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Swedish Awacs in focus again after PAF used it against India

So after MKI, now Phalcon myth also busted? Wasnt it supposed to be greatly superior to anything PAF had? Couldn't it just jam the radars on our AWACS o_O werent just the three Phalcons supposed to be more capable than the 7 AWACS that PAF had?

I remember some Indian posters on PDF writing lengthy posts including links to news article about the over whelming superiority of the Mighty Phalcons compared to SAAB ERIEYE, that the SAAB was a plane of average capabilities. How their Powerful IL76's coupled with the God like capabilities of Israeli engineers had made any offensive operational planning by PAF redundant. I remember a line very distinctively from a news article posted here on PDF by an Indian poster ( I believe it was an interview by an IAF official ) that the Phalcon was able to see & search targets up to 400 km inside the Pakistan airspace without even coming close to the border and risking any harm to itself.

But come the daylight of 27.02.2019, the mighty Phalcon is absent while the SAAB ERIEYE does its job to perfection. Lo & behold a month later these Shit spouting idiots are complaining about the very plane that they ridiculed and rubbished so incessantly.
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Surprised that India didn't complain to China for Karakorum Eagle

Let India firstly bring in the card of "World Largest Market" and then we might see plethora of articles without any substance as usual. However, before 26th February, 2019 SAAB platform was so inferior to IAF equipment whereby tons of upgrades were done to blind us in a blink. Neither Swedes nor US are going to pay any heed in this regard otherwise, there are lot of users that might see this as a future threat and then other suppliers waiting for opportunity, will catch the market.
Do we have AWACS on order or just lot of heart burn over a simple SABB 2000?

Swedish Awacs in focus again after PAF used it against India

Sources said that India had registered a diplomatic protest with Sweden after the Pakistan revealed that it had ordered three new Saab 2000 early warning aircraft in 2017.

By Manu Pubby, ET Bureau | Updated: M

Incidentally, three of the Saab 2000 `Erieye’ early warning aircraft were badly damaged in a terror attack on the Minhas air base in 2012, with one of them being destroyed beyond any scope of repair.

NEW DELHI: India had registered a diplomatic protest over the sale of Swedish early warning aircraft to Pakistan and had objected strongly to the transfer of South African long range bombs, both of which were used to target military installations in India after the Balakotterror camp strike last month.

Besides F 16 fighter jets – subsidised by the US for the war on terror – Pakistan used these two critical systems to target an Indian brigade headquarter and other installations in Nowshera on February 27, government sources said, adding that it is time to consider how to deal with defence manufacturers supplying such equipment to the neighbouring country. Sources said that India had registered a diplomatic protest with Sweden after the Pakistani air force revealed that it had ordered three new Saab 2000 early warning aircraft in 2017. These aircraft, which supplemented an earlier order of four by Pakistan, were extensively used in the February 27 aerial battle to direct and control 25 fighter jets towards Indian targets.

Incidentally, three of the Saab 2000 `Erieye’ early warning aircraft were badly damaged in a terror attack on the Minhas air base in 2012, with one of them being destroyed beyond any scope of repair. The 2017 order was placed to replace the destroyed aircraft and to bring up the total number of Pakistani Swedish origin air warning systems to six.

The active participation of these aircraft in the air skirmish gave Pakistan an extensive view of the battlefield and Indian air deployment that enabled it to direct fighters to the target zone. While India operates the IL76 `Phalcon’ AWACS as well as the Embraer `Netra’ early warning aircraft, they are outnumbered by the Pakistani air force.

The other equipment used by Pakistan on February 27 were the South African origin H 4 Stand off Weapons (SOWs) – glide bombs with a range of over 100 km that were fired at Indian military installations. Sources said that in 2003, India had registered a strong protest to South Africa against the transfer of these weapons by weapons manufacturer Denel. Though not as accurate as the SPICE 2000 munitions used by India to target the terror training camp at Balakot, the H 4 SOWs have a longer range and are now believed to be produced in Pakistan.

While India had already brought up the issue of misuse of F 16 fighter jets with the US, officials said that it is time to rethink how to deal with companies who are supplying military equipment to Pakistan and want to do business with the Indian military as well. “It is time for India to use its economic strength to deter such things happening in the future,” government sources said. Swedish company Saab for example is contesting for a multi-billion dollar deal to supply 110 new fighter jets to India and was a competitor in a major deal for short range anti-aircraft missiles to the armed forces. Denel had gone to great lengths to get off an Indian corruption blacklist last year by waiving off almost $ 100 million that it would have been entitled to following arbitration proceedings. Formal orders to take Denel off the blacklist were issued in September after a request was made from the top leadership to move forward from the corruption taint and enable it to participate in upcoming Make in India military programmes.

instead of this individual cry baby act India should ask international community for a Arms embargo on Pakistan due to Publicly humiliating Indian pilot and smacking IAF and open its burning *** to whole world .
@denel the indians are going to lodge a protest to SA for the H4! Sad times indeed that India is angered at SA for the Raptor series of PGM :cry::cry::cry:
it is ok. let them. first they need to send the bastard indian guptas who stole billions from poor citizens. At this point we need money for orders not cry babies.
what do they expect... H4 to be giving flowers :)
Why does Pak not raise the issue that Spice from Isreal was used too?
it is ok. let them. first they need to send the bastard indian guptas who stole billions from poor citizens. At this point we need money for orders not cry babies.
what do they expect... H4 to be giving flowers :)
Why does Pak not raise the issue that Spice from Israel was used too?
as some one said they have to complain so many sides
India should complain
china for SD-10 missiles were given to paksitan
India should complain
Russia for RD-93 engines were given to paksitan
india should complain
PAC KAMRA for making JF-17
india should complain
pakistani public for paying tax so PAF buy weapons
India should complain
France for sales mirages some 50 years ago
India should complain
Ukraine for sale of IL-78 refueling tankers to PAF
India should complain
south Africa for raptor bombs
India should complain
Sweden for saab-2000 sale to paksitan
India should complain
Saudi Arabia that JET-A1 fuel was used in Pakistani jet was extract from Saudi oil fields were supplied for peaceful porpuse not war .
india should complain
France for sale of dessult falcon 20 ECM plane was part of group too
it is ok. let them. first they need to send the bastard indian guptas who stole billions from poor citizens. At this point we need money for orders not cry babies.
what do they expect... H4 to be giving flowers :)
Why does Pak not raise the issue that Spice from Isreal was used too?

well, from what I have learned by speaking to some people and mind you it's speculation and unconfirmed reports. The spice were in pretty decent shape to be recovered and placed under a microscope as they just landed in the open. mind you they dropped more than one.

But I guess the widely marketed system failed but the lesser known system got the attention of the world in a span of 24 hrs. With indian whining I say well deserved promo for SA defence industry. :partay::partay::partay:

as some one said they have to complain so many sides
India should complain
china for SD-10 missiles were given to paksitan
India should complain
Russia for RD-93 engines were given to paksitan
india should complain
PAC KAMRA for making JF-17
india should complain
pakistani public for paying tax so PAF buy weapons
India should complain
France for sales mirages some 50 years ago
India should complain
Ukraine for sale of IL-78 refueling tankers to PAF
India should complain
south Africa for raptor bombs
India should complain
Sweden for saab-2000 sale to paksitan
India should complain
Saudi Arabia that JET-A1 fuel was used in Pakistani jet was extract from Saudi oil fields were supplied for peaceful porpuse not war .
india should complain
France for sale of dessult falcon 20 ECM plane was part of group too
the funny part; they forget to look themselves in the mirror and say we screwed up!. But typical indian behaviour run to others to complain and back biting.

well, from what I have learned by speaking to some people and mind you it's speculation and unconfirmed reports. The spice were in pretty decent shape to be recovered and placed under a microscope as they just landed in the open. mind you they dropped more than one.

But I guess the widely marketed system failed but the lesser known system got the attention of the world in a span of 24 hrs. With indian whining I say well deserved promo for SA defence industry. :partay::partay::partay:

Man the day when i see G5's pound the other side, i will be happy!!!. or safe transportation of thousands of kids in mineproof vehicles etc etc.

I forgot.... Pak must also complain to RSA about the Casspirs which are all over Kashmir used to subjugate people!!!.

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