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Syria War - China's strategic slip?

All Right then.

China wants to do some preemptive strikes on the Great Satan USA, Best of luck to China.

Make sure the Satan Dies otherwise you people will be no more and suffer for long time.

China striking us or any of our Major Allies will be there death wish and they know it. It's best China just continues to give warnings and threats instead.
China striking us or any of our Major Allies will be there death wish and they know it. It's best China just continues to give warnings and threats instead.

Lol, See if you can touch Syria. I smell Obomba back off Syria with false evidence. If you strike china you will be dead duck. See if you dare lol.
Lol, China dont want to make you cry. Remember when China try to sell weapons to those country, US was screaming and flew to China for blockage. So we will not to go into the war, US will cry again and bragging all day long like last time they have to flew to Beijing for stopping china to sell weapons. Remember now OldGuy?

China doesn't care if we cry or not. Should just be quiet and let us bleed instead warning us, unless...
China doesn't care if we cry or not. Should just be quiet and let us bleed instead warning us, unless...

You were right lol, we scare of US lol. We scare if we strike them we have nukes on our soil. We would have to nukes them, and everyone nukes each other. No more fun, so we only WARNING and WARNING. Everyone have mouth to speak, so WARNING is good and ACTION is bad. LOL :)
The CPC is under CIA control. The CPC is now just like the Qing dynasty being a stooge to the west. China should have given a strong response to the Yankees, but we give nice responses. We agree to western sanctions on our friends like North Korea and Iran. The CPC is now just an American puppet party.

Your sure you're chinese and live in china?

mighty brave if you are :lol:
mighty brave if you are :lol:

You think Chinese people don't criticize the government and the politicians? :lol: It's like the most common thing you'll hear.

It's human nature, people are always going to complain about their politicians and their government. Always.

CCP being sold out to America is a common accusation, look at Xi Jinping's daughter she went to America for university (Harvard).
where to start...?

I believe that CCP central strategic planners, the related decision makers, and the entire foreign ministry leadership should be tried for treason, if not sub par IQ stupidity!

It's related to a whole basket of severe issues!

1. seems that Kerry was asking syria to surrender chemical weapons. Russia immeditely jumped out and worked out a proposal with Syria, while the WH spokeman immediately denied it saying Kerry "misspoke".

Russia is so very dumb this time and set up by the U.S., can't you see?? Whoever behind Kerry's "gaffe" idea is a genius. It pretends to give Russia a signal to chip in a proposal, as Russia stupidly did thinking it's just an excuse from WH to save Obama's face in case he fails teh congress vote, but in fact this will rid of Assad his most potent weapons - chemical weapons with zero cost/ The U.S can bite the bullet this time and come back 1 year or 3 months later after Assad surrender all his weapons with another false flag attack, claiming the Assad has hidden some undeclared "secret" WMD, for instance, what can you do then ? US has NEVER attacked a nation with WMD, but alway rid off WND first, THEN attack. It happened to Saddam in 1993, it happened to Kaddafi in 2003... US always takes your real WMD first, then attacks you years later. always. Kaddafi was the dumbest of all.

Russia has been tricked this time. Even though WH pretended denying it but didn't close the door, while the real masters behind the scene such as Dianne Feinstein immediately said "welcome the proposal" I bet Kissinger as well. Yay! Russkies are tricked!

Who is dumb now?

And CHina is betting on the "successful" handling by the Ruskies on this key issue. :disagree: China must act tougher now for the sake of long run.

As per the OP, since very start I believe China's strategic posture on syria episode is too soft, bordering strategic miscalculation. China has not fully tasted the gravity of which kind of IQ level its strategic opponents from neocon has. They're some of top Ashkenazi brains of IQ 140+ supported by the top $$$, strong insitutions and vasr resources for decades since 1960s!

I am sick of hearing some dumb comments such as " let the US waste another 10 years for another war", or "non-interference policy" etc.

2. every dick and his dog knows that China wants to delay the showndown with the US for another 10 yrs to build up. NO neocon planner is foolish enough twiddling his fingers waiting for you to be ready. The Western mentality is NOT "Go" where China can slowly move around and look for stalemate. The West goes by Chess. They identify when you're weak then all in, bingo! Checkmate! aiming to take you down. Get it? past 200 years, see that?

3. "no-interfence" was made by Mao when he was nukeless with a tragic economy compared to the Soviets and US. Today this is completely different. China has the 2rd soon to be the largest economy, and 3rd/2nd strongest military! Interference doesn't mean you must send troops around teh globe a la America, but actively, proactively dedicate! It is not only a simple power tool, but also, prehaps more importantly, a policy from a genuine morality point of view.

WHY the Anglo-Saxens are the top dog in the world??

sure, with top economy, military etc. But the real SOFT power is moral high ground, with all the institutions and media tools behind.

even though they've lost a lot these decades, they nonetheless always seek and claim moral high ground, even in false flag attacks, because it's utterly important.

China's stupid and passive "non-interference" policy is in fact a byword of "non-action", which is the Mother of all Fcukups, contributing foerign policy disasters from SCS, ECS, to ME:

A. it's powerless in eyes of world: e.g. imagine what kind of sheer softpower Russia has newly gained thru snowden and syria iccidents in eyes of the world in comparison to China? If you're a small country that wants to break away from the Anglo sphere , whom you look up more? Russia or China? China Dream or Russia Dream?

B. it losses both credibility and morality. China helping syria is not only a strategic move, it should be also a moral one. Sometimes China could and will loss money for supporting a right thing, but as moral human beings, as a country which deems itself the representative of a leading civilisation with higher moral standard than barbarians, it will be the right thing to do, no matter what. Then people around the world will respect you.

C. this kind of inactions across the board help diminishing the abilities and associated "field" experiences for training of a large amount of top notch related experts, specialists and institutions that US, UK,EU, and perhaps also Russia, have. We have countless global heavy weight thinktanks, Heritage Foundation, the Economist, the Cato Institute, LSE, Harvard, Yale, etc etc to randomly name a few, in all directions because of these. What China has? The inaction further makes china loss the softpower on both quality and quantity. e.g. compare the pathetic performace at all levels of CCTV America and stunning success of RussiaToday(RT) in both America and Europe, particularly given that CCTV has FAR larger funding than RT to start with. Something extraodinarily stupid is going on... never ask what and why? A successful CCTV International is 1,000X more influential than setting up 10,000 Confucius Institutes around the world!

D. which brings that pathetic Confucius Institute. My...which genius is behind this idea? Does he even know that it is anti-Confucius to begin with? Didn't Confucius said somthing in the lines of "a gentleman doesn't propagate his ideas to barbarian lands, but barbarians will come to you themselves if they think it's necessary"? WHY bring the best of the best of Chinese Culture, its practices and language to barbarians? and for free?


one can find endless these kinds of ridiculous practices that both useless and costly whereever he looks at CCP's polices.

The bottomline is that CCP is not only corrupt, but also stupid because of the corruption, so much so that China today is NOT a meritocracy anymore that traditional China used to be. You don't need a top score or top IQ to be a top Mandarin officer, do you?

And wonder why China is struggling in climbing the higher value chain ladder?

This, though, is not a problem with you compare with countries like India where average IQ is super low. (Relatively) low IQ corrupt CCP Mandarin officials perhaps still have 90 or even 100 average IQ. But sh!t you to compare with the avg IQ level of the counterparts from Japan or Zionist Ashkenazis from US/EU - the real competitors of China. e.g. can't you see it coming in this Syria episode?

When you can't best their IQ, you lose the whole game, militray, economy, cuture, values, language, sovereignty, ... all, eventually.
[Bregs];4744335 said:
Despite China's rapid rise as world power it has not shown the type of authority in challenging US hegemony as its expected, only half hearted resistance orally or at UN

I don't think China cares about anything other than protecting her interests, humanitarian missions be damned.

It's one thing America should actually be MORE like China in. Ever since we intervened in WWII our foreign policy on intervention has taken a tumble.
China may help - but covertly.

No point in parking ships around... Real harm can be inflicted by various Chinese anti-ship platforms
No one will take china seriously even if it wants to help, its too far away from its base of operations, besides the Americans would be delighted if china drags itself into the syrian mess....what it can continue to do is keep making money selling weapons to both sides - to Al Qaeda, Nusra and FSA and the SAA, hezbollah and the kurds.
Last week we presented the most recent map of US and Russian naval deployments in the Mediterranean surrounding Syria. Over the weekend, things appear to have heated up once more as yet more ships - mostly of Russian origin - arrive in what is rapidly becoming a formation in search of the tiniest provocation.

Last week we presented the most recent map of US and Russian naval deployments in the Mediterranean surrounding Syria. Over the weekend, things appear to have heated up once more as yet more ships - mostly of Russian origin - arrive in what is rapidly becoming a formation in search of the tiniest provocation.
WOW it looks like hotpot...so hot
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