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Syrian Air Defense Intercepted 71 Cruise Missiles Launched by West - Russian MoD


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
The Russian Defense Ministry has commented on a joint US, British and French missile strike on Syria, which took place on the day, when the OPCW experts are set to start a probe into allegations of a chemical attack in Douma, a claim denounced by Damascus as a provocation.

The Russian Defense Ministry stated that most missiles launched by the Western states on Syria had been downed by the Arab Republic's air defenses while approaching their targets.

"The Syrian air defense system has been conducting an anti-air fight," the ministry added.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Syria repelled the Western attack with air defense systems made in the USSR over 30 years ago.

"Syria's means of air defense: S-125, S-200 air defense systems, [as well as] Buk and Kvadrat units were used in the repelling the missile strike."

READ MORE: WATCH Syrian Interceptors Take Off Against Incoming Missile Before Loud Boom

Later in the day, the Russian General Staff issued a statement, saying that a total of 71 cruise missiles out of 103 had been intercepted by Syria, adding that no government military airfrield had been damaged as a result of the attack.

"A few years ago, we refused to supply S-300 air defense systems to Syria due to the request of some of our Western partners. Taking into account what happened, we consider it possible to return to this issue. And not only with regard to Syria, but with regard to other states," the General Staff stated.

Syrian air defense forces have intercepted all 12 cruise missiles, which had been used to attack the Dumeir military airfield, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

"Over the past 1.5 years, Russia has fully restored the air defense system of Syria and continues to improve it."

Russian Air Defenses Were Not Used to Repel Missile Strike

Russia's air defenses haven't been used to repell the missile strike on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, the military said.

"None of the cruise missiles launched by the US and its allies entered the zone of responsibility of the Russian air defenses, covering objects in Tartus [naval facility] and Hmeymim [airbase located in Latakia province]," the Russian Defense Ministry explained.

"Russian air defense systems at the Hmeymim and Tartus bases have timely found and controlled all the missile launches from naval and air vehicles of the US and Britain," the Russian General Staff stated, adding that it hadn't recorded French aviation's participation in the attack.
But why Russia has not shot the sources from where missiles were fired ?

There is possibility :

Russia and The U.S have divided Syrian territory among themselves not to disturb one another position.
But why Russia has not shot the sources from where missiles were fired ?

There is possibility :

Russia and The U.S have divided Syrian territory among themselves not to disturb one another position.

I think The responses will be given indirectly over proxies. Russia will target PYD terrorists while US to proceed to strike Assad regime areas.
:omghaha: Syrians and Russians are getting pretty good at claiming stuff up each and every day... Thank God F22 didn't take part or else Syrians will go right away ... We shot and damaged F22 :omghaha:.. they can't say downed because they've to show the shot downed Jet :rofl:.....
I think The responses will be given indirectly over proxies. Russia will target PYD terrorists while US to proceed to strike Assad regime areas.
It was direct aggression

Direct response should have been given accordingly.
Why stop at 71 ??

They might as well claim they stopped every single one.

Better yet, the entire event was not real. Just one giant elaborate hologram.
They can't say they intercepted all since everyone see destroyed buildings. So they always they they intercepted 60-70% of missiles.

Same happened in case of Iranian base attack by Israel. 7 iranians including the head of UAV department in Syria were killed. So hey said they intercepted 5 out of 8 missiles.

Of course they did not show any "intercepted" missile.

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