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Syria did NOT apologize to Turkey: Bashar al-Jaafari


Apr 30, 2012
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Syria's UN representative, Bashar al-Jaafari, made a statement during which he emphasized that Syria did not apologize to Turkey for the mortar attack but rather gave its condolences for the loss of life. He also stressed that the investigation is not over yet. He denied that Syria claims responsibility for the mortar attack on Turkey.

in the other hand Turkey says Syria admits shelling Turkish village, apologizes for civilian deaths
Syria has apologized through the United Nations for the mortar strike which killed five civilians in southeast Turkey on Wednesday and said such an incident would not be repeated, Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said on Thursday.

"Syria accepts that it did it and apologizes. They said nothing like this will happen again. That's good. The UN mediated and spoke to Syria in the evening," Atalay said.

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I'm sure some F"S"A terrorists did it ... to they can drag NATO to their side since they are losing the battle.... Why would Syrian government ask for more trouble? :disagree:

from the comments on that video it seems that the video is blocked in some nations.. and the western media and Turkish media will never show it...
First of all, it's good to have these clear lines. of course since he didn't speak english it means I have to trust in the integrity of the translator.

Whether Syria apologizes or not is not really the issue, like I've pointed out the killing of Turkish civilians is the real issue here and I hope that Turkey will respond indiscriminately towards any faction.

Secondly I certainly hope that the turkish army does what it can to prevent the FSA etc. from taking shelter behind Turkish border when in trouble because that's not much different than what Syria, Iraq and Iran do when the PKK attack targets in Turkey and then pull back/out.

That's not guerilla warfare, that's cowardly warfare! At least the Libyans fought within their own borders (from what I recall reading).
First of all, it's good to have these clear lines. of course since he didn't speak english it means I have to trust in the integrity of the translator.

Whether Syria apologizes or not is not really the issue, like I've pointed out the killing of Turkish civilians is the real issue here and I hope that Turkey will respond indiscriminately towards any faction.

Secondly I certainly hope that the turkish army does what it can to prevent the FSA etc. from taking shelter behind Turkish border when in trouble because that's not much different than what Syria, Iraq and Iran do when the PKK attack targets in Turkey and then pull back/out.

That's not guerilla warfare, that's cowardly warfare! At least the Libyans fought within their own borders (from what I recall reading).

Oh my friend you are missing a lot, just something for you to check..




And Libyans didn't fight... it was NATO.. history books will remember it as NATO Revolution in Libya...
Libyan's did fight, NATO just delivered the no-fly-drop-bomb zone, and took out the armor so the "foot soldiers" could fight. remember they also lost people to NATO bombs.

I have no idea how the border is controlled, but what I was refering to was putting up blockades or such. Heck I've said it earlier dig a bloody canyon along the Turkish Syrian Border 200m deep, 100m wide!
Libyan's did fight, NATO just delivered the no-fly-drop-bomb zone, and took out the armor so the "foot soldiers" could fight. remember they also lost people to NATO bombs.

I have no idea how the border is controlled, but what I was refering to was putting up blockades or such. Heck I've said it earlier dig a bloody canyon along the Turkish Syrian Border 200m deep, 100m wide!

NATO have killed over 50k Libyan citizens in name of democracy......

and Turkey (Turkish government) should have stayed neutral instead of becoming an enemy... if Turkey wants peace then it's neighbors must have peace first...
FSA will help turkey against any terrorist from the PKK, dont think one second that the alawi in damascus will not unleash PKK if the were god forbid able to put down the revolution. They are the descendant of the hashashin (professional killers in times of crusaders)
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