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Sweets exchanged at LoC on New Year

They set up suicide training camps where they brainwashed Pakistani kids to become suicide bombers. You can say 2 sides of the same coin.

No comparison between human and non-humaniod element. Talibs are humans not so much the others
Bajwa Doctrine. :lol:

Beghaerati would be a more appropriate word. :lol:
This predates Gen Bajwa. Keep in mind that such protocols are needed to keep temperatures manageable on the LoC/IB. I am not sure what members here expect. Do you want a shooting war at the LoC 24x7x365? If the Army does not reciprocate the other side with such gestures and keeps the LoC hot, guess who pays? Our locals living close to the LoC.

Let's not try to turn the IoK situation as a binary i.e. if not entirely peaceful etc., then no dealings with the Indians at any level. A door has to be kept open at all times (they do it so why would we not?) This has gone on for 70 years and both sides try to manage the conflict which is a good thing.

Using terms like "Besharmi", 'Beghairati" is misplaced if not outright ignorant. None of you here can tell me a more viable option for Pakistan to exercise in the given situation. And I can assure you, if you are going to propose something, it has either been tried or gamed and found to be implausible.
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