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Sweden to officially apply for NATO in June

1939 was the year when World War II begun and Soviets were allied with Germany.
Yeah and when soviets were against nazis in WW2 you were in bed with the nazis.

It makes me comfortable to live in free europe and not some tyrannical hellhole.

And right now our freedom is defended in Ukraine.
You are only losing land in Ukraine as we speak.
This turnaround was discussed by the party leadership at an emergency meeting on Monday, April 11. Leaving the meeting, foreign policy spokesman Aron Emilsson clarified that the Sweden Democrats were "in favor of NATO membership under certain conditions." He named two such conditions: that Finland join, and that the security situation necessitate it. The party's hesitations regarding NATO, which mainly concern the presence of Turkey as a NATO member state and the sending of young Swedes to fight in foreign countries, have not disappeared.
The Scandinavian obsession with Turkey is unhealthy. This is a defense alliance and not a political union. Nobody opposed the Greek membership during the period of military dictatorship but Turkey's modern electoral democracy is suddenly a cause of concern? I'm all in for constructive criticism but this is just hypocritical nonsense.
Because Russia is invading its neighbors over BS reasons. The biggest mastermind of NATO expansion is Putin and surely not the US.
DOnt worry Herr Putin's days are numbered; he will be 'retired' due to ill health.

Either the steriods for his thyroid cancer affected his mind or he was in some lala land when he was given assurance of a week's victory.

It is now just a matter of time.

Finland knows from first hand experience what Soviets did; and they have to give up 10% of territory. Lessons learnt; they will no longer take chances with a lunatic in power.

Ann Linde, Sweden’s foreign minister, told Swedish radio on Friday that Turkey could be trying to use the situation to gain something it wanted. “We know that ratification processes always involve uncertainties, not least that the ratification could be used for domestic politics,” she added. Finnish officials have focused particularly on Hungary, which they feared could seek concessions to approve their membership. Finnish president Sauli Niinistö spoke with Erdoğan on April 4, describing the phone call as “positive” on Twitter and adding: “Turkey supports Finland’s objectives.”

Turkey and Hungary are currently declining the Finnish and Swedish admission to NATO.
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But in WW2 you were in bed with Hitler.
That is according to the principle ”My enemys enemy, is my friend”. There was not a formal alliance between Germany and Finland.
The Soviet Union had a closer alliance due to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

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