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Syed Ali Geelani flies to Delhi for treatment


How simplistic, shallow, and ignorant! Bravo!

My best friend here in Canada is a Kashmiri Pandit, and he is one of the most hardcore Indian nationalists I have met in my life, so that statement by @Jzaib is bull$hit 100%
How simplistic, shallow, and ignorant! Bravo!
well we already separated .. millions of people left india and came into Pakistan..
btw how is that ignorants .. i didnt say indian look ugly and kashmiri are way pritter .. i just said they look different .. dnt get offended

My best friend here in Canada is a Kashmiri Pandit, and he is one of the most hardcore Indian nationalists I have met in my life, so that statement by @Jzaib is bull$hit 100%
The Kashmiri Pandits had stably constituted approximately 14 to 15 per cent of the population of the valley during Dogra rule (1846–1947)... they are now less then 10 % .. btw he is a candian know .. u cant quote him :)
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The Kashmiri Pandits had stably constituted approximately 14 to 15 per cent of the population of the valley during Dogra rule (1846–1947)... they are now less then 10 % .. btw he is a candian know .. u cant quote him :)

He is not Candian, he is very much Indian. He is just studying abroad like me.
The voter turnout in 2008 was 60.5% despite calls from Kashmiri separatists and Pakistan to boycott the election .
where are u getting this figure ,.. i have checked most of the links ..the highest i got is 50 %

He is not Candian, he is very much Indian. He is just studying abroad like me.
still he is from a community which is in minority ..less then 10 % .. and how can we know that he is not paid by indian army .. as ur arm,y chief admitted that they pay people to be on their side .. not my words
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well we already separated .. millions of people left india and came into Pakistan..
btw how is that ignorants .. i didnt say indian look ugly and kashmiri are way pritter .. i just said they look different .. dnt get offended

Hahaha you're a lost cause. What a dud.

My best friend here in Canada is a Kashmiri Pandit, and he is one of the most hardcore Indian nationalists I have met in my life, so that statement by @Jzaib is bull$hit 100%

Of course he is, and nobody needs a wretched little, poorly educated retard's pearls of wisdom anyway. :)
still he is from a community which is in minority ..less then 10 % .. and how can we know that he is not paid by indian army .. as ur arm,y chief admitted that they pay people to be on their side .. not my words

The Muslim kashmiri ones that like Pakistan are free to move across the border to Pakistan (like many Hindus and SIkhs of Pakistan came to India in 1947, and still come to this very day).

It is very unlikely that they will get the land of kashmir for geographical reasons. Controlling Kashmir means controlling water and rivers, and Indian Govt wont give that up.
Hahaha you're a lost cause. What a dud.

Of course he is, and nobody needs a wretched little, poorly educated retard's pearls of wisdom anyway. :)
bro have to go on jummah .. ill continue my cyber jehad after prayers :P
u kinda invaded their land for 67 years now , draining their resources, killing their children and raping their women .. and u r braggin abt giving a kashmir treatment?
kiddo,get some life from your mullah
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