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Sweden to officially apply for NATO in June

Because Russia is invading its neighbors over BS reasons. The biggest mastermind of NATO expansion is Putin and surely not the US.
You talk as if every NATO member states are an independent wing of this military alliance, no you pathetic liar, NATO is an extension of US Army and others are nothing more than bunch of chained dogs of USA including France.

The main force behind NATO expansion is USA and no one else. They are throwing the whole Europe under the buss and Europeans are happy about that.
Are you denying sovereign nations rights to join NATO?

Can India demand that Pakistan must not have relations with China?
The geopolitics of the subcontinent is very different than the geopolitics of Russia and Europe hence not a like-for-like comparison.
If an agreement is being broken as in the case of NATO and Ukraine then the country facing a security risk(russia) can demand.
You blatantly violated the agreements and today Ukraine is facing the wrath of Russian forces for a reason.
Why you were crying like babies during the Cuban missile crisis if that much of a sovereignty champion? What should be your response if today Russia installs missile defence systems in Mexico close to your borders just like you installed in Estonia.
You people are champions of hypocrisy.
Finland has 500,000 men and one of the stronger artillery in Europe, wise from experience.

That is pretty much good percentage of adult population

The geopolitics of the subcontinent is very different than the geopolitics of Russia and Europe hence not a like-for-like comparison.
If an agreement is being broken as in the case of NATO and Ukraine then the country facing a security risk(russia) can demand.
You blatantly violated the agreements and today Ukraine is facing the wrath of Russian forces for a reason.
Why you were crying like babies during the Cuban missile crisis if that much of a sovereignty champion? What should be your response if today Russia installs missile defence systems in Mexico close to your borders just like you installed in Estonia.
You people are champions of hypocrisy.

The countries of Europe are as independent as countries of the subcontinent
In any case Sweden is no party to any agreement on NATO
The geopolitics of the subcontinent is very different than the geopolitics of Russia and Europe hence not a like-for-like comparison.
If an agreement is being broken as in the case of NATO and Ukraine then the country facing a security risk(russia) can demand.
You blatantly violated the agreements and today Ukraine is facing the wrath of Russian forces for a reason.
Why you were crying like babies during the Cuban missile crisis if that much of a sovereignty champion? What should be your response if today Russia installs missile defence systems in Mexico close to your borders just like you installed in Estonia.
You people are champions of hypocrisy.
Different time different place
USSR put missiles in Cuba because US put missiles in Turkey.
The geopolitics of the subcontinent is very different than the geopolitics of Russia and Europe hence not a like-for-like comparison.
If an agreement is being broken as in the case of NATO and Ukraine then the country facing a security risk(russia) can demand.
You blatantly violated the agreements and today Ukraine is facing the wrath of Russian forces for a reason.
Why you were crying like babies during the Cuban missile crisis if that much of a sovereignty champion? What should be your response if today Russia installs missile defence systems in Mexico close to your borders just like you installed in Estonia.
You people are champions of hypocrisy.
NATO and Russia made an agreement in 1997 where Russia acknowledged Ukraines right to join NATO.
Read up on the ”Foundation Act”.
So NATOs expansion is not violating any promises.

You need to read up on Geography, Mexico is not at all close to our borders.
Russia already have nuclear tipped missiles in Kaliningrad and is practizing nuclear attacks on our cities, wjich is why we are likely to join NATO together with Finland.
NATO and Russia made an agreement in 1997 where Russia acknowledged Ukraines right to join NATO.
Read up on the ”Foundation Act”.
So NATOs expansion is not violating any promises.

You need to read up on Geography, Mexico is not at all close to our borders.
Russia already have nuclear tipped missiles in Kaliningrad and is practizing nuclear attacks on our cities, wjich is why we are likely to join NATO together with Finland.
I thought you were from US.
Russia never made such an agreement.Specially for Ukraine which is considered little Russia by Russians.
Kaliningrad is a part of Russia , surrounded by hostile NATO states.Installing nuclear missiles or whatever over there is not the same as deliberately installing arms and ammunition close to Russian borders from thousands of miles away. Just for provoking Russia and later cry like a whore when Russia unleash it's forces in retialiation.
Russian trolls are hilarious,the Russians are the first to use treaties,agreements and pacts they sign as toilet papers but somehow it's "wrong" when NATO does it on treaties and agreements that never existed or were signed in the first place,lmao.
Are you denying sovereign nations rights to join NATO?

Can India demand that Pakistan must not have rekations with China?
Actually, the US demanded that Honduras must not have a diplomatic relationship with China. Also, the US and Australia just recently demanded that the Solomen Islands must not sign a security agreement (which is magnitude below NATO commitment) with China. So, to your point, yeah, the US does that all the time.
Yeah it's always the US who first provokes.
History has a knack of repeating itself .
Why Russia not create an own fan club? What’s stopping Putin? He wants to revive USSR why not revive the Washaw pact.
Sweden, Finland will join the NATO. They live next to an aggressive neighbor, they want protection. They want US nuclear umbrella.
Good for Sweden if that's what it wants to do.
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