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Syria’s War Impacts Turkish Alevis

Before Syrian uprising I had never heard of the word "Alawi" although I used to intermingle with Syrians allot, however, I had known about the ruling party extreme brutality, but never understand the reason behind it, having a Sunni religious book was enough to get you in jail forever with constant torturing and blasphemous insults, I used to hear unspeakable methods of torturing can't be used but against enemies for silly "crimes" such us criticizing the regime. We Arabs (non-Syrians) used to make sarcastic jokes that depict Syrian ruling party brutality. Nobody understand why Syrians had bore all of this for 50 years. It started in 1969 when Hafez Al-Assad seized the reign, Syrians and Arabs in general back-then were nationalists, and had regard to nationalism more than religion, so they had no problem with a nationalist Alawite ruling them, however, as soon as Al-Assad took control of everything after few years. Sincethen Syrians were doomed and just trapped, they couldn't rise, criticizing the regime was enough to plague you and your family forever, the first attempt Syrians made to get back their freedom was in Hama in 1981 where 40 k people were slaughtered and their city was obliterated, other thousands were brutally tortured to death. Nobody cried for them, afterthen and for 30 years Syrians had lived in fear and never thought of provoking the regime even with a single word or show their religious piety.

The French ambassador at the UN revealed a historic document was signed by Al-Assad grandfather, who was an Alawi figure, begging French colonials not to leave Syria and trying to defame Sunni to French saying they are just evil people, he said that Alawites want their own state like Israel.

This is a lesson, a very dark painful lesson not to trust those people ever again. Syrians paid dearly for allowing them in reign.
It has nothing to do with nationalists,i know many alevi nationalists.
Maybe they just jealous he made money or they lost there to much so they used his belief.
In my friends circle we dont have that,but it happens.
There are allways idiots evrywhere.

The guy was Alevi, and half Kurdish, so that too could've been a reason. Or simply jealousy. Anyway, I did find that strange, so that is why I was wondering if that was an incident, or if there are more examples.
The guy was Alevi, and half Kurdish, so that too could've been a reason. Or simply jealousy. Anyway, I did find that strange, so that is why I was wondering if that was an incident, or if there are more examples.
Evry thing can happen but i dont have to lie,we dont have a religion or sect devide.
Must have been something else,or its one of those things.
Sometimes it is what it is.
if theyre unhappy then gtfo ... turkey is for turks only

thats why its called turkey ! not alavistan!

they can crawl back to syria or wherever shithole they prefer
This guy obove me is weird.

Alevis are Turks.

Yeah, he claims that he has Turkish ancestry, says he is proud Canadian and he is woving flag of Iran in his profile. Sounds like a troll.
Yeah, he claims that he has Turkish ancestry, says he is proud Canadian and he is woving flag of Iran in his profile. Sounds like a troll.

and all of it is the truth , whats wrong with the iran flag? i was born there , so i selected it as ma country of birth , im proud canadian because i lived most of my life here and im proud of my turkish ancestry and my country of birth (thats why i chosen this particular username) , whats wrong with any of dat?

whoever preaches idea of a foreign based religion that conflicts with his / her countrys interest is considered a traitor , i dont see any difference between sympathetic alevis and ultra arab mullahs of iran , however the difference is that in turkey alevis dont have the ballz to say **** while in iran mullahz are controlling everydang!
and all of it is the truth , whats wrong with the iran flag? i was born there , so i selected it as ma country of birth , im proud canadian because i lived most of my life here and im proud of my turkish ancestry and my country of birth (thats why i chosen this particular username) , whats wrong with any of dat?

whoever preaches idea of a foreign based religion that conflicts with his / her countrys interest is considered a traitor , i dont see any difference between sympathetic alevis and ultra arab mullahs of iran , however the difference is that in turkey alevis dont have the ballz to say **** while in iran mullahz are controlling everydang!

Bu adam mal mi
Oh great, hyprocrite. Alevis saying they are feeling threatened? Of course they are. They destroyed themselves after proven to be savages in Syria. We will see what happen to them in post Syria whether they'll be extinct or be expelled to Europe.

If they don't want to be threatened then not a single of them should stay in the Arab countries becuase they are minorities and they know what will happen to them in the aftermath.
Oh great, hyprocrite. Alevis saying they are feeling threatened? Of course they are. They destroyed themselves after proven to be savages in Syria. We will see what happen to them in post Syria whether they'll be extinct or be expelled to Europe.

In my opinion, not a single of them should stay in the Arab states becuase they are minorities and they know what will happen to them in the aftermath.

What makes you think this is shia/alevi vs erdogan ?
Most of this is to protect the secular state.
You know we can actually understand this, every countre in the middle east is in trouble, Turkey has been safe close to Europe for many years now that they are meddling in the ME remember what happened recently ? the car bombing.. nothing good comes out of the ME, if you can avoid it its the best.
What makes you think this is shia/alevi vs erdogan ?
Most of this is to protect the secular state.
You know we can actually understand this, every countre in the middle east is in trouble, Turkey has been safe close to Europe for many years now that they are meddling in the ME remember what happened recently ? the car bombing.. nothing good comes out of the ME, if you can avoid it its the best.
like I said the minority Alawis or Alevis shouldn't stay in the ME if they want to be safe and Turkey is not in the ME and is different compared to the ME.
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