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Syrian Air Defense Intercepted 71 Cruise Missiles Launched by West - Russian MoD

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Pentagon spokesman: Assad's air defense efforts "was remarkably ineffective in all domains."
It is amazing to see the number of pdf’s Participants that Trump his two chihuahuas failed to satisfy Their hungover of Syrian blood...and all claim Islam as their religion, and for it they will give their lives...maybe not their lives maybe their US food stamps...that Trump soon will eliminate..

Post damage assessment




Pentagon spokesman: Assad's air defense efforts "was remarkably ineffective in all domains."
Bullshit...doctored pictures...They haven’t hit anything that was manned,occupied, functioning or of value
wow so russians must be bullsh*tting but not americans?

Let's see everyone's evidence first.

Do you agree with your country's action or not? Or a you just gonna act like a soldier who has been given orders...?

I said it before evidence should have been gathered and a consensus reached. I'm also confused regarding your flags in your ID, why have a British one, I take it you are not a citizen?
Now the point is that how Russia will respond
Option 1 : shoot some missiles on Israel
Option 2 : Proxy and make Europe week.
Option 3: hit American in iraq.
Option 4 : shoot at sight. (Find US UK and French forces and shoot them)

None of the above. Russia is a Pu$$y
Scenes of destruction in Damascus:-







Tomahawk cruise missiles reduced their targets to dust and smoldering ruins across Syria.
They were all empty..no casualties, in live, material or otherwise..sorry that your thurst for blood wasn’t satisfied...
Why stop at 71 ??

They might as well claim they stopped every single one.

Better yet, the entire event was not real. Just one giant elaborate hologram.

Welp, it now looks like all those keyboard warriors and video game players are the ones sitting at the top of the food chain, pressing buttons.

In fact I would say that the average video game player probably weighs the consequences of their decisions more than the people authorizing missile and drone strikes as we speak (despite the latter having caused countless civilian deaths in the past few years alone).

In other news, Trump has just tweeted "Mission accomplished" and Assad is probably rubbing his belly button somewhere, wondering what expensive dish he will have for his next meal.

The Cold War is back, and all these politicians i.e. button warriors will be safely in their bunkers whenever this game of nuclear brinkmanship slips just a little bit too far over the edge. It's just a game after all.... all we have to do is press the "reset" button and everyone comes back to life.
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The Pentagon is holding a live briefing now.

Just confirmed that 105 cruise missiles were fired. NONE were shot down. Syrian air defenses fired over 40 SAM's, largely after the cruise missiles struck there targets.

They also released the before and after photos of the sites struck. Over 70 missiles were deployed against the research facility in Damascus. It was obliterated.
103 fired over 70 intercepted..over 70% of successful interception..From a 1/2 century old technology, that is a damn good...
Let's see everyone's evidence first.

I said it before evidence should have been gathered and a consensus reached. I'm also confused regarding your flags in your ID, why have a British one, I take it you are not a citizen?
So you disagree. Like me. There is no need to be confused.
76 missiles struck the research facility in Damascus: 57 Tomahawks and 19 JASSM's

22 missiles struck the storage facility: All 3 coalition members hit this site

7 missiles hit the CW bunker
Post damage assessment




Pentagon spokesman: Assad's air defense efforts "was remarkably ineffective in all domains."
What do you expect him to say? That a Sam125 was better the shiny, beautiful, smart, fast, expensive ..dixit the Donald..The Donald was talking about his Trump towers, he just got his speeches mixed up..and the General followed suit..which probably will save his career..

76 missiles struck the research facility in Damascus: 57 Tomahawks and 19 JASSM's

22 missiles struck the storage facility: All 3 coalition members hit this site

7 missiles hit the CW bunker
You are putting the wrong missiles count, in the coalition box...same story about the patriot in Desert storm, shock and awe, and now bu the Sauds in Yemen...American got used to their smart calculator..but forgot how the count the old fashion way..the true way of counting..
76 missiles struck the research facility in Damascus: 57 Tomahawks and 19 JASSM's

22 missiles struck the storage facility: All 3 coalition members hit this site

7 missiles hit the CW bunker
What a shameless desperate liar are you?

So, you say that all of those cruising jokers were fired at the three places and none of them was intercepted? Good mathematics doctored by Pentagon clowns to hide their failure, shove those calculations into your American @@@
103 fired over 70 intercepted..over 70% of successful interception..From a 1/2 century old technology, that is a damn good...

70 intercepted :o:
Ok key board warrior..:-)
In the press conference Americans did say the campaign for misinformation by Syria and Russians are in full swing, that the trolls numbers have increased to 200%...
I just found one of them :omghaha:

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