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Switch off lights and use candles to drive away Corona-19: Modi

Do every Bangladeshi on this forum have comprehension issue. Its for showing solidarity for the fight against the virus. How pathetic you need to be to write misleading titles only to create a circle-jerk.
Competition? For switching off lights and clighting candles? We retired from that game in the 90s
He has recommended gaumutra yet? Strange.
After all, Modi is a national leader. How he can be above other Indian ignorant if he proposes CowCola? This is why his prescription is to switch off the light and use cherag and mombatti. Actually, he wants to import less quantity of oil because Indian economy has been going down.
Do every Bangladeshi on this forum have comprehension issue. Its for showing solidarity for the fight against the virus. How pathetic you need to be to write misleading titles only to create a circle-jerk.

It just needs reality check of what they earn on average once they leave their cocoon swamp.

They are an extremely stupid incapable people on the whole.

It is why they hate such reality checks and grasp tightly to their swamp govt and media for feel good numbers....and then need to redirect their frustration at Dada....easiest of bogeyman when you have no intelligence and competence to fix yourselves past BAL paper numbers.
Meanwhile people from Occupied Kashmir sending a glowing message to nora wrestlers Modi and Imran Khan.

It just needs reality check of what they earn on average once they leave their cocoon swamp.

They are an extremely stupid incapable people on the whole.

It is why they hate such reality checks and grasp tightly to their swamp govt and media for feel good numbers....and then need to redirect their frustration at Dada....easiest of bogeyman when you have no intelligence and competence to fix yourselves past BAL paper numbers.
We are living well inside and outside the country. Why should it make you jealous? We are responsible for ourselves and Indians have no say at that. Better you improve your slums and get rid of your JATPAT.

At least our PM is not as stupid as your Chaiwala Modi who asks people to live in darkness at nights to bring remedy from the corna-19.
@jamahir, surely Tableeghis did worst thing no doubt. But did the gau mutra drinkers do the right thing by arranging a gau mutra drinking party where they drank gau mutra by saying cheers! Are such gathering of gau mutra party helped preventing coronavirus since it was under the blessing of holy gau Mata and her holy urine?

Can you please ask your sanghi low life compatriots that did the party prevented coronavirus? After drinking the gau mutra amrita rasa? If not then ask them to arrange a party of cow dung eating. That may help preventing the coronavirus that Tableeghis spread!!

Again surely Tableeghis didn't do right thing. But do you see that sanghis are now trying to spread a propaganda and that is Muslims are spreading coronavirus in India?

Same type of propaganda was against the Jewish people by the bloody nazis during ww2?

Amazingly both nazis and sanghis call themselves Aryans!

Are the indo Aryans planning to send Tableeghis to gas chamber, same as German Aryans ( Nazis) did to Jewish folks? You can ask them if you wish.

But be aware mate, atheist like you won't be spared too as you were born in a Muslim family. Already your sanghi compatriot attached you to the Tableeghis( secular version of Tableegh jamat Iguess? ) . So if sanghis are planning to send Tableeghis in gas chamber, you guys will also not be safe there! you guys will be the next fuel of gas chamber, same as Hitler did to Jews.

I know you can't ask the low life sanghis such questions , because you will be in trouble if you ask them.
I agree that the Hindu guy did good but why are you attaching to me these misguided people like the Tableeghis ??
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Is the electricity demand too high with everyone on lockdown? There is a very high percentage of people there who watch vulgar videos...
We are living well inside and outside the country.

Sure you are ...


Worse than Voodoo haitians:


Then its same story in UK. I'm sure its same in Japan. Then simply extrapolate to how bad the reality must be in BD if even the "elite" are this bad.

Simply a stupid people. Can't fix stupid. You got to grow out of it, but how to do it without the Ghotis and smart bangals you forced away because of your jamati dreaming (and then nightmare reality check in 71)?

Why should it make you jealous?

:rofl: ....a book on shelf should be jealous of used toilet paper that gets flushed?...that too causes so many overflow floods? Even mother nature hates your stupidity and trying its best to show you some common sense.

We are responsible for ourselves and Indians have no say at that.

Tell that to the bangladeshis calling their restaurants as "Indian" first thing because its their only way to earn a living once they get their worthless behinds out of the swamp to somewhere of note.

Shameless on top of stupid.

Better you improve your slums and get rid of your JATPAT.

Why you talking about slums lol. Thats the entirety of your swamp to begin with....even the international airport at dhaka everyone has to enter is a swine sty. Check the videos.

At least our PM is not as stupid as your Chaiwala Modi who asks people to live in darkness at nights to bring remedy from the corna-19.

Yah she's so smart she wiped away 40 billion dollars from your market cap in one year time (thats 40 billion USD that now cannot be used to leverage to help with corona crisis)....60% of it at such low base (total was around 70 billion at time). :o: Stuff that BBS cannot concoct out of thin air like GDP...since its actually transacted and valued by multiple private sources in the end.

There would be 10 revolutions one after the other in India if something like that stupidity happened at such a low base.

But BD people are just docile stupid sheep it seems. Just accept the mathamagic inflation and 95% election result....and BAL family destroying their economy, but its ok as long as they improving it on STRONK paper:


Then you guys call each other false flagger drama on top here lol:


Very smart capable people, not looking to fight and bitch with each other over simplest matters at all.:lol:

You have surpassed even sub-saharan africans in your science output right? :D.... and are totally not reliant on 15% RMG tariff on developing countries that actually have brains (while you get 0% LDC freebie) :disagree:

You see we have ultimately developed enough basis and institution to have past any leader.

You are still low IQ sheeple that rely 100% on your leader's whims and diktat....incapable of credibility, higher thought or developing any institution of note that can compete against your corrupt political dynasties.

Anyone can see it for themselves first thing where you rank in corruption index....its among the same subsaharan countries that do better than you on science. They are just more honest about their govt's economic tabulations.
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Sure you are ...


Worse than Voodoo haitians:


Then its same story in UK. I'm sure its same in Japan.

Simply a stupid people. Can't fix stupid. You got to grow out of it, but how to do it without the Ghotis and smart bangals you forced away because of your jamati dreaming (and then nightmare reality check in 71)?

:rofl: ....a book on shelf should be jealous of used toilet paper that gets flushed?...that too causes so many overflow floods? Even mother nature hates your stupidity and trying its best to show you some common sense.

Tell that to the bangladeshis calling their restaurants as "Indian" first thing because its their only way to earn a living once they get their worthless behinds out of the swamp to somewhere of note.

Shameless on top of stupid.

Why you talking about slums lol. Thats the entirety of your swamp to begin with....even the international airport at dhaka everyone has to enter is a swine sty. Check the videos.

Yah she's so smart she wiped away 40 billion dollars from your market cap in one year time (thats 40 billion USD that now cannot be used to leverage to help with corona crisis)....60% of it at such low base (total was around 70 billion at time). :o: Stuff that BBS cannot concoct out of thin air like GDP...since its actually transacted and valued by multiple private sources in the end.

There would be 10 revolutions one after the other in India if something like that stupidity happened at such a low base.

But BD people are just docile stupid sheep it seems. Just accept the mathamagic inflation and 95% election result....and BAL family destroying their economy, but its ok as long as they improving it on STRONK paper:


Then you guys call each other false flagger drama on top here lol:


Very smart capable people, not looking to fight and bitch with each other over simplest matters at all.:lol:

You have surpassed even sub-saharan africans in your science output right? :D.... and are totally not reliant on 15% RMG tariff on developing countries that actually have brains (while you get 0% LDC freebie) :disagree:

You see we have ultimately developed enough basis and institution to have past any leader.

You are still low IQ sheeple that rely 100% on your leader's whims and diktat....incapable of credibility, higher thought or developing any institution of note that can compete against your corrupt political dynasties.

Anyone can see it for themselves first thing where you rank in corruption index....its among the same subsaharan countries that do better than you on science. They are just more honest about their govt's economic tabulations.
Instead of polluting BD section with your verbal diarrhea left and right, do try to stick to your section.Your bullshit isn't working on anyone except those who are already full of shit themselves.

Don't you have a different pastime like the rest of your ilk in India? Like shitting on streets or lynching minorities?
"Switch off lights and use candles to drive away Corona-19: Modi"

Such a BD-related topic to complain about "stay in your own section waaaaah"...not to mention the OP changed the title from original article too with his own typical Bangal retard take on it.

Oh wait hes an indian false flagger tho, whoopsie!...didnt pass the jamati Bengali ABC's:


Roof-burning jamati types crying about "lynchers"? Seriously?

Seems apt for a people that fake 100% ODF claim (and whatever else feel good on paper claim) and in typical low IQ bangal "paper number" fashion forget to change their handwashing/hygiene data which remains stuck at 1 out of 3.

Whoops, lot of sense is made again:



BAL-paper-based insult really hit home...avoid looking at Youtube or UNICEF reality :lol:
@jamahir, surely Tableeghis did worst thing no doubt. But did the gau mutra drinkers do the right thing by arranging a gau mutra drinking party where they drank gau mutra by saying cheers! Are such gathering of gau mutra party helped preventing coronavirus since it was under the blessing of holy gau Mata and her holy urine?

Can you please ask your sanghi low life compatriots that did the party prevented coronavirus? After drinking the gau mutra amrita rasa? If not then ask them to arrange a party of cow dung eating. That may help preventing the coronavirus that Tableeghis spread!!

Again surely Tableeghis didn't do right thing. But do you see that sanghis are now trying to spread a propaganda and that is Muslims are spreading coronavirus in India?

Same type of propaganda was against the Jewish people by the bloody nazis during ww2?

Amazingly both nazis and sanghis call themselves Aryans!

Are the indo Aryans planning to send Tableeghis to gas chamber, same as German Aryans ( Nazis) did to Jewish folks? You can ask them if you wish.

But be aware mate, atheist like you won't be spared too as you were born in a Muslim family. Already your sanghi compatriot attached you to the Tableeghis( secular version of Tableegh jamat Iguess? ) . So if sanghis are planning to send Tableeghis in gas chamber, you guys will also not be safe there! you guys will be the next fuel of gas chamber, same as Hitler did to Jews.

I know you can't ask the low life sanghis such questions , because you will be in trouble if you ask them.

I fully agree with you.
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