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Swachh Bharat: Modi's promise of cleaning Varanasi doesn't appear to be an empty one



I am really feeling ashamed of myself now...


i wish i could do some seva to this holy city, but i am far far away, and i wish one day i will reach there
British Raj.

Rubbish. They were built and rebuilt by the Marathas when they ruled Varanasi. By the Holkars, Scindias, Bhonsles and Peshwes of the Maratha empire from 1720 to 1785.

But many of the structure's in Varanasi is more than 2000 years old.
Good, but why only Varanasi?
because this is like mecca to Hindus and if it is dirty it pains all the Indians, and when our heritage is at stake it is better to start from here, this is the beginning
Rubbish. They were built and rebuilt by the Marathas when they ruled Varanasi. By the Holkars, Scindias, Bhonsles and Peshwes of the Maratha empire from 1720 to 1785.

But many of the structure's in Varanasi is more than 2000 years old.

Duffer, first learn to read properly. The stones there are not the same laid down 5,000 years ago by some Vedic era brahmin. These ancient structures keep getting renovated for wear and tear.
Duffer, first learn to read properly. The stones there are not the same laid down 5,000 years ago by some Vedic era brahmin. These ancient structures keep getting renovated for wear and tear.

LOL..... stop embarrassing yourself by demonstrating your uneducated guesses.

These are STONES not bricks. STONES lasts for millions of years before they get eroded by nature :lol:

They are pretty much the same stones from centuries ago. Wear and tear on stone structures means they get dislocated. When that happens, they are put back.

Don't force your stupidity onto us and increase our suffering.
Varanasi is one world's oldest cities. More needs to be done.

LOL..... stop embarrassing yourself by demonstrating your uneducated guesses.

These are STONES not bricks. STONES lasts for millions of years before they get eroded by nature :lol:

They are pretty much the same stones from centuries ago. Wear and tear on stone structures means they get dislocated. When that happens, they are put back.

Don't force your stupidity onto us and increase our suffering.

Have you ever heard about the word renovation you illiterate retard? First you answer that.

Stones do not last for millions of years you fool. Do you know what "millions of years" even mean? Dinosaurs used to exist millions of years ago. So now you are saying that the stone where a diplodocus dinosaur laid her egg is the same stone used in the construction of varanasi ghats?

Stones wear and tear depends on their location, temperature and other factors. Thousands of people stepping onto stones everyday for thousands of years will have its effects you duffer.

And if you do not know what renovation and restoration means do not come to troll here like an excited monkey.

Delete your profile and eff off from here you pathetic loser.
Have you ever heard about the word renovation you illiterate retard? First you answer that.

Stones do not last for millions of years you fool. Do you know what "millions of years" even mean? Dinosaurs used to exist millions of years ago. So now you are saying that the stone where a diplodocus dinosaur laid her egg is the same stone used in the construction of varanasi ghats?

Stones wear and tear depends on their location, temperature and other factors. Thousands of people stepping onto stones everyday for thousands of years will have its effects you duffer.

And if you do not know what renovation and restoration means do not come to troll here like an excited monkey.

Delete your profile and eff off from here you pathetic loser.

Dinosaurs ? They lived 100-200 MILLION Years ago Retard :lol:

But the Average ROCK is from a few 100 million to 3 BILLION years old :cheesy:

It will take more than 50,000 years for a average rock to be worn down by continuous use. :P ......... so unless Varanasi was built 50,000 years ago, I am going to bet the stones are not new, but were the one's used when it was first built.

But thank you for providing me with an opportunity for humiliating you again. :enjoy: ............. I am sure you will provide plenty more opportunity, and I will make sure I can showcase your profound stupidity at all times.
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I see you are another Indian troll here, so let me talk to you in your language.

Dinosaurs ? They lived 100-200 MILLION Years ago Retard

Did you not say that stones can outlast for millions of years, Mr. Retard? 100-200 million years and millions of years are two different things for you? Did lalu prasad yadav teach you mathematics? :rofl:

But the Average ROCK is from a few 100 million to 3 BILLIONS of years old

I don't know where you learned maths from but billion is more than million. :omghaha:

It will take more than 50,000 years for a average rock to be worn down by continuous use. :P ......... so unless Varanasi was built 50,000 years ago, I am going to bet the stones are not new, but were the one's used when it was first built.

Yea, I believe you. So the marathas according to you build varanasi from 3 billion year old rocks that contained dinosaur fossils? :yay::yay:

But thank you for providing me with an opportunity for humiliating you again. :enjoy: ............. I am sure you will provide plenty more opportunity, and I will make sure I can showcase your profound stupidity at all times.

Thank you for showing that there are two different types of "millions of years". And billion is less than million. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So Mr. Retard. What was there before the Marathas build/put the stones in Varanasi? Was there a cricket ground or a soccer stadium? Perhaps there was a AC mall.

So please explain how old is Varanasi and what was there before your esteemed marathas came there.

Please reply soon so I can humiliate you some more and show you your worthless aukat. :enjoy:
Did you not say that stones can outlast for millions of years, Mr. Retard? 100-200 million years and millions of years are two different things for you? Did lalu prasad yadav teach you mathematics? :rofl:

LOL. You don't need mathematics for that you Retard, you need to understand english.

100 million or more is called Hundred's of million :lol: ...... millions of years usually mean less than 100.

I don't know where you learned maths from but billion is more than million. :omghaha:

Really ? :cheesy: .......... wow, amazing strawman argument. :rofl:

Yea, I believe you. So the marathas according to you build varanasi from 3 billion year old rocks that contained dinosaur fossils? :yay::yay:

LOL..... ALL Rocks we see around us are almost a Billion years old :lol: .......... so Maratha's did not really have a choice in that matter :P ........... You are truly a Fool.

Thank you for showing that there are two different types of "millions of years". And billion is less than million. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Again a strawman ? :cheesy: ............ this is Pathetic.

So Mr. Retard. What was there before the Marathas build/put the stones in Varanasi? Was there a cricket ground or a soccer stadium? Perhaps there was a AC mall.

ANOTHER Strawman ? :lol: .......... this is really really pathetic and sad. This is the problem of being a Dunce, you do not know when to quit :P

Varanasi was a holy town much before the marathas came there :lol: .............. or did you not know that ?

So please explain how old is Varanasi and what was there before your esteemed marathas came there.

:lol: ........ are you seeking free tutorials from me ? ......... I though you pretended to know everything ? How is this relevent ? :azn: clutching at Straws ? :azn:
LOL. You don't need mathematics for that you Retard, you need to understand english.

100 million or more is called Hundred's of million :lol: ...... millions of years usually mean less than 100.

Spoken like the true chela of lalu prasad yadav... :lol:

In which English dictionary is it specified that "millions of years usually mean less than 100"? :omghaha:

What happens in unusual cases?:omghaha:

LOL..... ALL Rocks we see around us are almost a Billion years old :lol: .......... so Maratha's did not really have a choice in that matter :P ........... You are truly a Fool.

:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Now the number is billion years old. Do you work as a street labour?

ANOTHER Strawman ? :lol: .......... this is really really pathetic and sad. This is the problem of being a Dunce, you do not know when to quit :P

Varanasi was a holy town much before the marathas came there :lol: .............. or did you not know that ?

Your teacher taught you a new word, "strawman"? :sarcastic:

You are indeed pathetic and sad, but that's what happens when your well-wishers cannot afford a good education for you, you do not understand simple sentences. But again you are too poor. :omghaha:

Varanasi is an ancient city and structures were built, destroyed, built continuously for hundreds of years. Guess you did not know that. There are many reasons why structures can collapse. It could be wars, it could be earthquakes or it could be simply because an older structure has been pulled down so that a newer, bigger one can be build in its place.

It has got nothing to do with how many billions of years old rocks are or how long they can last. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

:lol: ........ are you seeking free tutorials from me ? ......... I though you pretended to know everything ? How is this relevent ? :azn: clutching at Straws ? :azn:

In other words you are a fcuking ch*tiya who does not have a clue about anything but will post here because you are a fcuking troll. :lol::lol::lol:

For rest of you who want to know more. Varanasi was set up since the first civilisation in India began. It is counted as one of the oldest cities in the world with some scholars of the opinion that it maybe founded 3,000 - 4,000 years ago or even older, in either case everybody agrees it is one of world's oldest city. But the temples, stairways and other architecture in Varanasi - including ones build of stones :lol::lol::lol: - are not necessarily from the B.C. era dating back thousands of years.

Older structures are pulled down deliberately or some fall prey to war. Aurangzeb did some dirty work in Varanasi, and other Hindu pilgrimage sites, where he destriyed ghats and temples with gay abandon. Then again these structures were rebuild, repaired and restored over the next decades and centuries.

Next time you sit on a stone wall :lol::lol::lol:, it does not have to be placed there by the hands of an ancient Vedic age brahmin. It could have been placed there by a worker during British Raj or even post-independent India.

The WHOLE city of Varanasi has been growing and changing constantly over the centuries and millenia. All the architecture present in the city was NOT build at any single point of time.

But you have some lunatics who believe Varanasi existed only when the marathas arrived at the scene. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oi you fcuking ch*tiya @uparyupari . Please come here and troll more so that people can laugh at you and humiliate you further. :enjoy:
Spoken like the true chela of lalu prasad yadav... :lol:

In which English dictionary is it specified that "millions of years usually mean less than 100"? :omghaha:

What happens in unusual cases?:omghaha:

I suggest you go back to your vernacular medium school and relearn everything, starting from history, geology and English. :disagree:

No more free tuitions for you. You first need to qualify to learn from me.

:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Now the number is billion years old. Do you work as a street labour?

Is that reference to a street labourer supposed to be an inslult ? :cheesy: .......... I respect him more than I respect you. He does not claim to know something , when he knows nothing. :lol:

Your teacher taught you a new word, "strawman"? :sarcastic:

Something you need to learn. Its never too late for Idiots. That way you are less likely to make a fool of yourself.

You are indeed pathetic and sad, but that's what happens when your well-wishers cannot afford a good education for you, you do not understand simple sentences. But again you are too poor. :omghaha:

LOL....... IF I am poor, I am supposed to be ashamed of it ? :cheesy: ............. Why do I get the feeling, you are the one who comes from a deprived family ? educationally, genetically, intellectually and Financially. :disagree:

Varanasi is an ancient city and structures were built, destroyed, built continuously for hundreds of years. Guess you did not know that. There are many reasons why structures can collapse. It could be wars, it could be earthquakes or it could be simply because an older structure has been pulled down so that a newer, bigger one can be build in its place.

It has got nothing to do with how many billions of years old rocks are or how long they can last. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

LOL....Did you just google that ?

Who said structures cannot be destroyed ? ...... another pathetic Stawman. :lol:

ROCKS on the other hand is not so easy to destroy :P They continue to outlast Wars, earthquakes and erosion. So the stones used there, continued to be exist there. It does not magically disappear, just because you want them too. :D

In other words you are a fcuking ch*tiya who does not have a clue about anything but will post here because you are a fcuking troll. :lol::lol::lol:

Coming from a world class dunce like you, I take it as an complement. :enjoy:

For rest of you who want to know more. Varanasi was set up since the first civilisation in India began. It is counted as one of the oldest cities in the world with some scholars of the opinion that it maybe founded 3,000 - 4,000 years ago or even older, in either case everybody agrees it is one of world's oldest city. But the temples, stairways and other architecture in Varanasi - including ones build of stones :lol::lol::lol: - are not necessarily from the B.C. era dating back thousands of years.

Older structures are pulled down deliberately or some fall prey to war. Aurangzeb did some dirty work in Varanasi, and other Hindu pilgrimage sites, where he destriyed ghats and temples with gay abandon. Then again these structures were rebuild, repaired and restored over the next decades and centuries.

Next time you sit on a stone wall :lol::lol::lol:, it does not have to be placed there by the hands of an ancient Vedic age brahmin. It could have been placed there by a worker during British Raj or even post-independent India.

The WHOLE city of Varanasi has been growing and changing constantly over the centuries and millenia. All the architecture present in the city was NOT build at any single point of time.

But you have some lunatics who believe Varanasi existed only when the marathas arrived at the scene. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oi you fcuking ch*tiya @uparyupari . Please come here and troll more so that people can laugh at you and humiliate you further. :enjoy:

So are you now admitting that the Stones are NOT from the " BRITISH Times" ? :lol:

Why pretend to go in such a long about route ? you just had to admit you were Wrong and I was Right :lol: ........ See how easy it was ?

What a shameless Cretin.

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