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Supreme Court asks Centre to reveal all names in the #BlackMoney list tomorrow

I guess so, remember something about 8 to 9% down and that only caused by the hype.
Nothing new if you would have gone through news recently formation of a majority bjp govt had pushed DLF's share down by another 10% because of fear of investigation. Markets in such case seem pretty much volatile.
This is a political battle in general and the result is pretty much the same either. Ahead of the elections I asked out of interest, if it wouldn't be the best for India to elect the AAP, if the nation actually wants "change", especially wrt corruption scams, since the 2 big parties / coalitions have a history with corruption cases and not actually working against it.Today I saw a debate in the TV about black money, where a member stated that UPA and NDA are basically
the 2 different sides of the same coin, which is why the results and policies are
often the same and that reminded me on my question back then.
If not even the overwhelming support of the Indian public in the elections, made
NDA to show real changes (in this field) to what the UPA has done earlier, then
the hope of change in India is pretty low isn't it?
Yes they are pretty much similar congres could work a bit freely from 2004-09 bt in the second term it was quite weak because of coalition govt,bjp can to do better now because of majority in lok sabha but it still needs support in rajya sabha from its allies,these things play a role in how would a govt implement its policies,bjp has implement many of cong policies as it was easier for bjp to implement them then it was for congress,congress came up with some very good policies but they failed in implementing them effectively.Aap initially had done well but it messed but while it got closer to general elections and for people in rural area,a newbie into politics coming to a rally in a group of 100-200 cars dosen't go down to well,they feel like there's no difference between him and a bjp candidate,thus,they prefer a bjp guy more than someone from aap,this was also the ground situation,inclusion of criminal candidate and failed performance by Ak as Delhi CM was enough for the public to look at bjp,which is what happend.
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@RKO @halupridol @the_huskar @zootinali
Brothers, time for readying some popcorn and wait for names to be revealed.

Also time for replenish ammunation ( Rotten eggs, tomatoes, bih jolokiya chilly plus Danda as a desert ). Time to kick courupt traitors where sun dont shine.

I know I am over excited but I hope a time comes in the future when public does its own justice to all those corupt rats who has eaten up publics hard earned money.
I dont think our money is coming back...not anytime soon!!! I wish they finalize and buy more Rafales with that money....I know wet dreams!
#BreakingNews | Supreme Court asks Centre to reveal all names in the #BlackMoney list tomorrow
Sorry. But, I don't understand why you keep opening threads like these in a defence forum. What purpose does it solve?
Be my guest, I will supply with infinite amount of rotten eggs to through at those scums. :rofl: :rofl: :lmao:

To hide their hard theft money, off course.
So you too have money in swiss bank to buy infinite eggs!!
I dont think our money is coming back...not anytime soon!!! I wish they finalize and buy more Rafales with that money....I know wet dreams!

I agree to the wet dream too.....:rofl:

So you too have money in swiss bank to buy infinite eggs!!

I am a shareholder of many chicken firms.....lol
( pardon my trolling)
More than high profile names and all these political blame games (as if we don't know that politicians on all sides have black money somewhere), is change in restricting black money to increase and how to actually get it back, even if it's in India itself only.
Here in Germany the government for example took an alternative route, which might work in India too. They investigated and gathered infos on possible black money account holders, but in some cases the investigations have just started, proves are not fully clear and going to court and get a decision takes time too. So they informed the people which are under investigations, that they have gathered infos about them and that they will push a hard investigation into the court, UNLESS...they decide to work with the authorities and admitting about these accounts and provide all necessary data on their own. The government in return, will investigate the issue quietly then, would not send these tax frauds to jail and they only have to pay the money back from a certain period of time that will be investigated.
The result of this 2nd option, instead of a public case and the possibility to go to jail was, that many people reported themselfs at the authorities, provided the necessary documents and accounts and the whole process of "getting the money back" was dramatically faster. The people simply feared a rigorous investigation and hard punishment and took the easier way out. The government was able to get large ammounts of money back, in far less time, even though the public might not know exactly which big fish had how much money in such accounts at the end.
Yep,every politician or someone who's even in contact with a politician has unaccounted money or the one that hasn't been taxed,to put it in simple trems,blackmoney. They are exsist in every party and to be frank every party tries to sheild them but try their best to throw someone from opposition behind the bars be it bjp or congress.It would be intresting to see how does modi reacts to a corrupt bjp leader,some with the ranks of an MP or MLA even if he's close to PMO.Anyways i don't know how would german model work in India,and that to when your country is tagged as a country with with highest amount of blackmoney in swiss banks. They have already created a lot of drama that it would not help bjp to remain silent,though letting SC would help them feel easy,but it would still be a long process,as many are already relocating their assests,banks have been suggesting their clients to move their money ,and with record no of gold export from swiss to India,it does seem like money is on the move.Indian govt did come up with an altenative that those who have illegal acounts could pay required amount of cash to make it legal,correct me if i am wrong,though dont know how much did it work.
@JanjaWeed @Abingdonboy @halupridol I had feeling that SC some how cross his constitutional limits specially in the Delhi govt case
That's true. Maybe they are still bitter about that Judicial reform bill wherein their sole power to select judges are curtailed. Last thing we want is Judicial activism where courts starts dictating terms over functioning of Parliament, it's ministries & forming governments in various states!
That's true. Maybe they are still bitter about that Judicial reform bill wherein their sole power to select judges are curtailed. Last thing we want is Judicial activism where courts starts dictating terms over functioning of Parliament, it's ministries & forming governments in various states!
Specially comment by one judge about time-taken by LG and president on making decision to forming govt in Delhi and second he also ask Bjp how to form Govt if they have no numbers.
judiciary don't have right to question Executive authorities Specially President who is Supreme authority of our nation
Black money: Who are you protecting, SC asks govt

New Delhi: Rejecting the Centre's stand, the Supreme Court today ordered Centre to disclose all the names of black money holders abroad to it by tomorrow in a sealed envelope and slammed it for reluctance on the issue.

The apex court had some strong words for the new government for seeking modification of its earlier order on disclosure of all names saying this was accepted by the then UPA government.

"Why are you trying to protect people having bank accounts in foreign countries. Why are you providing a protective umbrella for all these people," the SC asked.

Supreme Court of India. Reuters

"The order was passed in open court in the presence of Solicitor General and the new regime can't ask modification of order. We cannot touch our order and we won't change even a word of it," a visibly annoyed Chief Justice HL Dattu, who was heading the bench, said.

Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi's fervent plea that it can disclose names only after conducting probes on illegality of bank accounts was outright rejected by the Bench which asked the government not to do anything but provide all information to it and the court would direct investigation to be done by SIT or any other agencies including CBI.

At the end of a 30-minute hearing, Attorney General said the government has received 500 names of account holders from different countries like Germany.

The CJI asked the Centre not to indulge in any kind of probe by itself and said that investigation would never complete in his lifetime if it is done by the government.

"You do not do anything. Just pass information of account holders to us and we will pass order for further probe," the bench, also comprising justices Ranjana Prakash Desai and Madan B Lokur, said.

"We can't leave the issue of bringing back black money to government. It will never happen during our time," it said adding "Why are you providing protective umbrella to foreign bank account holders?".

The bench brushed aside the contentions of AG that disclosing account holders' names would violate their right to privacy of those who have legitimate accounts and the names can be revealed only after a prima facie case of tax evasion is made out.

"You do not have to take interest in people (having foreign bank accounts). SIT will take care of it," the bench said setting a deadline for tomorrow to place all those names.

The court directed the Centre not to give "one, two, or three names of account holders but the entire list supplied to it by the foreign countries".

The Attorney General tried his best to convince the court that disclosure of names of all account holders could hamper government's efforts to bring back black money as the foreign countries might not give further information on tainted accounts in their territories.

He submitted that the apex court-appointed SIT is not a statutory body which can issue notice to account holders and it can be done only by the IT department. All information has already been given to the SIT, he added.

The bench, however, was not satisfied by his contention.

"We want the names supplied to you by foreign countries. Pass the information to us. You give the information to us. We have taken up the case and are monitoring it. So give us the information and we would pass it to the SIT. The SIT would take the case to its logical conclusion.

"Why are you taking the trouble of a probe? Just give the information to SIT which will conduct the probe," the bench said and observed that it is also "concerned" about the black money stashed by Indians in foreign banks.

Rohatgi also submitted that the government had given an assurance (to foreign entities) that it will maintain confidentiality of the information received on account holders.

If it is disclosed then the Centre would have difficulty in entering into treaties with foreign nations on sharing of data in future on the issue, the AG said.

"Don't give any such assurance. We don't want money of the country to go abroad," the court said, adding, "We have constituted the SIT to bring back the money. So let the government cooperate with the SIT".

The bench said that it will take care when such problems (regarding entering into treaty) arise.

Disclosing eight names including that of Pradip Burman, one of Dabur India promoters, a bullion trader and Goa miners against whom it has started prosecution for allegedly stashing black money, the Centre said in its affidavit yesterday that all the names of account holders cannot be disclosed unless there is a "prima facie" evidence of wrongdoing.

Rajkot-based bullion trader Pankaj Chimanlal Lodhya and Goa-based mining company Timblo Private Limited and its five Directors were among the names that figured in the list which was filed in the Supreme Court by the government.

"The government is committed to disclose names of persons holding illegal money abroad. However, every account held by an Indian in a foreign country may not be illegal and the fundamental right of citizens to privacy under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot be ignored and has been recognised by this court," it said, adding the names and information documents cannot be disclosed even even under a proceedings under Article 32(1) of the Constitution.

It had urged the apex court to modify its earlier order directing it to reveal even the names of foreign bank account holders against whom no evidence was found for stashing black money saying the government would have a problem entering into tax agreements with other countries.

"There is absolutely no intention on the part of the government to withhold information, including names of persons who have stashed black money abroad, but only to seek certain clarification that will enable the government to enter into agreements with other countries under which information relating to unaccounted money lying abroad can be obtained," it had said.

"The information received under these tax treaties and agreements will be disclosed after following the due process of law, in all cases where evasion of tax is established. The intention of the present government is clear and unambiguous."

"The government is keen to unearth black money held abroad and for that purpose it will use all diplomatic and legal means and also all investigating agencies to obtain information that can assist in such unearthing," the affidavit had said.

Black money: Who are you protecting, SC asks govt

@sancho @janon @OrionHunter
Black money: Who are you protecting, SC asks govt

New Delhi: Rejecting the Centre's stand, the Supreme Court today ordered Centre to disclose all the names of black money holders abroad to it by tomorrow in a sealed envelope and slammed it for reluctance on the issue.

The apex court had some strong words for the new government for seeking modification of its earlier order on disclosure of all names saying this was accepted by the then UPA government.

"Why are you trying to protect people having bank accounts in foreign countries. Why are you providing a protective umbrella for all these people," the SC asked.

Supreme Court of India. Reuters

"The order was passed in open court in the presence of Solicitor General and the new regime can't ask modification of order. We cannot touch our order and we won't change even a word of it," a visibly annoyed Chief Justice HL Dattu, who was heading the bench, said.

Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi's fervent plea that it can disclose names only after conducting probes on illegality of bank accounts was outright rejected by the Bench which asked the government not to do anything but provide all information to it and the court would direct investigation to be done by SIT or any other agencies including CBI.

At the end of a 30-minute hearing, Attorney General said the government has received 500 names of account holders from different countries like Germany.

The CJI asked the Centre not to indulge in any kind of probe by itself and said that investigation would never complete in his lifetime if it is done by the government.

"You do not do anything. Just pass information of account holders to us and we will pass order for further probe," the bench, also comprising justices Ranjana Prakash Desai and Madan B Lokur, said.

"We can't leave the issue of bringing back black money to government. It will never happen during our time," it said adding "Why are you providing protective umbrella to foreign bank account holders?".

The bench brushed aside the contentions of AG that disclosing account holders' names would violate their right to privacy of those who have legitimate accounts and the names can be revealed only after a prima facie case of tax evasion is made out.

"You do not have to take interest in people (having foreign bank accounts). SIT will take care of it," the bench said setting a deadline for tomorrow to place all those names.

The court directed the Centre not to give "one, two, or three names of account holders but the entire list supplied to it by the foreign countries".

The Attorney General tried his best to convince the court that disclosure of names of all account holders could hamper government's efforts to bring back black money as the foreign countries might not give further information on tainted accounts in their territories.

He submitted that the apex court-appointed SIT is not a statutory body which can issue notice to account holders and it can be done only by the IT department. All information has already been given to the SIT, he added.

The bench, however, was not satisfied by his contention.

"We want the names supplied to you by foreign countries. Pass the information to us. You give the information to us. We have taken up the case and are monitoring it. So give us the information and we would pass it to the SIT. The SIT would take the case to its logical conclusion.

"Why are you taking the trouble of a probe? Just give the information to SIT which will conduct the probe," the bench said and observed that it is also "concerned" about the black money stashed by Indians in foreign banks.

Rohatgi also submitted that the government had given an assurance (to foreign entities) that it will maintain confidentiality of the information received on account holders.

If it is disclosed then the Centre would have difficulty in entering into treaties with foreign nations on sharing of data in future on the issue, the AG said.

"Don't give any such assurance. We don't want money of the country to go abroad," the court said, adding, "We have constituted the SIT to bring back the money. So let the government cooperate with the SIT".

The bench said that it will take care when such problems (regarding entering into treaty) arise.

Disclosing eight names including that of Pradip Burman, one of Dabur India promoters, a bullion trader and Goa miners against whom it has started prosecution for allegedly stashing black money, the Centre said in its affidavit yesterday that all the names of account holders cannot be disclosed unless there is a "prima facie" evidence of wrongdoing.

Rajkot-based bullion trader Pankaj Chimanlal Lodhya and Goa-based mining company Timblo Private Limited and its five Directors were among the names that figured in the list which was filed in the Supreme Court by the government.

"The government is committed to disclose names of persons holding illegal money abroad. However, every account held by an Indian in a foreign country may not be illegal and the fundamental right of citizens to privacy under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot be ignored and has been recognised by this court," it said, adding the names and information documents cannot be disclosed even even under a proceedings under Article 32(1) of the Constitution.

It had urged the apex court to modify its earlier order directing it to reveal even the names of foreign bank account holders against whom no evidence was found for stashing black money saying the government would have a problem entering into tax agreements with other countries.

"There is absolutely no intention on the part of the government to withhold information, including names of persons who have stashed black money abroad, but only to seek certain clarification that will enable the government to enter into agreements with other countries under which information relating to unaccounted money lying abroad can be obtained," it had said.

"The information received under these tax treaties and agreements will be disclosed after following the due process of law, in all cases where evasion of tax is established. The intention of the present government is clear and unambiguous."

"The government is keen to unearth black money held abroad and for that purpose it will use all diplomatic and legal means and also all investigating agencies to obtain information that can assist in such unearthing," the affidavit had said.

Black money: Who are you protecting, SC asks govt

@sancho @janon @OrionHunter
govt is protecting international relations with and treaties.Govt is a Executive authority who have to take care international relations.don't know how much money will come back but this move will impact India image globally and will decrease Trade rating
govt is protecting international relations with and treaties.Govt is a Executive authority who have to take care international relations.don't know how much money will come back but this move will impact India image globally and will decrease Trade rating

Isnt it what congress were also saying??
Isnt it what congress were also saying??
congress was not even disclose one name not even formed SIT after 3 years of SC judgement they done Scams after scams which depleted our Economy proven by CAG which constitutional authority they have no credibility even to say about this matter.
Secondly SC is only a judicial body which make judgement without caring about policies of govt which will impact our Economy like cancelling all coal blocks without even thinking it will impact our power generation capacity .Executive authorities have much wide Range of problems unlike judiciary maintaining international relations,internal and external security,maintaining trade relations list goes On
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