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Syria posts Iranian radar atop tall Lebanese peak

Jun 27, 2010
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Syria has posted the advanced early warning radar(Russian/Iran R&D) it received from Iran - not on its own soil but on the highest peak of neighboring Lebanon, according to debkafile's military and intelligence sources. From Mount Sannine in central Lebanon, the new facility provides early warning against a possible surprise Israeli missile or aerial attack on Iran's nuclear facilities and extends the span of Iranian and Syrian electronic surveillance to include Israeli air space the south and the eastern-central Mediterranean to the west.
Friday, July 2, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley confirmed the Wall Street Journal's disclosure that Iran had transfer of the high-tech radar to Syria. He said this move was of concern "due to Syria's relationship with Hizballah," adding "We don't believe that Iran's designs for the region are in Syria's best interest."
According to our sources, there is nothing new in this disclosure. The new radar was deployed on Mt. Sannine ten months ago, complete with Iranian and Syrian radar operators. Hizballah was made responsible for guarding the facility and keeping approach roads clear, as well as bringing supplies to the Iranian-Syrian crews on the mountain. Syria trained the Lebanese Shiite extremists in the use of the anti-air missile batteries for securing the site.

The Daryal-type radar is a bistatic phased-array early warning radar. It consists of two separate large phased-array antennas separated by around 500 metres (1,640 ft) to 2.5 kilometres (4,921 ft). The transmitter array is 30x40 m (98x231 ft) and the receiver is 80x80 m (262x252 ft) in size. The system is a VHF system operating at a wavelength of 1.5 to 5 meters (150 to 300 MHz). Its initial transmit capacity was 70 MW with a target capacity of 750 MW.[1]

On July 12, 2008, debkafile first revealed that Hizballah had just commandeered the 7,880- foot Mt. Sannine northeast of Beirut at the behest of Tehran and Damascus, followed by Mount Barukh, which is half the height and situated in the Chouf Mountains much closer to South Lebanon (and the Israeli border).
In late 2009, the radar position was put in there and Iranian mobile systems installed on Mt. Barukh - in line with the strategy agreed by Iran and Syria to extend their watch on Israel and the US Sixth Fleet.
Israel's leaders held back from interfering with the Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah seizure of these strategic positions across its northern border and the installation of an advanced Iranian radar facility, just as they have since avoided blocking Hizballah's massive armament with smuggled Iranian and Syrian ballistic missiles.

Washingtontoo turned a blind eye to this Iranian strategic outpost - until now. It was allowed to leak in the wake of the difficult conversation President Barack Obama had with Saudi King Abdullah at the White House Tuesday, June 29.
He taxed the king with recent reports about Riyadh's willingness to provide an air corridor for Israeli bombers bound for attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities. But Abdullah declined to confirm or deny them and waved the subject aside.
The belated disclosure of the Mt. Sannine facility was directed at the Saudi king, intended to warn him that Iran's early warning electronic station in Lebanon had pre-empted the Israeli option of a surprise attack on its nuclear facilities. Riyadh would therefore be well advised to drop its plan to back an Israeli operation for disposing of their shared Iranian nuclear threat.
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Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;976874 said:
Syria has posted the advanced early warning radar(Russian/Iran R&D) it received from Iran - not on its own soil but on the highest peak of neighboring Lebanon[/quote]

This radar is defensive for advance warning against terrorist Zionazi attacks.
Spartacus_Σπάρτακο;976874 said:
Friday, July 2, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley confirmed the Wall Street Journal's disclosure that Iran had transfer of the high-tech radar to Syria. He said this move was of concern "due to Syria's relationship with Hizballah," adding "We don't believe that Iran's designs for the region are in Syria's best interest."
According to our sources, there is nothing new in this disclosure. The new radar was deployed on Mt. Sannine ten months ago, complete with Iranian and Syrian radar operators. Hizballah was made responsible for guarding the facility and keeping approach roads clear, as well as bringing supplies to the Iranian-Syrian crews on the mountain. Syria trained the Lebanese Shiite extremists in the use of the anti-air missile batteries for securing the site.

On July 12, 2008, debkafile first revealed that Hizballah had just commandeered the 7,880- foot Mt. Sannine northeast of Beirut at the behest of Tehran and Damascus, followed by Mount Barukh, which is half the height and situated in the Chouf Mountains much closer to South Lebanon (and the Israeli border).
In late 2009, the radar position was put in there and Iranian mobile systems installed on Mt. Barukh - in line with the strategy agreed by Iran and Syria to extend their watch on Israel and the US Sixth Fleet.
Israel's leaders held back from interfering with the Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah seizure of these strategic positions across its northern border and the installation of an advanced Iranian radar facility, just as they have since avoided blocking Hizballah's massive armament with smuggled Iranian and Syrian ballistic missiles.

Washingtontoo turned a blind eye to this Iranian strategic outpost - until now. It was allowed to leak in the wake of the difficult conversation President Barack Obama had with Saudi King Abdullah at the White House Tuesday, June 29.
He taxed the king with recent reports about Riyadh's willingness to provide an air corridor for Israeli bombers bound for attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities. But Abdullah declined to confirm or deny them and waved the subject aside.
The belated disclosure of the Mt. Sannine facility was directed at the Saudi king, intended to warn him that Iran's early warning electronic station in Lebanon had pre-empted the Israeli option of a surprise attack on its nuclear facilities. Riyadh would therefore be well advised to drop its plan to back an Israeli operation for disposing of their shared Iranian nuclear threat. :victory:

14 july 2008 World Council for the Cedars Revolution - Iranian Early Warning Station, Anti-Air Base on Lebanese Peak

I doubt very much that the Saudi's didnt know about this 2 years ago as did the Israeli's thus you can assume the plans to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities have been drawn up allowing for it. Now if Mt. Sannine suddenly blew up next week that would be news.

In the past few weeks, Hizballah at the behest of Iran and Syria has commandeered the 7,800-foot Mt. Sannine, a strategic asset capable of determining the outcome of the next war, as DEBKA-Net-Weekly 356 revealed.

Radar-guided missile positions and an early warning station have since been deployed on its summit, which are capable of monitoring and threatening US Sixth Fleet movements in the eastern Mediterranean and Israel Air Force flights.

This development was serious enough for Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak to repeat three times in as many days that the IDF is keeping a close watch on events in the northern front, especially the deepening ties between Syria and the Lebanese Hizballah. Barak travels to Washington this week.
I'm no military strategist but wouldn't it be in Iran's best interest to keep this a secret? These are the exact targets that the US and Israel has taken out in their earlier campaigns.
I'm no military strategist but wouldn't it be in Iran's best interest to keep this a secret? These are the exact targets that the US and Israel has taken out in their earlier campaigns.

Very hard when you take over a mountain to hide the instalations your putting on it plus for the radar to be of any use you have to turn it on, bit hard to keep that a secret.
An attack on Iran from Israel likely has to result in that radar site getting destroyed first. So maybe it serves as a door bell?
An attack on Iran from Israel likely has to result in that radar site getting destroyed first. So maybe it serves as a door bell?

An Israeli assault on this radar station should be considered as an attack on Iran.
^^ Exactly right. If the radar isn't taken out, the Iranians get warning only of the Israelis *starting* the strike on Iran. If the radar *is* taken out, the Iranians are warned precisely of the same thing.
They could have just put a UHF antenna up on a cabin and pretend its the new radar .... if its taken out attack is starting what kind of tactic is that to post your most important asset on a mountain ?

Talk about - intimidation

Iran/Syria MUST have the S-300 for this bold move ....

This like showing tuna fish to the shark and telling it to BITE it ...

Something ... fishy about this tactic wonder what is cooking

They probbly need the 30 min notice to setup the S300 system around the cities and roll out the Anti Air defence missiles they are stashing up for last 20 years
They could have just put a UHF antenna up on a cabin and pretend its the new radar .... if its taken out attack is starting what kind of tactic is that to post your most important asset on a mountain ?

Talk about - intimidation

Iran/Syria MUST have the S-300 for this bold move ....

This like showing tuna fish to the shark and telling it to BITE it ...

Something ... fishy about this tactic wonder what is cooking

They probbly need the 30 min notice to setup the S300 system around the cities and roll out the Anti Air defence missiles they are stashing up for last 20 years

:rofl::rofl: Yea I can really see the Israeli's quaking in their boots........
:rofl::rofl: Yea I can really see the Israeli's quaking in their boots........

Well, if Israel's record against Iranian sites is anything like their record against the Hezbollah rocketeers, then I suppose they should be quaking in their boots.
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