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Suppose 2030 China will reach the same level with US, Now What? Can China imagine new Technology?

The general accepted definition for e commerce involves the internet.

I provided a source that stated Alibaba was the first to conduct B2B e commerce. Can you find a contradicting source?

Your own supplied link says:
1981: Thomson Holidays UK is the first business-to-business (B2B) online shopping system to be installed

...and don't tell us some stupidness about how Thompson didn't use the Internet until after Chinese companies did in the 2000's.
Your own supplied link says:

...and don't tell us some stupidness about how Thompson didn't use the Internet until after Chinese companies did in the 2000's.
The dude is arguing eCommerce start pre-internet era is Semantic.....

That's said how much he knows about eCommerce....
The dude is arguing eCommerce start pre-internet era is Semantic.....

That's said how much he knows about eCommerce....

Remember the world didn't become modern until China jumped in 20 or so years ago...

Thank god they appeared and saved us all from our backwardness. :rolleyes1:
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The dude is arguing eCommerce start pre-internet era is Semantic.....

That's said how much he knows about eCommerce....
Semantics seems to be the basis for the CCP making all kinds of dubious claims of inventing things that had already been invented, or rewriting history to make claims of inventing things far earlier. The clear intention of this trend, which started in 2014 shortly after Xi took over, is to present the illusion that China is a more innovative nation than they really are.
??? those are about as "chinese created" as the US or Canada is.
china did not force NK to be a dystopian communist-but-also-monarchy nation. china has consistently suggested that NK open up like china did and unlike the us, china left korea as soon as the korean war was over and does not control the nation in any way. in fact it only intervened in NK in the first place because the US was attacking all the way to the chinese border while its supreme commander was yelling out loud about how he wanted to go further and invade and maybe nuke china, as far as china was concerned it was either fight in korea or fight inside china itself.

just like china did not create myanmar nor its military.

china is merely willing to do business with those countries the same way it does business with the us or canada and does not directly intervene unless china itself was threaten, such as the case with korea.

The only reason North Korea survives is China support. Quit pretending otherwise

Because China refuses to sanction countries as per America’s demand. Because China didn’t want America to invade and occupy their next door neighbors?
nobody does business with North Korea. there is nothing to do

Let us not give credit to the modern Chinese era of innovation and discovery. In the tradition of the great inventions of ancient China; the Compass, Gunpowder, Papermaking and Printing, we are now truly in a new golden age of China scientific research.

Behold, the four great modern China inventions;

Dockless shared bicycles
High-speed rail
Electronic payment system

E-commerce can be commerce conducted over electronic medium not just internet. A lot of us ordered pizza over the phone line from Pizza Hut and Dominos in the 1980s
No, Japanese and Chinese are superficially similar but the cultural core is different.

Japan was a feudal warrior society. Because of that, their fundamental understanding of Chinese culture revolves around 忠, loyalty.

China was an empire. The emperor was a military commander, but did not govern through the military like knights or samurai. instead he had a civilian government. Chinese emphasize 仁, benevolence.

That is why Japanese are good employees while Chinese might be a little lazy or absentminded when working for others. We view rules as more like guidelines and how much to follow them as a matter of their reasonableness. Japanese are very rigid rule followers.

But it is also why China has startup culture and Japan doesn't.

Exactly, japanese selectively and foremostly discarded the core teaching of confucianism humane benevolence or 仁,and in a true sense, japanese are not true or are incomplete confucians. Thats why japanese are collectively so cruel and barbaric during their military expansions in the last centuries including WW II.
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Because China refuses to sanction countries as per America’s demand. Because China didn’t want America to invade and occupy their next door neighbors?

China voted for all of these resolutions

The UN Security Council has passed a number of resolutions since North Korea's first nuclear test in 2006.[5]

  • Resolution 1718, passed in 2006, demanded that North Korea cease nuclear testing and prohibited the export of some military supplies and luxury goods to North Korea.[6][2] The UN Security Council Sanctions Committee on North Korea was established, supported by the Panel of Experts.[7][8][9]
  • Resolution 1874, passed after the second nuclear test in 2009, broadened the arms embargo. Member states were encouraged to inspect ships and destroy any cargo suspected of being related to the nuclear weapons program.[2][5]
  • Resolution 2087, passed in January 2013 after a satellite launch, strengthened previous sanctions by clarifying a state's right to seize and destroy cargo suspected of heading to or from North Korea for purposes of military research and development.[2][5]
  • Resolution 2094, passed in March 2013 after the third nuclear test, imposed sanctions on money transfers and aimed to shut North Korea out of the international financial system.[2][5]
  • Resolution 2270, passed in March 2016 after the fourth nuclear test, further strengthened existing sanctions.[10] It banned the export of gold, vanadium, titanium, and rare earth metals. The export of coal and iron were also banned, with an exemption for transactions that were purely for "livelihood purposes."[11][5]
  • Resolution 2321, passed in November 2016, capped North Korea's coal exports and banned exports of copper, nickel, zinc, and silver.[12][13] In February 2017, a UN panel said that 116 of 193 member states had not yet submitted a report on their implementation of these sanctions, though China had.[14]
  • Resolution 2371, passed in August 2017, banned all exports of coal, iron, lead, and seafood. The resolution also imposed new restrictions on North Korea's Foreign Trade Bank and prohibited any increase in the number of North Koreans working in foreign countries.[15]
  • Resolution 2375, passed on 11 September 2017, limited North Korean crude oil and refined petroleum product imports; banned joint ventures, textile exports, natural gas condensate and liquid imports; and banned North Korean nationals from working abroad in other countries.[16]
  • Resolution 2397, passed on 22 December 2017 after the launch of a Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile, limited North Korean crude oil and refined petroleum product imports to 500,000 barrels per year, banned the export of food, machinery and electrical equipment, called for the repatriation of all North Korean nationals earning income abroad within 24 months. The resolution also authorized member states to seize and inspect any vessel in their territorial waters found to be illicitly providing oil or other prohibited products to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.[17]

Precedent guides me otherwise. I think a multipolar world will be a good thing for developing countries, but the question that arise is whether " The alternate pole " will follow on the footsteps of the old or will it change. Secondly, in the U.S atleast U.S citizens have the right to question and protest against their foreign policy. The Chinese people may not enjoy that luxury. So in case of foreign atrocities, while you may be able divide the deep state and citizens in western powers, This is not the case for the Chinese.
There might not be a multipolar world. You might be stuck with China

No, I guess.

It's culturally and systematically different.

Just look at Japan, the Japanese just knows how to improve someone else inventions rather than inventing world-changing thing on their own.

And that makes them stuck because they cannot move forward to the next development step.

China is no different than Japan, except China is still poorer and developing, so there's an illusion of progress and moving forward.

A lot of Japanese inventions are behind the "hood". you usually do not see them as an ordinary layman

??? those are about as "chinese created" as the US or Canada is.
china did not force NK to be a dystopian communist-but-also-monarchy nation. china has consistently suggested that NK open up like china did and unlike the us, china left korea as soon as the korean war was over and does not control the nation in any way. in fact it only intervened in NK in the first place because the US was attacking all the way to the chinese border while its supreme commander was yelling out loud about how he wanted to go further and invade and maybe nuke china, as far as china was concerned it was either fight in korea or fight inside china itself.

just like china did not create myanmar nor its military.

china is merely willing to do business with those countries the same way it does business with the us or canada and does not directly intervene unless china itself was threaten, such as the case with korea.

China has made a point of propping them up
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Earlier than that. I think Japan started the urban high-rise living in the 1950's during the post-war rebuild. Plus everything you mentioned (other than computers) existed at that time. The consumer rice cooker was invented in the 1950's (by Toshiba BTW).
It's true, the world tends to take the japanese's invention for granted.
Then again, the same can be said to all asians's invention.
As far as I know, the transhumanism, and space is the next in the global elite research schedule.
Semantics seems to be the basis for the CCP making all kinds of dubious claims of inventing things that had already been invented, or rewriting history to make claims of inventing things far earlier. The clear intention of this trend, which started in 2014 shortly after Xi took over, is to present the illusion that China is a more innovative nation than they really are.
I don't know if that dude just simply doesn't know what semantic means, or he is talking out of his a$$ entirely.

You don't invent things already existed, it's like US overhauling the entire financial system we use in the world today and based it on USD, does that mean US invented global financial system to begin with? With @FairAndUnbiased argument, they do. Because arguing the opposite is semantics.......British Pound, Gold Standard and Bretten Wood Standard would want to have a word with you....

He is still alright, at least he knows when to stop when being called out repeatedly. There are others will argue with you even if their argument went down in drain..........
I have always find these discussions on who invent what unproductive at best, dickwaving at worst.
You don't invent things already existed, it's like US overhauling the entire financial system we use in the world today and based it on USD, does that mean US invented global financial system to begin with? With @FairAndUnbiased argument, they do. Because arguing the opposite is semantics.......British Pound, Gold Standard and Bretten Wood Standard would want to have a word with you....
I think there is more than just the appearance of innovation at play too, the same system that incentivizes high quantity low quality patent applications in China probably encourages inventors to make false claims. Subsidies, investment in start-ups, non-monetary rewards like promotions in companies or the party hierarchy, there are a lot of ways to exploit this system.
The only reason North Korea survives is China support. Quit pretending otherwise

im not pretending anything. i said NK only survives and has china's support because china itself is threatened otherwise. you know, the whole part where the us was pushing to the yalu and macarthur wanting to invade and later openly wanting to nuke china? or is your argument that china has no right to defend itself when a huge army is on its door steps and its commander is threatening not just to invade you but also nuke you?
im not pretending anything. i said NK only survives and has china's support because china itself is threatened otherwise. you know, the whole part where the us was pushing to the yalu and macarthur wanting to invade and later openly wanting to nuke china? or is your argument that china has no right to defend itself when a huge army is on its door steps and its commander is threatening not just to invade you but also nuke you?

It is 2022 not 1953

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