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Surgical strikes are feasible militarily: Army chief

^^^^^^ Yes it is indeed.

Evolution, u know.

If we Indians and Pakistanis can evolve into 2 completely different species in 60 years, then why wouldn't the milk of two species of cows in South-Asia and Europe which got separated maybe 1000s of years back.
Is india capable of shelling the border......yes
Can pakistan defend itself.....yes
Trying to make it sound all sophisticated by calling it a Surgical strike is just hype.
^^^^^^ For you the question is not about saving Pakistan. But whether you want to save those terrorists sheltering there.
It is not credible for me because there is constant talk about "surgical strikes" and other military options in Pakistan but I continue to see words backed up with mere words instead of action.
So you can understand why I find these statements quite uncredible on my part, and i'm not the only Pakistani who has the same views on this.
The fact that you create such a thread indicates that you still have your hopes up for any violation of Pakistani sovereignty, and to counter that, I have contributed with my sarcasm.

when an option is being discussed, you dont just go ahead and implement it, just to prove its feasibility. the army chief thinks the surgical strikes are feasible according to his knowledge. you and some more pakistanis disagree. that doesnt make him unreliable or not credible. it shows india's restraint and the trust that it has placed on pakistan.
^^^^^^ For you the question is not about saving Pakistan. But whether you want to save those terrorists sheltering there.

The question can be taken a step further back to "are you going to give the people of kashmir the right to choose there future under a free vote".
when an option is being discussed, you dont just go ahead and implement it, just to prove its feasibility. the army chief thinks the surgical strikes are feasible according to his knowledge. you and some more pakistanis disagree. that doesnt make him unreliable or not credible. it shows india's restraint and the trust that it has placed on pakistan.

"Trust" as in Pakistan does what we want, and if they don't, we'll consider striking them?
Can you please bring up a little more respect for my nations armed forces?
NEW DELHI: The number of terrorist camps in Pakistan has increased in the past year despite a crackdown by Islamabad, India’s army chief said on Saturday. A report in the Hindustan Times quoted General Deepak Kapoor as saying, “I would rather put it that the infrastructure is active. Yes I would put it that way. I would not talk about the numbers specifically right now now because of the fact that some of these are closed. But infrastructure is existing and active,” adding that the number of camps “on the other side” can “safely be placed between 30 and 50”. India has said the Mumbai terrorist attacks in November last year were planned from a camp in Pakistan. Relations between the nuclear-armed India and Pakistan have been strained since then, with India saying Pakistan was not doing enough to rein in terrorists. Indian Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon this week said Pakistan’s main spy agency was linked to planners of the Mumbai attacks. Pakistan has denied any involvement by state agencies and has said it was investigating a dossier of information from India, to which it will reply next week. reuters/daily times monitor
with all due respects, he is an army chief of a country that has fought several wars with you. wouldnt he know the psyche of your army and your country by now?:rolleyes:
I think he was talking about taking a calculated chance, just like pak army chief took in kargil. but, since he works under our political leaders unlike your nation, he doesnt have the same freedom.

WTF, You Indians always give this reason that our civilian Govt Has full Control of Indian Military and Pakistani Army is not Under the command of the elected Govt.

Pakistani Military and ISI is under Full control of the Civilian Govt and they will do whatever they are Ordered to do. In the past Military took over because of Political Failure of our Politicians and Military had to act in order to save Pakistan and all the Military Leaders Tried their Level best to Bring the Democracy Back in Pakistan and every Military ruler of Pakistan conducted Elections so that Civilian Govt can Return Back.

Now in your case, You hide the Facts with a Big Banner of "Biggest democracy in the world" and the truth is that your Govt cannot even control Small Officers Like colonels and how will it have Control on the General. Colonels are involved in Terrorist activities and they are forming their own militia and suicide squads. and still you say this BS us that
"unlike your nation, he doesnt have the same freedom".
"Trust" as in Pakistan does what we want, and if they don't, we'll consider striking them?
Can you please bring up a little more respect for my nations armed forces?

'trust' as in pakistan will cooperate with india in catching the culprits behind the terror attack in mumbai instead of protecting them. if they dont/cant, then we should target the TERRORISTS(not pak) within pak regardless of your armed forces.
Surgical strikes are feasible militarily: Army chief
Press Trust of India
Sunday, February 08, 2009 10:47 AM (New Delhi)
Against the backdrop of much-debated option of surgical strikes against terror infrastructure in Pakistan post-Mumbai terror attack, Army chief General Deepak Kapoor has said that such strikes are "very much feasible" militarily.

"Surgical strikes are definitely feasible but whether you wish to take that decision or not is a separate issue," he said when asked whether such strikes were feasible.

"Definitely yes. Whether you would like to look at doing it (carrying out such strikes) by air or artillery or by another means or physically there," he said in reply to questions.

Asked if the armed forces were ready for such strikes if the political leadership had given the go-ahead, Kapoor said, "We are an army which has been involved in operations in Kashmir and Northern Command on a perpetual basis and on an on-going basis. Therefore, the question of not being ready is frankly not relevant. And we would have been fully ready to do our task."

During the interview, the Army chief also sought to dispel the impression that there was no clarity about the nuclear command when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was hospitalised for heart surgery in January.

lmao :lol: :eek:
WTF, You Indians always give this reason that our civilian Govt Has full Control of Indian Military and Pakistani Army is not Under the command of the elected Govt.

Pakistani Military and ISI is under Full control of the Civilian Govt and they will do whatever they are Ordered to do. In the past Military took over because of Political Failure of our Politicians and Military had to act in order to save Pakistan and all the Military Leaders Tried their Level best to Bring the Democracy Back in Pakistan and every Military ruler of Pakistan conducted Elections so that Civilian Govt can Return Back.

Now in your case, You hide the Facts with a Big Banner of "Biggest democracy in the world" and the truth is that your Govt cannot even control Small Officers Like colonels and how will it have Control on the General. Colonels are involved in Terrorist activities and they are forming their own militia and suicide squads. and still you say this BS us that

who determines that politicians have failed and its time for army to step in? the same person who is going to get hold of power, isnt it? there lies your answer. your politicians fail because your democracy is weak, your democracy is weak because it was never given time to grow, with military coups overthrowing the democracy everytime.

as far as, your opinion of india is concerned, I suggest you read up the international media as well, instead of just your local media which paints the picture of india which is similar to pak's image in world. but thats all bs. few random instances are taken to create a fiction which is lapped up by the local.
'trust' as in pakistan will cooperate with india in catching the culprits behind the terror attack in mumbai instead of protecting them. if they dont/cant, then we should target the TERRORISTS(not pak) within pak regardless of your armed forces.

C'mon, quit the BS, you're quoting my post and you're giving me the exact same reply, only in different words this time, like I gave you.
Pakistan isn't really going to speed up anything or kiss India's butt because of these useless threats.
Spare me and my countrymates your blind nationalistic pride by saying India will carry out strikes on Pakistani soil if she finds it necessary.
The truth is, your country is not in the position, nor does it dare to violate Pakistans sovereignty, it's a simple as that, and yes I know it hurts especially when you think you're "Incredible" India, but it's just how it is buddy.
Dialogue and politics will solve the issue, not military.
If your generals and your ministers knew their strikes would be succesful without any setbacks or serious retaliation from Pakistan, they would've given the green lights for any attacks, but they haven't done so simply because your armed forces are not prepared to take on Pakistans armed forces without getting a one-way ticket back to where they came from.

This is the reality, if you don't believe me, then please do go ahead and continue with your wet fantasies about the allmighty Indian army and airforce crippling Pakistans forces, you're definitely not the only Indian who shares the same views like you do, I don't blame you, luckily, your head of state is a little smarter and knows that he should only keep it with words and nothing else. ;)
who determines that politicians have failed and its time for army to step in? the same person who is going to get hold of power, isnt it? there lies your answer. your politicians fail because your democracy is weak, your democracy is weak because it was never given time to grow, with military coups overthrowing the democracy everytime.

as far as, your opinion of india is concerned, I suggest you read up the international media as well, instead of just your local media which paints the picture of india which is similar to pak's image in world. but thats all bs. few random instances are taken to create a fiction which is lapped up by the local.

International media is full of praises for Pakistan and others, it depends on u to choose, I can present to you many international media stories about Indian and Israel that are not flattering, so I go by what i see and read and than decipher it for myself using my common sense and not dictates by media.
'Times of India' misleads country with 'surgical strikes' claims
Posted by vkthakur on Monday, December 08, 2008 (EST)

In a news story this morning, vaguely attributed to 'military brass,' the Times of India has claimed that India possess the ability to surgically strike at terrorists training camps in Pakistan.

A Times of India news story that India could carry out a surprise surgical strike against terrorist training camps in Pakistan using IAF aircraft like the Mirage 2000 above is pure rubbish. Photo Credit: Sawf News
December 08, 2008, (Sawf News) - In a news story this morning, vaguely attributed to 'military brass,' the Times of India has claimed that India possess the ability to surgically strike at terrorists training camps in Pakistan.

Nothing could be further from the truth. An attempt to carry out such a strike would likely end in severe embarrassment for the country, if not outright disaster.

Surprisingly, the story suggests that the IAF could carry out such strikes using laser guided bombs delivered by Sukhoi-30MKIs, Mirage-2000s and Jaguars. It would have been more plausible if the capability had been attributed to an operational Brahmos missile unit with the Army, if there is indeed such a unit.

It would be fool hardy for the IAF to undertake a strike mission into Pakistan without first softening its air defense through attacks on fighter and missile bases as well as air defense radar. But that is hardly possible if you do not first declare war!

With Pakistani fighters and missiles in a high state of alert for such a 'surprise' strike several IAF aircraft are likely to be shot down, resulting in not just loss of face but a huge mess because pilots of the shot down aircraft are likely to be captured by Pakistan!

Another more chilling consequence of such a 'surprise' surgical strike is that it could be construed as a nuclear attack by Pakistan. Despite the DRDO charade about our Agni missile variants, India's nuclear deterrent continues to be fighter aircraft based and a 'surprise' Indian fighter attack could be construed as a surprise nuclear attack!! Pakistan has no way of knowing if the incoming Indian aircraft are carrying nuclear or conventional bombs.

It would be ridiculous for Pakistan to assume the attack was nuclear, but no one is crediting Pakistan with much sanity these days.

Besides what would such a surgical strike accomplish? It is not as if the terrorists are going to be waiting in their camps to be bombed. Even if they are caught off guard, all they have to do is jump into a trench to save themselves.

Ironically, Pakistan could carry out such a surgical strike much more easily using its Babur missiles. A Babur missile attack will not require softening of Indian air defenses and if one of the attacking missile was shot down by Indian defenses, a highly unlikely scenario, there would be no Pakistani pilot to capture!

A Babur missile attack by Pakistan would never be construed as a nuclear attack by India because our leadership is sane and Pakistan's nuclear deterrent is missile based.

Interestingly, I posted a comment, roughly along the same lines as above under the Times story. No prizes for guessing that it was not published!

The press is more a perpetrator of censorship in India than a victim.

'Times of India' misleads country with 'surgical strikes' claims
WTF, You Indians always give this reason that our civilian Govt Has full Control of Indian Military and Pakistani Army is not Under the command of the elected Govt.

Pakistani Military and ISI is under Full control of the Civilian Govt and they will do whatever they are Ordered to do.

joke of the century . its the otherwise round sir .

In the past Military took over because of Political Failure of our Politicians and Military had to act in order to save Pakistan and all the Military Leaders Tried their Level best to Bring the Democracy Back in Pakistan and every Military ruler of Pakistan conducted Elections so that Civilian Govt can Return Back. .
first part true .:bounce::bounce:
second part :rofl:

Now in your case, You hide the Facts with a Big Banner of "Biggest democracy in the world" and the truth is that your Govt cannot even control Small Officers Like colonels and how will it have Control on the General. Colonels are involved in Terrorist activities and they are forming their own militia and suicide squads. and still you say this BS us that.
where do you read all this stuff sir . some pakistani newspaper .
ur a senior member sir . live upto ur stature .
where did you learn this that our govt has no control over our colonels and that they are forming terrorist organizations and suicide squads .

and regarding surgical strike it was never on the plate . pakistan is no afhganistan that we will strike and they will applaude
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