, U.S. forces will predominantly engage in irregular warfare (IW) operations.

So begins the 2010 Unconventional Warfare (UW) Manual of the US Military’s Special Forces. The manual attached here (TC 18-01) is an interim publication, developed to address the definition of Unconventional Warfare and some other inconsistencies in UW Doctrine. The new UW document (ATP 3-05.1) is in the initial draft and not yet available, though sources tell me it is unlikely to differ much from TC 18-01.

But most of us have not had the pleasure of leafing through this truly revelatory blueprint that shows how America wages its dirty wars. These are the secret wars that have neither been approved by Congress, nor by the inhabitants of nations whose lives – if not bodies – are mauled by the directives on these pages.





Target: Regime Change in Syria

In Syria, the UW task would have been a mix of the two. Because of the domestic popularity and strength of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad revealed here in a 2006 Wikileaks Cable, UW activities would necessarily need to start with some subversion of the population before graduating to a Libyan-style scenario.

Just as the Wikileaks cable recommends identifying “opportunities” to expose “vulnerabilities” in the Syrian regime and cause sectarian/ethnic division, discord within the military/security apparatus and economic hardship, the UW manual also instructs special forces to “exploit a hostile power’s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities.”

The Syrian demographic landscape is reflected in the UW manual: “In almost every scenario, resistance movements face a population with an active minority supporting the government and an equally small militant faction supporting the resistance movement. For the resistance to succeed, it must convince the uncommitted middle population…to accept it as a legitimate entity. A passive population is sometimes all a well-supported insurgency needs to seize political power.”

To turn the “uncommitted middle population” into supporting insurgency, UW recommends the “creation of atmosphere of wider discontent through propaganda and political and psychological efforts to discredit the government.”

As conflict escalates, so should the “intensification of propaganda; psychological preparation of the population for rebellion.”

First, there should be local and national “agitation” – the organization of boycotts, strikes, and other efforts to suggest public discontent. Then, the “infiltration of foreign organizers and advisors and foreign propaganda, material, money, weapons and equipment.”

The next level of operations would be to establish “national front organizations [i.e. the Syrian National Council] and liberation movements [i.e. the Free Syrian Army]” that would move larger segments of the population toward accepting “increased political violence and sabotage” – and encourage the mentoring of “individuals or groups that conduct acts of sabotage in urban centers.”

Now, how and why would an uncommitted – and ostensibly peaceful - majority of the population respond to the introduction of violence by opposition groups? The UW manual tells us there is an easy way to spin this one:

If retaliation [by the target government] occurs, the resistance can exploit the negative consequences to garner more sympathy and support from the population by emphasizing the sacrifices and hardship the resistance is enduring on behalf of “the people.” If retaliation is ineffective or does not occur, the resistance can use this as proof of its ability to wage effect combat against the enemy. In addition, the resistance can portray the inability or reluctance of the enemy to retaliate as a weakness, which will demoralize enemy forces and instill a belief in their eventual defeat.

And so on, and so forth.

The Bush Doctrine today has morphed under President Barack Obama into new “packaging.” Whether under the guidance of the recently-created "Atrocity Prevention Board" or trussed up as “humanitarian intervention,” the goals remain the same – destabilization of lives and nations in the service of political and economic domination, i.e., “American interests.”

When Arab governments yell "foreign conspiracy," whether or not they are popular leaders they are surely right. There are virtually no domains left in key Arab countries - from the innocuous-sounding "civil society" filled to the brim with US-funded NGOs to the military/intelligence apparatuses of these nations to the Facebook pages of ordinary citizens - that are untouched by American "interests."

The Ugly American just got uglier. And within these intifadas raging in the region, any Arab population that does not shut itself off from this foreign infiltration risks becoming a foot soldier in an unconventional war against themselves.



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If Assad didn't use the Chemical Weapons why his govt took 5 days to clear permission for UN inspectors to inspect the area where chemical weapon was used.

You can't blackmail US with nukes.

Ask that question to Assad , besides...there is more than enough documented evidence that Syrian rebels used the chemical weapons attack ....
Ask that question to Assad , besides...there is more than enough documented evidence that Syrian rebels used the chemical weapons attack ....

I am blaming both sides for this until the report comes out, but the 5 day delay is suspicious.
I am blaming both sides for this until the report comes out, but the 5 day delay is suspicious.

There was supposedly another attack after the U.N team landed supposedly used by Syrian military on militants which could have delayed it....but i don't have any source...

I know, but there is already a report from U.N , check post number 16 ... think about it man...Assad is winning the war , he does not need to use chemical weapons , and Assad would not use it clearly because he knows west is looking for some Excuse or the other to attack Syria ...

Assad does not need to use chemical weapons, it does not make much sense .....besides .. NATO is planning to attack Syria before even the approval of the U.N
I know, but there is already a report from U.N , check post number 16 ... think about it man...Assad is winning the war , he does not need to use chemical weapons , and Assad would not use it clearly because he knows west is looking for some Excuse or the other to attack Syria ...

Assad does not need to use chemical weapons, it does not make much sense .....besides .. NATO is planning to attack Syria before even the approval of the U.N

lol....There are documents that show they were planning on using proxy war to destabilize, weaken and eventually attack Syria in 1996!!!

There are documents that show CIA , U.S government, and western countries helped Saddam gas 50,000 to 80,000 people for god's sakes!!

and no in 2003 Saddam didn't have WMD. He used all the gas he was given way before that.
lol....There are documents that show they were planning on using proxy war to destabilize, weaken and eventually attack Syria in 1996!!!

There are documents that show CIA , U.S government, and western countries helped Saddam gas 50,000 to 80,000 people for god's sakes!!

and no in 2003 Saddam didn't have WMD.

yup....check post number 16 ...
Ask that question to Assad , besides...there is more than enough documented evidence that Syrian rebels used the chemical weapons attack ....

Yes sure and pigs can fly. Why don't you show all the "evidence" and contact the proper authorities while you are at it.

Also why do Indians of all people care about firstly Muslim, then Arab and Middle Eastern matters of all things?

It is quite pathetic how some people here can support a certified mass- and child-murderer that has proven to be a lunatic and trying to make conspiracy theories and excuses in his name.

He will get removed anyway and so will all the people that have been responsible for the massacres too.
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