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Sylheti is a language on its own right.


Apr 22, 2020
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haha this last two video is funny:

It is high time that Government of Bangladesh recognize Sylheti as language own its own right and declare Sylhet Division as its unique part of Bangladesh and help preserve its heritage within Bangladesh.
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Not at all surprising to see no reply here from the ethno fascist Bangladeshis.

They just wouldn't accept any linguistic or ethnic diversity there.

Sylhetis deserve recognition, autonomy, and in time the freedom to decide in due course whether to dissociate from the autocratic state and re-join their NE Indian brothers.

Sylheti language is flourishing in NE India, here it is upto them to further their glorious culture, Hindus and Muslims alike.

Bangladesh should send many Bangladeshi Musli men to Assam and train them to marry and convert Assamese Hindu women and have lots of babies from them. Make Assam Muslim Majority!!
Marriage of Assamese muslim women to our Hindu families is very common, not that difficult when our culture is the same.

Stick to the point being discussed, about the Sylhetis being persecuted in Bangladesh.
Not at all surprising to see no reply here from the ethno fascist Bangladeshis.

They just wouldn't accept any linguistic or ethnic diversity there.

Sylhetis deserve recognition, autonomy, and in time the freedom to decide in due course whether to dissociate from the autocratic state and re-join their NE Indian brothers.

Sylheti language is flourishing in NE India, here it is upto them to further their glorious culture, Hindus and Muslims alike.

Us Sylhetis are the richest division in the whole of BD and Sylhet has better looking streets than any other city in the whole of BD.

We are doing very nicely in BD and generate 11% of power with only 8% of the population. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over BD come to spend money in our division every year and all the tea we grow just needs to be drunk by the rest of BD and no need to rely on exports.

You Assamese on the other hand are one of the poorest states in India(half the per capita of India) and are having your wealth looted by the mainland Indians and getting racism to boot!

I urge you to join with BD to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life - next year IMF predicts BD's GDP growth will bounce back to 10% a year.:D
Us Sylhetis are the richest division in the whole of BD and Sylhet has better looking streets than any other city in the whole of BD.
I have never debated that, you are a part of our greater culture.
We are doing very nicely in BD and generate 11% of power with only 8% of the population. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over BD come to spend money in our division every year and all the tea we grow just needs to be drunk by the rest of BD and no need to rely on exports.
But are you happy with the way those Bangals have treated you? Having to prove your patriotism can get very tiring. They treat you with great suspicion as 45 pc of your people irrespective of religion wanted to be a part of India.

You have more in common with us culture and language wise than from those from Dhaka and Chittagong.

As an Assamese, i know that you guys(out of all other Bangladeshis) were the most educated, and held the high offices here. Do you like the way they treat you now... Forced to emigrate to faraway lands with no opportunities in your countries, and your language and script overshadowed..
I have never debated that, you are a part of our greater culture.

Thank you for admitting this.

This proves that Bengalis are not looting us and are allowing us to prosper within BD.

But are you happy with the way those Bangals have treated you? Having to prove your patriotism can get very tiring. They treat you with great suspicion as 45 pc of your people irrespective of religion wanted to be a part of India.

You have more in common with us culture and language wise than from those from Dhaka and Chittagong.

As an Assamese, i know that you guys(out of all other Bangladeshis) were the most educated, and held the high offices here. Do you like the way they treat you now... Forced to emigrate to faraway lands with no opportunities in your countries, and your language and script overshadowed..

True Bengalis used to look down on us 30-40 years ago when we were much poorer and less educated than them.
This has now changed massively and we are just as educated and even wealthier than the rest of BD.

As for our language, yes that is something that BD needs to address. Our language needs to become an official language and taught to all schoolchildren in Sylhet division. This also goes for Chittagonians in their division.
Most BD Bengalis posters on pdf seem to support this and I know it is only a matter of time till our language has official status in BD.

As for Assam joining BD, really you guys should as BD is on the way up and you will become so much better off within BD like we are now. India is not a good fit for you guys and you need to recognise that.
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Though never been to Sylhet, looking at those places there on YT videos and those shared here, it is indistinguishable from my place far up north.

Mistakes were made, excesses done from both sides but i will be the first one to say that geographically and culturally your motherland is same as mine..

I have plenty of Muslim and Hindu Sylheti friends from the Barak valley, and they always tell how glad are they to be a part of Assam/India where there language is free from subjugation.
Though never been to Sylhet, looking at those places there on YT videos and those shared here, it is indistinguishable from my place far up north.

Mistakes were made, excesses done from both sides but i will be the first one to say that geographically and culturally your motherland is same as mine..

I have plenty of Muslim and Hindu Sylheti friends from the Barak valley, and they always tell how glad are they to be a part of Assam/India where there language is free from subjugation.

Tell us what exactly is India doing for Assam?

In Sylhet we have got a full international airport that is being expanded further, about to get a true motorway to Dhaka and more power plants per capita than any other division in BD.

As far as I can see, Assam gives and India takes without giving little back.
Tell us what exactly is India doing for Assam?

In Sylhet we have got a full international airport that is being expanded further, about to get a true motorway to Dhaka and more power plants per capita than any other division in BD.

As far as I can see, Assam gives and India takes without giving little back.
It isn't the case of infra, but if you want to know we have made rapid strides in the past two decades(airports, roads and bridges). A major chunk of our foreign policy is South East Asia oriented. We, like all other Indian states, are a cog in the wheel that drives us to the new age.

The question here is--- can you take pride in your identity and heritage like we do here..

Sylhetis in my state inspite of being ethnic minorities have more freedom to further their language than in your Bengali country.
Thank you for admitting this.

This proves that Bengalis are not looting us and are allowing us to prosper within BD.

True Bengalis used to look down on us 30-40 years ago when we were much poorer and less educated than them.
This has now changed massively and we are just as educated and even wealthier than the rest of BD.

As for our language, yes that is something that BD needs to address. Our language needs to become an official language and taught to all schoolchildren in Sylhet division. This also goes for Chittagonians in their division.
Most BD Bengalis posters on pdf seem to support this and I know it is only a matter of time till our language has official status in BD.

As for Assam joining BD, really you guys should as BD is on the way up and you will become so much better off within BD like we are now. India is a good fit for you guys and you need to recognise that.

Bro, I have syhleti roots, I consider myself as bengali. You ultra ethno guys think just because it was under assam for jurisdiction purposes it had to use a script that was used in assam.

Bengali and syhleti are not far apart, I am not that fulent syhleti or bengali but when I hear dhaka man speaking at the airport I could make out what he was telling me.
In BD I only like Dhakaya, Sylhety and Chatgaya. These languages are in their own league and respectful. Apart from the pure Bengali language I use. My version the real Bengali, is alien to most of the BDs. They also call it bookish version. Its difficult to converse with a Bangladeshi in a pure Bengali version. They have their own versions of broken Bengalis with added noise. The most disgusting are people of the north Bengal. I don't why these guys associate their pathetic tongue as Bengali. And these forum poppers from abroad should do some real ground work if they really want any recognition, instead of asking in these foreign forums.
Marriage of Assamese muslim women to our Hindu families is very common, not that difficult when our culture is the same.

Stick to the point being discussed, about the Sylhetis being persecuted in Bangladesh.

Yup and its all part of expanding the snitch system in place :-)...they give good info on where they are so actions can be taken to send those back to where they came from. ;)

BGB and BAL media have been told to focus on "mental cases" issue in specific spots...so there is ample room opened up in other areas of border for regular mainstream deportation. :crazy_pilot: Its so easy dealing with extremely low intelligent stock of ppl.:dance3:

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