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Suspensions for Students Who Rooted Against India

Only few Muslim people support PAK just like some kashmiri people support.

Just like some Balochistan people support INdia for indian victory........... example 2011 world cup (PAK vs India:wave:)
“I was born in Kashmir, and since childhood everyone around me supported the Pakistan cricket team,” the student said. “I don’t like Pakistan for anything else. It’s just their cricket team that I support.”

Well said! :tup: It's just not him but he reflects the feelings of 90% Kashmiris for their antipathy towards Pakistan and what it stands for!
I do not see anything wrong with what they did, its something Pakistan would do as well. Thats the thing, this is exactly how it is. Democracy and Free Speech are good posters to hang but following it is next to impossible. This happened at a UNIVERSITY of all places. The epicenter of where democracy takes root.
Well said!!!
Pakistanis must have been shocked by hearing this :lol:
"I am sorry sir,the "rescue from evil yindoo" services is available only for IOK region,from daily 8 AM to 6PM weekdays. For further queries,kindly visit our troubleshooting website. Its user-friendly and solves common problems."

@KingMamba stop making our "muslim" friend feel bad

I do not see anything wrong with what they did, its something Pakistan would do as well. Thats the thing, this is exactly how it is. Democracy and Free Speech are good posters to hang but following it is next to impossible. This happened at a UNIVERSITY of all places. The epicenter of where democracy takes root.
wow what double standards.
all day long your lecturing muslims about BS and now that this happens you "see" nothing "wrong" with it?
are ok in the head my friend?

Well said! :tup: It's just not him but he reflects the feelings of 90% Kashmiris for their antipathy towards Pakistan and what it stands for!
I'm glad you finally see it this way lol
Yeah the same brotherhood, which you shared with the Arabs who kicked your A?

we already know indian muslims support us we have always known.you may share the same citizenship with them but we share something bigger then that brotherhood
Out of which, half is used in Kashmir itself, what remains 1000mw, lol how much is it, na? UP alone produces 10000+mw

For the record J&K is in 20th position in India interms of power production with 2524.96MW which is about 1/8th of Pakistan's power production!

Don't blabber prove it. The terrorists that you infiltrated into India killed everyone including muslims still you expect them to support you. lol they don't even care about you guys. LMAO! you are a joke man!!

whose talking about saving them? lol we have our own problems as well.
they still our brothers.
they still support us and we support them.

ok my "muslim" friend lol.
just because you don't doesn't mean others don't
we all know indian muslim at least the majority of them support pakistan in cricket lol.
any proof your even a muslim? just because you put the pic of an arab kid as your avatar all of sudden your a muslim? next your going to say "bhai zakir" is a muslim as well? lol.

even if you are a muslim in the end then good for you. you don't have to support us to be a muslim lol its just that most muslims support us.
Out of which, half is used in Kashmir itself, what remains 1000mw, lol how much is it, na? UP alone produces 10000+mw

Don't blabber prove it. The terrorists that you infiltrated into India killed everyone including muslims still you expect them to support you. lol they don't even care about you guys. LMAO! you are a joke man!!
are you trying to convince me or yourself?
why don't you go to kashmir? go to kashmir and rent a hotel and wait till the next cricket match between india and pakistan and win pakistan beats you then see for yourself? ok?
lol you Pakistani decides yourselves whom you support and whom you don't.
One is saying anything other one is saying anything.
We don't give a shit about Indian Muslims only Kashmiri Muslims in IOK. :)

Where did I say anything about match or for that matter kashmiri muslims?
Dude read the whole post first.
are you trying to convince me or yourself?
why don't you go to kashmir? go to kashmir and rent a hotel and wait till the next cricket match between india and pakistan and win pakistan beats you then see for yourself? ok?
lol those "yindoos" are there to kick those mullah's a** coming from your country.

j+k is pakistan your *** clown.
it is a part of pakistan that is occupied by 700,000 heavily armed yindoos more then we can handle other wise we would have run you out of town by now.
no matter what you offer to J+k in the end of the day they will still call themselves pakistanis lol.

yeah we fine with that. its just a cricket match for godsake lol

he had no choice but to suspend them because somebody was going to get lynched if he didn't.

you tell me

We know you guys don't make people suffer.....you just blow them up.....I like it though, much quicker.....:-)
which dalit news editor by the way......
Beating somebody for supporting a cricket team is a bit too much, don't you think? Pakistan has become a hostage to extremists but looks like India is not too far behind. God knows what future holds for the Indian sub-continent. Doesn't look too bright though.
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