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Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.

you have failed again miserably and avoided my question to make your silly argument which contradicted yourself:

Above: you wrote "a test setting in a controlled environent != battlefield or combat ready!" and in closing the OP you wrote

in posting #1: you quoted

you have dug a big hole for your own burial!
Rofl Again you demonstrate your lack of English comprehension, or you have the attention span of an 8 year old!

The 1 year comment was not for the lasers, it was for the Zumwalt class ships that have been designed for DEW and Railgun use! We get those next year! The Lasers come the year after next!

and yes we are now in the process of integrating the Lasers into our fleet, and they will be ready in 2 years! You are the one digging your grave here shuttler:sick: It has been publicly announced the US will have active lasers on the fleet in 2 years, and you have nothing with which you can retort with to belittle the accomplishment!:lol:

Above: you wrote Chemical lasers != Electron lasers!

where do you have the idea we dont have electron laser?
Once again, lack of confirmation is NOT CONFIRMATION Lol get it through your skull!

In all seriousness China probably has a design prototype just like Russia has a design prototype for all different sorts of lasers, it just makes sense to test them all to evaluate them. There is no indication that China has made any progress beyond the design and planning phase for an electron type laser, and there has been indication for the US.

what kind of manoeuver was that if it was not DEW?

Your loser mentality is overflowing on the thread!

It was a test Shuttler, and evidently things didn't pan out from that test, as I still don't see your anti-missile laser defences, instead your country is trumpeting development on ABM systems. So much for that flailing :D

And for all your zeal in quoting an article from 1999, Beijing still has nothing to show the public Shuttler! :D isn't that a laugh!:lol:

That you struggle to reach and post a decade old article only goes to prove your inferiority complex is running full gear! You must upstage the Americans or in some way belittle our achievement, because not doing so would damage your pride in your country! :D

Here is a good exercise, why don't you list the names of the actual combat laser prototypes in existence or being developed in China currently :D

That way we at least have the resources to check on the progress instead of you blindly going 'no no no they have it, I believe they have it and here is a decade plus old article with no followup as proof!"

The names of projects themselves won't prove either of us right or wrong, only the actual demonstration of progress will do that, but at least then We can both have a method of looking up the facts. We both know the US is on track to deliver laser weapons onto ships in 2 years and has multiple times demonstrated laser viability on land, sea, and air! We know nothing about China's current progress except that it hasn't shown any current progress!

So get to it instead of bringing your tired rhetoric!
you are ignorant! lasers in broad daylights are hardly visible to the naked eyes but it can be captured through filtered lens!

You can't comprehend can you??? What the hell did I just said? How were lasers being seen? Infrared!
Let's assume for the moment the following;
- The USA will develop combat laser weapons first and put them on large ships and aircraft before any other country
- Other (large/influentual) countries are going to let the USA develop these weapons first, then steal the designs through espionage, and build their own in no-time.

- Any country can build large factories for drones, which is what you want to do when ships shoot down heaps of drones. (Getting the drones to do AI evasion patterns will be interesting)

What you have then is an ENERGY war.
You'll need nuclear or fusion power generation, in many more places than there are today where nuclear energy is RESPECTED AND PROTECTED in warfare.

In other words; be careful what weapons toys you wish for. The losing side will build so many tools of war that they cripple their own economy, or they will see their power generation infrastructure and drone/war-robot factories destroyed.

The solution is obviously;
- more patience
- more self-restraint and restraining the arrogance of your own team
- more diplomacy, slower escalations toward actual war
- less destruction per war, not more destruction per war
- less nationalism (sorry, courageous folks here)
- less extreme assertiveness
- more power for civilian peaceful purposes (such as evaporating seawater to create fresh water and thereby increasing agriculture)

you get the point, right, war mongerers?

don't force me to force-feed you these points all over this forum for years and years to come.
I see too much nationalism on this forum.

Bye for now,
Rofl Again you demonstrate your lack of English comprehension, or you have the attention span of an 8 year old!

The 1 year comment was not for the lasers, it was for the Zumwalt class ships that have been designed for DEW and Railgun use! We get those next year! The Lasers come the year after next!

and yes we are now in the process of integrating the Lasers into our fleet, and they will be ready in 2 years! You are the one digging your grave here shuttler:sick: It has been publicly announced the US will have active lasers on the fleet in 2 years, and you have nothing with which you can retort with to belittle the accomplishment!:lol:

Once again, lack of confirmation is NOT CONFIRMATION Lol get it through your skull!

In all seriousness China probably has a design prototype just like Russia has a design prototype for all different sorts of lasers, it just makes sense to test them all to evaluate them. There is no indication that China has made any progress beyond the design and planning phase for an electron type laser, and there has been indication for the US.

It was a test Shuttler, and evidently things didn't pan out from that test, as I still don't see your anti-missile laser defences, instead your country is trumpeting development on ABM systems. So much for that flailing :D

And for all your zeal in quoting an article from 1999, Beijing still has nothing to show the public Shuttler! :D isn't that a laugh!:lol:

That you struggle to reach and post a decade old article only goes to prove your inferiority complex is running full gear! You must upstage the Americans or in some way belittle our achievement, because not doing so would damage your pride in your country! :D

Here is a good exercise, why don't you list the names of the actual combat laser prototypes in existence or being developed in China currently :D

That way we at least have the resources to check on the progress instead of you blindly going 'no no no they have it, I believe they have it and here is a decade plus old article with no followup as proof!"

The names of projects themselves won't prove either of us right or wrong, only the actual demonstration of progress will do that, but at least then We can both have a method of looking up the facts. We both know the US is on track to deliver laser weapons onto ships in 2 years and has multiple times demonstrated laser viability on land, sea, and air! We know nothing about China's current progress except that it hasn't shown any current progress!

So get to it instead of bringing your tired rhetoric!

what a waste of bandwidth for another indian moron! all your claims are in future tense and what my argument was to show your own contradictory statements that are like piling earth on the grave in which you have already lain in!
Shuttler in overtime!

Guess the handlers must compensate for Sinochallenged being banned and he must do double the work. :lol:
Because it is. Notice that all videos in weapons test they have to be in infrared to at least see it?

You see any laser in this video in normal camera?

that is stupid out of ignorance of basic physical and photographical phenomena

You can't comprehend can you??? What the hell did I just said? How were lasers being seen? Infrared!

you have posted something silly for the purpose of covering up your basic ignorance
what a waste of bandwidth for another indian moron! all your claims are in future tense and what my argument was to show your own contradictory statements that are like piling earth on the grave in which you have already lied in!

My god, do you not understand that while it is future it is in a clearly defined near future with a specific year date?! That's quite different from what you imply, and I challenge you to find where I said the US has working combat lasers today and not that it will have it in the very very near future.
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