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Swiss Tourist is gang-raped in India

This is all across major news networks and major newspapers. This is getting big by the hour. India is facing the heat from the west, first from Italian marines and now this. Indian image and reputation getting trash in front of the world. BBC absolutely ripping India, their journalists clearly don't like India :lol:

I even heard it on my local radio station on my drive this afternoon.


Why does this keep happening? Some are saying it's enforcement and employment. What is it specifically about the failure of these two things that's making this happen?
This belongs in world news? Its surely not relevant for a defence forum.
I just saw a thread on this same news in Central and South Asia section. At Mods, please delete or merge the two threads.
And people like justice verma aren't advocating for death penalty to rapists!And the government too..:hitwall:
Who the hell travels at night in interiors of Madhya Pradesh?? In fact who travels to Madhya pradesh anyways? I would rather travel at night in lawless UP and Bihar than MP. Those areas are extremely dangerous
Who the hell travels at night in interiors of Madhya Pradesh?? I would rather travel at night in lawless UP and Bihar than MP. Those areas are extremely dangerous

Law less "bihar" sir bihar is not old bihar. Night journey is pretty much safe. You can try it.
I will go on a limb to say the couple is somewhat responsible for this tragic event. They should have known better than to go to place where gang rape is favorite pastime.

Its sad this just happened a few months after the tragedy where a girl was gang raped and killed in Delhi.

These tourists should pay heed to the warnings posted by their Governments.

My point is you can't change India, but you have the option not to place yourself in harms way.

so your point is that they should instead visit bangladesh or maybe pakistan
One of the reasons I'm not in favor of a death penalty for rape is because:

1) You won't see less rapes because rape is still a crime that is based on opportunity and availability. It's different from say a crime like murder where, most of the time, it's a crime of passion. People get into heated exchanges and eventually snowballs into a fatal confrontation. That's not to say that people don't kill because of opportunity, it does happen but they tend not to be in the majority of cases.

People don't usually spontaneously rape the person right next to them in broad daylight in front of a crowd of people. They usually stalk their prey or wait till the right time is available. In a crime of passion, consequences be damned. In rape cases, they're methodical and even if you had those laws, they could very easily just be more careful and wait for the right time.

2) It might even encourage rapists to dispose their victims. If a rapist realizes that he has limited options and could be identified in some way, there may be a chance he'd escalate that because he may feel he has no choice. A person who is willing to rape is generally not going to feel much empathy towards his victim anyways.

3) A man can easily find himself in a situation where he had consensual sex with a woman but she could cry rape afterwards and have DNA evidence to prove it. He could very well be blackmailed or lose his life. I realize that it is an extreme example but it was an attempt on my part to demonstrate the ease of abuse such a law may encounter.
'"legitimate prostitution as an occupation"" simple thing doesn't strike thick brains of our politicians .
It is shameful for any country to rape tourist as they are guest in your country. We condemn this dastardly act in the strongest terms and hope Indian Govt. will apprehend the perpretators and punish them harshly to teach others a lesson that acts will not be tolerated at all.
No it's because of strongly imparted family values and cultural "expectations" that sexuality is taboo subject

As for punishment - I'm in favor of castration. Makes the most sense. Otherwise firing squad works too, no problem. Why keep those animals breathing anyways, hell with them.
Salaam to all the Muslims,


How come India has become the Rape Capital of the World?

I read somewhere that usually worldwide the female population is higher than male but in India there are more men than women. Are Rapes in India becoming a common practice due to the shortage of women or is it the fault of the Indian media which portrays women as some kind of a beautiful rapeable object?

Disgusting news. No woman on Earth should suffer this horrible crime and those men who commit this barbarity must not be shown an iota of mercy.

Salaam to all the Muslims.
Bad press, If I recall a Chinese tourist was also raped not too log ago.
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