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SWAT girl flogging video is fake

so technically ISI fooled them and made them accept that they did it and it can be justified using Quran. wat a great way to make taliban show their real face
The media persons in Peshawar already know that it was fake video which was spread by madam Samar Minullah and earn money besides foreign citizenship

Come on Man don'talk Rubbish the Video was fake. who want to know on the form the name of Girl, and his brother who was kept there forcefully to watch his sister to be punished in public. When people talk like this with out using their brain. i feel sorry for them. I don't want to go in details as i already post this twice. So I would like say only one word said by great person that. "There will be no Difference between A Man (Ashraful Maklukat) and A animal:pakistan: if he don,t use his brain.
We should pull our troops out as soon as possible. We made a big mistake.

Why buddy? that might be a fake Video. Have you seen video of hundreds of people who were martyred live on the cam? were those videos also fake? what about TTP intending to take over Islamabad and capturing disctricts including bunair? Why do you think ONE fake video (which is not even proven fake and only we dobut that it 'might' be fake) you are claiming to end this operation. Insane Indian backed terrorist who used to engage children under 18 and letting them touch women in dark so they would feel how's its going to be in haven was justified?

what about 1000s of sucide attacks we have been facing during the pasth 2 years? what about killing our 1000s of soldiers during the war? Acting against people who used to blow-up tombs and girl schools was mistake? What is the mistake in all that? Let your fellow members here in the forum see the mistake that others are not able to see yet.

Lets not make a kingdom on the bubble of a soap that if dropped the whole kingdom would collapse and lets be more logical before we post next time.
Wow........I am somewhat agast at the stupidity of members on this thread......

I have no quarms, whatsoever that the TTP had to be eradicated, afterall, they are the donkeys of RAW and anyone as such should be eliminated. But to turn around and say that the video makers should be praised, WTF is all that about.

The video was a fake, LIES, people once again LIES

Lets not be complacent, this is a dangerous trend, if they can make such barabric videos and bring shame upon pakistan, Muslims and Islam as a whole to reach a certain goal, or to get PA to mobilise, then hell, India should not be blamed for when they make a similar video of pakistani soldiers or the like........

This sort of behaviour is absolutely unacceptabel on every level, it is wrong and unethical........that is why when the Daily Mirror editor made a fake photo of British soldiers urinating on Iraqi prisoners, he was absolutely humiliated and sacked.....his story had pointed towards some reality which was being reported in Iraq, but the fact was still the same, the photo was a fake..... A LIE
old news now,,, just few days after GEO TV showed that video, they admitted that it was fake & even "Aalim Online" host also admitted it on TV that it was a mistake that they didn't confirm authanticity of video...


Another of GEO TV's fakes exposed by Waqt News was this one...
(Notice how they cover & shake camera to give it a "Hidden Camera" reality-touch...
& look at "FAKE"-secret-agents "نه بناٶ ميرى تصوير"...
& even more fakery time-counter playing on hidden camera ONLY in 1st clip!!! NOT in 2nd clip,,,
& graphically posted time/date with black-highlighting whose placement is different in two clips
& fat guy in 1st hidden-clip looks towards camera as if he knew it was there...
& time difference in 2 hidden-clips is just 14 min, so that "Nazim" & "بابا" were taped merely at 14 min difference... pretty quick!!!

& biggest joke... 1st clip was made in 2008-12-08 -&- 2nd clip in 2009-12-08 & it was Aired on GEO even before it was shot in 2009-12, :rofl:)

& here, it was exposed by Waqt News...
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Everything against Pakistan national interest is fake.

Hence proved !
All talk, zilch proof given that its a fake video. The Taliban already acknowledged it to be true and later even defended it.

The only truth is that Pakistan Army ne band bajadia Taliban ka, and may god bless them for this favor to Pakistan.
I hope this was sarcasm, since the suicide bombings, beheadings and hanging of dead bodies, of people opposed to the Taliban, from poles in the markets of Mingora was certainly not a 'drama'.

There was no mistake made - this news report is quoting another 'report' and at the moment lacks credible evidence to support it.

This is yet another attempt by the Islamic extremists to defame NGO's because they 'dare' to educate women and help in spreading awareness about disease and birth control.

BTW, while the Swat TTP initially denied the flogging, their spokesman accepted that the flogging itself was acceptable and Islamic under their ideology.

Again, no mistake was made in acting against these barbarians - almost every single article out of Swat indicates that the people of Swat are breathing a sigh of relief at being liberated from the tyranny of the Taliban, so who are you to advocate that they go back under Taliban occupation and barbarism?

I tried to be obvious .. but yeah .. it was .. How are people still defending these people is beyond me.
old news now,,, just few days after GEO TV showed that video, they admitted that it was fake & even "Aalim Online" host also admitted it on TV that it was a mistake that they didn't confirm authanticity of video...


Another of GEO TV's fakes exposed by Waqt News was this one...
(Notice how they cover & shake camera to give it a "Hidden Camera" reality-touch...
& look at "FAKE"-secret-agents "نه بناٶ ميرى تصوير"...
& even more fakery time-counter playing on hidden camera ONLY in 1st clip!!! NOT in 2nd clip,,,
& graphically posted time/date with black-highlighting whose placement is different in two clips
& fat guy in 1st hidden-clip looks towards camera as if he knew it was there...
& time difference in 2 hidden-clips is just 14 min, so that "Nazim" & "بابا" were taped merely at 14 min difference... pretty quick!!!

& biggest joke... 1st clip was made in 2008-12-08 -&- 2nd clip in 2009-12-08 & it was Aired on GEO even before it was shot in 2009-12, :rofl:)
YouTube - geo news- ajmal kasab a pakistani

& here, it was exposed by Waqt News...
YouTube - Geo's False Reporting - Must Watch.flv
These news channels would do anything to make money, the country was on verge of a war and they were trying to make a little more money.... Pathetic!!!!
So it was peaceful and wonderful in Swat under the control of Fazlullah and his cronies?
Few of my associates visited the bazaars in Mingora. There were many clothes markets and yet female entry was banned, they took a few snaps of the warning posters as well…who can forget the central square in which foreign spies (read opponents of TTP) were beheaded?
Some people can go on pretending that it was not so…that is their choice, probably helped by the fact that they did not suffer at the hands of TTP.
I have some contacts in tribal areas as well and have some visibility on what TTP did using the name of Islam…it was all to gain power and money via a most clever justification…it almost worked.

TTP butchery and carnage is common knowledge amongst the people…whether true or fake the video of the girl is actually peanuts compared to what TTP actually did in Swat.

In FATA they did a lot worse but due to lack of public access it was portrayed as if there was massive support for TTP in FATA, it was actually the murdering rampage which eliminated hundreds of Tribal leaders, Jirga members and Maliks that led to this point where there was a power vacuum and these thugs, criminals and drug lords came together as TTP with active help of Al Qaeda whose global Jihad agenda seems only an excuse to destabilize Muslim countries and breed hatred and raise recruits.
Practically this TTP has actually also marginalized the old guard of Taliban who are no more in control except a few of their loyal men, even if they are brought under control...TTP will not listen to them at all.

This video’s authenticity (one way or another) does not change the fact that TTP had no business doing what they were doing and had to be taken on militarily.

Do we not punish a murderer if he is Muslim by faith or do we rather sit around and cry how we have to fight against a Muslim brother?
If the same Muslim brother breaks into your home, will you sit around doing nothing?
Heck even if some Muslim brother hits your car you will go and pound on him but when your state has to take action...No sir...it is all conspiracy, zionist agenda, vested interests, sold out Army, sold out leaders...that is all we have in way of logic...

In this case it was not a matter of dealing with one man but thousands of well armed thugs, we could not send a local SP to deal with it...we had to take action...appropriate action to ensure victory or actually to ensure survival of Pakistan!

TTP is a militant organization so the solution had to be military action in one way or another…the longer the delay in taking them on the more dangerous they become.
Somehow we are made to believe by certain enlightened beings that taking on TTP is wrong because they are Muslims and our traditional enemy also condemns them so it is all a conspiracy.
Is this logic or sense that one focuses on great games and grand conspiracies yet leaves declared enemies murdering its people off the leash just to spite some other party it harbors enmity against?
Wake up friends!

TTP is a pseudo religious organization and thrives off criminal activities and drug trade, not to mention the marble and other mineral mines that they captured and took control of.
That they can and may be are being funded/used by other enemy entities to keep Pakistan on back foot is something very much possible, all the more reason for us to ensure they are taken out.

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