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Syria is buying Iranian Air Defence systems

What's certain is that you're way off about Iran, other informed users have told you as much while I proceeded to demonstrate it repeatedly by pointing out factually incorrect statements.

The enemy will not need to resort to such twisted stratagems aimed at indirectly provoking an Iranian respons. If they take the decision to ignite war against Iran then they will go right ahead and attack, if need be they'll orchestrate a false flag to concoct a mock justification. It's not as if they didn't have a colorful history of pulling off such false flags. Their total control over the mainstream media landscape enables them to do so. The reason they haven't resorted to downright military aggression is nothing else but Iranian deterrence power i.e. Iran's ability to inflict intolerable cost on the aggressor.

Also you're contradicting yourself right here, because when it comes to attacks by zio-American terrorist proxies in the city Tehran there have been several of those before 2017, in the early 1980's dozens upon dozens actually, and neither of these ever elicited the all-out military response from Iran you're claiming they would.

Such convoluted, far-fetched theories aren't going to make the narrative you're rehashing any more credible. A simple study of Iran's basic ground realities will reveal how detached from reality it is. The sole fact that the country's highest authority, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution isn't originally from Tehran at all but rather an Azari-speaker from 750 km to the northeast is sufficient to illustrate the fact that the Islamic Republic does not pay any attention whatsoever to so-called "ethnicity", a very relative concept in the Iranian context anyway since the majority of Iranians have direct ancestors from not one but several of these communities.

Think what you want.

It was 2017 summer, in the context of Qatar diplomatic isolation. Qatar was near of a invasion those days by rest of GCC: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/2...r-saudi-uae-would-have-invaded-qatar-in-2017/

June 2017 Tehran attacks was the needed preparation before try to start war against Hezbollah.

Israel bombed Syrian rebels in June 2017, that made Assad happy, Hezbollah became jealous and they disclosed the rocket factory, a little before than American aircraft carrier visiting Haifa.

If Israel would have attacked the factory, it could spill a large war against Hezbollah, Iran and only God knows who more. But they didnt reply the stupid Hezbollah revelation in the same time that the carrier visit.

You think this is twisted, well, welcome to real world, history is plenty of twisted actions to trigger wars, like that and worst.
Where are they getting money from ? Syria's economy should not be in good shape.
KH-15 and KH-3s most likely systems heading to Syria

Mobile-compact..Shoot-and-scoot systems

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production lines will be busy.
It covers high altitude like Buk systems. But generally israeli planes dont risk it and fly low and launch popeye-like cruise missiles from stand-off range and target ammo depots or certain command posts. A number of less costly shorad air defence systems coupled with a radar on seperate or same vehicle can be sent as well for point defense of sensitive areas.
Where are they getting money from ? Syria's economy should not be in good shape.
Syria is buying Iranian weapons with Iranian money to protect Iranian people if Israel someday attacks Tehran and that triggers a Syria/Lebanon vs Israel war.

A great sovereign state :enjoy:
Syria is buying Iranian weapons with Iranian money to protect Iranian people if Israel someday attacks Tehran and that triggers a Syria/Lebanon vs Israel war.

A great sovereign state
Oh you're laughing? You find it funny that Syria has gone through all that for 10 years?
Whatever happened to the war anyway ? Bashar won it by way of attrition ?

mother nature to the rescue, in ways strange and evil

Oh you're laughing? You find it funny that Syria has gone through all that for 10 years?
I find funny how Iran talk about respect to sovereignty and they treat Syria as his little bitch.
Syria is buying Iranian weapons with Iranian money to protect Iranian people if Israel someday attacks Tehran and that triggers a Syria/Lebanon vs Israel war.

A great sovereign state :enjoy:
Those of you who think they know everything annoy those of us who do.!
News could be abit of sabre rattling, I would have thought they would keep it under wraps and "surprise" Israel when the air defence is in place. Letting them know seems silly otherwise, as they will likely target the shipment.
Syria is buying Iranian weapons with Iranian money to protect Iranian people if Israel someday attacks Tehran and that triggers a Syria/Lebanon vs Israel war.

A great sovereign state :enjoy:

If someone launches military aggression on Iran. Nothing to do with Tehran.

Syria is buying Iranian weapons to protect Syria and the Syrian people.

I find funny how Iran talk about respect to sovereignty and they treat Syria as his little bitch.

The exact opposite is the case. Iran is not your average NATO country to treat allies as subordinates.

It was 2017 summer, in the context of Qatar diplomatic isolation. Qatar was near of a invasion those days by rest of GCC: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/2...r-saudi-uae-would-have-invaded-qatar-in-2017/

June 2017 Tehran attacks was the needed preparation before try to start war against Hezbollah.

Israel bombed Syrian rebels in June 2017, that made Assad happy, Hezbollah became jealous and they disclosed the rocket factory, a little before than American aircraft carrier visiting Haifa.

If Israel would have attacked the factory, it could spill a large war against Hezbollah, Iran and only God knows who more. But they didnt reply the stupid Hezbollah revelation in the same time that the carrier visit.

You think this is twisted, well, welcome to real world, history is plenty of twisted actions to trigger wars, like that and worst.

Far fetched speculative story-telling with nothing concrete to back it up. A endless number of such stories can be imagined but proper analysis rests on substantiated data.
Far fetched speculative story-telling with nothing concrete to back it up. A endless number of such stories can be imagined but proper analysis rests on substantiated data.

Yes, you can wait to substantiated data in the next America attempt against Iran, I wish you good luck :enjoy:

All wars starts are based in twisted actions and lies.

But the current USA is with a huge difference the most liar and twisted empire of mankind history.

If you're waiting for a formal war declaration of USA to attack Iran, that will never happen.

They likely will use the Israelis.

USA is a big state, any action must be justified to a lot of peole, and they take care their public image.

Israel is like a tiny USA province with expensive weapons, they can start a war and drag USA under USA deep state orders, that would have been easy when American aircraft carrier was in Haifa, 4th July 2017.

Yes, you can wait to substantiated data in the next America attempt against Iran, I wish you good luck :enjoy:

I guess Iran ought to hire forum users as advisers since she's been so incredibly unsuccessful at deterring USA military aggression for the past 44 years, isn't it.

All wars starts are based in twisted actions and lies.

Provides no proof in regard to the assertions in question though.
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Oh you're laughing? You find it funny that Syria has gone through all that for 10 years?
Syria hasn't been at war since last 10 years, go educate yourself on history. Iran woke up late but late is better than never.

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