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Sweets exchanged at LoC on New Year

Good gesture..
May the upcoming year bring peace between two nations.

India doesn't understand peace but India understand the language of strength and only holds back from an strong individual because it fears for itself but India is incapable of understanding the words you are speaking wise gentleman... India is forced to this in order to secure their own survival but truly if you remove your strength they have no interest in your mere existence they are extremists on another level.

The Indians are brute savages who only understand the language of strength, risk and fear of annihilation.. To put it short they are feral
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Not surprised at all coming from the guy who got me banned for a stragetic and war tactics thread on India as some sort of offensive..
Yeah because i was worried you might singlehandedly take down India with your "stragetic and war tactics" and not give rest of us any chance to earn good deeds. Whatever you're smoking it must be some good s*it.

If you wanna take professionalism as example look at there elite themselves are backyard in India.. try to commit an unauthorized lynching in Afghanistan against minority and see what happens but in India they have let that shxt go and happen.. Example we saw the outrage in PK when a Sri Lankan was lynched? It put the whole country in uproar and he got justice? Where is the noise in India against that? They are the most unprofessional people on earth hack there are even reports about the police joining in on lynchings.. This place feels more and more compromised by the day...
I was talking about military which is far more professional than aghwan could ever hope to be. Besides go to talk to someone who has served time in army and have interacted with indian(on border or abraod) but i dont think you're ever going to them given the flags you are flying.
India has to be recivilized
Bit rich coming from people still living in stone age.
Yeah because i was worried you might singlehandedly take down India with your "stragetic and war tactics" and not give rest of us any chance to earn good deeds. Whatever you're smoking it must be some good s*it.

I was talking about military which is far more professional than aghwan could ever hope to be. Besides go to talk to someone who has served time in army and have interacted with indian(on border or abraod) but i dont think you're ever going to them given the flags you are flying.

Bit rich coming from people still living in stone age.

Professionalism? Then show me professionalism? Why can someone get lynched in India but not in Afghanistan? it is that simple and why is commmunal unrest allowed in India and not in Afghanistan? they are fuking animals period thats what it is.. They are uncivilized
Bit rich coming from people

Why do you even bother wearing Pakistani flag and pretending to be one.... Not only did you try to save me from the Indians because you thought I was somehow damaging lool.. Just shows you as an patriotic Indian who got unveiled because I touched on the right bottoms
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Then show me professionalism?
Its in the OP.
Why can someone get lynched in India but not in Afghanistan?
Afghan woman Farkhunda lynched in Kabul 'for speaking out'

Afghan woman Farkhunda lynched in Kabul 'for speaking out' - BBC News

it is that simple and why is commmunal unrest allowed in India and not in Afghanistan?
Afghanistan is a war torn shithole who isnt even recognized by any country. Your comparison is flawed. Besides I am 110% sure an average aghwan will pick an indian over punjabi cuck like you any day anytime. Heck even Pakistani pashtoons don't like inbred clowns like you. Try sharing your strategies with a local pashtoon and see what he will have to say about them.
Actuly some external forces extremily want to some how create some barier & creak between Pakista & Afghan Taliban just like they tryied to create some sort of things between Pakistan & China relations as there old propaganda strategy (divide & rule) fomula...

They are jealous of Pakistan's stragetic advantage in the region and wanna remove it first because they know they can't overcome Pakistan who is the much stronger entity of the two because it is better positioned geo-stragetically that is why they come at Pakistan's strength which is the stragetic advantage and positioning..

They first tried with China but didn't work and all the targets on stragetic instillations they were behind that hence they are willing to go at great lengths and now that Pakistan has got another strong stragetic ally they wanna do the same because now they are even more fearful of the Afghans then China due to historical memory who will add stragetic depth..

Also PDF is compromised and has been infiltrated by couple of trolls who are hiding their true identity and they have been here for years but it is definitely not hard to spot them and I could identify them at will.. There is definitely an Indian infiltration...

They target Pakistan's stragetic assets coming against such big angle and asset gives them away and from now on the mods should really try to counter infiltration and especially these targetting Pakistan's stragetic allies and assets (China and Afghanistan) Hence these two countries should be given immunity here..

Their real intention is to damage Pakistan nothing more or less
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India doesn't understand peace but India understand the language of strength and only holds back from an strong individual because it fears for itself but India is incapable of understanding the words you are speaking wise gentleman... India is forced to this in order to secure their own survival but truly if you remove your strength they have no interest in your mere existence they are extremists on another level.

The Indians are brute savages who only understand the language of strength, risk and fear of annihilation.. To put it short they are feral
What you said is a harsh reality but peace is desirable ultimately because nations only progress ,thrive in peacetime not when conflicts are ongoing.
What you said is a harsh reality but peace is desirable ultimately because nations only progress ,thrive in peacetime not when conflicts are ongoing.

You can progress by neutralising your enemies even if they border you. Israel is an example. Whether Pakistanis want peace or not is irrelevant. Fact is, we have a nation next door to us that numbers over 1.4 billion and who has a blood thirsty eternal hatred towards Pakistan and Pakistanis that is hard-wired into the dna of all indians. What do you do when someone wants to wipe out your race and nation and will stop at nothing in trying to achieve that goal? The time for peace or peace overtures with india is long dead. We need to prepare for the annihilation of our enemies should they try to attack us.
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just LoC?

No other exchanges on any other engagement level?
We, as a nation, are full of contradictions. On one hand, we have reduced the level of diplomatic relations, with India, citing abrogation of Article 370 and atrocities of Indian forces, against Kashmiris. On the other hand, this ridiculous custom of sweets exchange is going on. Demonstrates difference between Civil and Military authorities.
Exchanging sweets on eastern border is trillions times better than giving aid to namak harams on western border

Atleast the namak Harams will not eat our kids in the flesh figuretively and literally as in actual cannibalism but the eastern fool will eat them alive if possible.. Try to read Rama Raya's story then you will understand. If you could just comprehend how grotesque they are you would be shell-shocked best and correct description is zombies.. What is on the eastern side is not a human being by all means
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Atleast the namak Harams will not eat our kids in the flesh figuretively and literally as in actual cannibalism but the eastern fool will eat them alive if possible.. Try to read Rama Raya's story then you will understand. If you could just comprehend how grotesque they are you would be shell-shocked best and correct description is zombies.. What is on the eastern side is not a human being by all means

They set up suicide training camps where they brainwashed Pakistani kids to become suicide bombers. You can say 2 sides of the same coin.
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