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Surprise! US navy to have an active laser arsenal in 2 years.


Aug 13, 2010
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United States
United States
The U.S. Navy is apparently just two years away from an active laser arsenal.

Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder, the chief of Naval research, told Wired.com's Danger Room that “directed energy”—the Navy’s term for lasers—is now past the physics stage and is in the process of being integrated into the fleet.
The biggest remaining challenge is power—specifically, making sure that ship captains won’t have to choose between maneuvering their vessels and firing their weapons. But Klunder believes his team has solved the issue and now can focus on making the lasers compatible with specific ships.

Laser weapons have reportedly been used to take down drones in tests. Klunder declined to give specifics, but he said the weapons have had “very successful” tests—though we imagine that really depends on which end of the laser beam you’re facing.

It should also be noted the first 2 Zumwalt class ships are coming online next year! These are ships that have been designed from the start to accomodate directed energy weapons and electromagnetic railguns! The future is near!
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China is also developing directed energy weapons and railgun.

Big deal, soon we will have those weapons too.

It is a big deal, because the US is the only country to have demonstrated such progress, while China has demonstrated nothing but paper words and powerpoints!

The fact that they are so imminent and ahead of schedule should be both incredibly exciting for our allies, and disconcerting for our enemies. They would be 2 years ahead of schedule.
Israel already has "Infrared high Energy Lasers" in their air defense system.
Do you have any movies showing a Laser attack? Very interesting to see the star-wars are coming.
Surprise? The amount of money the Americans spend on developing weapons of destruction each year, nothing surprise me.
Surprise? The amount of money the Americans spend on developing weapons of destruction each year, nothing surprise me.
They have been working on this one for decades but it was not working. I still doubt the efficiency. If it happens, it is a game changer against China.
They have been working on this one for decades but it was not working. I still doubt the efficiency. If it happens, it is a game changer against China.

They don't need a game changer against China, as it is, their naval capacity are already more than 10 times vis a vis China. Anything more than what they have now will put the whole world into submission.

Beware! Is my warning to those countries who are not in their camp.
No, Singapore is in the US camp but it's not the issue here, but all my friends are Muslims is.
No, Singapore is in the US camp but it's not the issue here, but all my friends are Muslims is.
Yepp. Muslims are mostly US allies but their relationship is complicated. The coming decades are gonna be difficult years for Muslims.

We do not want to surprise you. We want to TERRIFY you.

Upload a movie first to terrify.
We do not want to surprise you. We want to TERRIFY you.

Your verbal diction can only make me laugh. You always remind me of my little fat nephew who always talks like John Wayne behind the keyboard. Such a p...y cat in real life. :lol:
Did we upload any movie prior to Desert Storm? Now look how many militaries were terrified afterwards.

Militaries are terrified after desert storm :bounce:
that was the biggest budget war movie
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