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Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

So we will see laser cannons soon?
That remembers me to the Star Wars films. The US is again one step ahead.

So we will see laser cannons soon?
That remembers me to the Star Wars films. The US is again one step ahead.

All this excitement seems to suggest that people think that the first combat-ready versions of naval laser weaponry would be instant miracle weapons. That's seems pretty unlikely.

Give it a decade or two, as well as ample testing data before we see their true value.

If the weapon proves to be effective enough, then other nations would fast-forward their own existing programs.
So we will see laser cannons soon?
That remembers me to the Star Wars films. The US is again one step ahead.


maybe in the late 2010's or early 2020's we'll see laser weaponry that can take down aircraft, right now its focus is defensive against missiles, drones, and small boats. That is the first generation so to say.

Lasers will inherently stay a defensive weapon on naval vessels, but there are real offensive possibilities when placed on aircraft and tanks. We might see such weapons in the 2020's with 6th gen fighters or late upgrade f-35's.
That means in 2040´s something we would see that in reality?

Are you an idiot? :D Can you not comprehend English? I said China is not even close to bringing combat lasers on to the battlefield, there is no indication today, and your paper that was published in 1999 only proves the point.

more than a decade and still NOTHING to show for it :D What a rube. Dazzlers are not the topic, range finders and submarine detectors are not direct combat. I'm talking about lasers that can shoot down drones, missiles, planes, not blind sensitive equipment. GET WITH IT :D

you are just a oxymoron! since you can still write in english it must be your mental capacity that has caused the problem:

how long ago was that written per my quoted link above?

“China’s system shoots a laser beam that destroys the [guidance systems] and causes the projectile to fall harmlessly to the ground,” the paper said.
and if that was not a DEW what is?
I doubt it.

In terms of military technology, China is 40 years behind the USA.

40 years?obviously you don't know when did china make its first nuclear bomb,even in the cultural revolution ,you can't say that too.
wow, you really pulling out all the stops now Sinochallenged! +1 for comic worth :)

you do know quantum entanglement only works for atoms right? And that China isnt the pioneer in this field? what a surprise, right?
you are just a oxymoron! since you can still write in english it must be your mental capacity that has caused the problem:

how long ago was that written per my quoted link above?

and if that was not a DEW what is?

And yet you can't comprehend, a test setting in a controlled environent != battlefield or combat ready!

Chemical lasers != Electron lasers!

Your military isn't ready, your tests aren't ready, Russia's had tests, hell the US has and the Soviet Union tested laser weaponry for decades, but it was never ready for a combat environment. Well the US navy is showing us it is now :D
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