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Superpower by 2020 countdown

The thread is sh!t and OP brain dead. It reflects how denialistic PDF is itself who isn't even able to put some back support for its own failing state.

India is a lower middle income country and its all socio economic problems are same as that of any such country.
As its transitioning towards an upper middle income group, problems are getting resolved and new ones are arising in due process. India's size and capabilities and not those are to be concerned for topic you are talking about.

Soviets and Chinese had miserable situation of people when they were wasting money messing up with NATO. India spends comparatively nothing, is much better and stronger and actually improving on all aspects. The high level of trolling that even with old images is adopted from half braincelled British forums which is a set of ignorant trolls and copying them somehow makes you guys feel that you're one of them.

Superpower itself is a loosely defined term. A superpower is very strong country who is able to push its interests in all aspects independently or interdependently.

India is already one in some aspects, will be one soon in some other aspects and long way to go for another set of aspects. Long way to go in other aspects.

Wait for 2020, if I'm not banned permanently, I will post the list of attributes of "Superpower 2020" about what India has achieved.
I think US superpower title is not going anywhere until 2050
There is no real superpower today. Superpowers are supposed to be one or two extremely dominant and powerful states able to dictate rest of world.

Lot of countries have caught up economically and militarily closing gaps. Very soon, it will be a crowd of great powers like WW2.
US is however here to stay, a very relevant great power till end of century. But US can't rock the world alone if Russia-China etc. challengers are taken out unlike it could some 40-50 years ago.
.. but surely next super Power will be China , Russian can surprise the world they have that capability and Putin is such a bad@ss leader , but their economy is one big hurdle for them , India or any other country is not even in the race .
Russia can do no sh!t. It's declining loner like Britain. It's right now rearming itself because of it's cold war Soviet nostalgia but its a gone case.

Any country doesn't have "substance" of superpower that keeps it in or out of the race.
US is probably most screwed one after Spain among developed countries. But it's world's most populated developed country. That makes it's economy largest. It's ability to spend on strategic assets increases greatly.

Even Soviet Union was an upper middle income country but was third most populated one after China & India.

Bigger population (bigger population and not fast growing population) helps you to add more GDP, bigger consumer class, more labor force, more taxpayers, more revenue, more brilliant minds to research and so on. Educating them better to be richer and establishing new industries to diversify economy will ultimately skyrocket your capabilities to rock world.

China is a highly populated upper middle income economy makes it as relevant as a first tier power like USA while India is a highly populated lower middle income one making it second tier so like France & UK.

As economies transit ahead and both achieve developed country and high upper middle income status, US will be knocked out. It will continue to haunt both China & India forever because of technological advances it has made.

I repeat, I will list up the attributes on new year. A couple of morr attributes were added this year. Like ASAT, hypersonic vehicle and soon soft lunar landing.

On aggregation of all aspects, India is already one if a US, Russia, China, Japan & France are skipped.
2019, China banned another social networking site that allows people to freely express their opinion...its PDF this time....India may or may not become a super power ever but China will never have a freedom of expression for sure!
Enjoy self pleasing, India is doing well..
2019, China banned another social networking site that allows people to freely express their opinion...its PDF this time....India may or may not become a super power ever but China will never have a freedom of expression for sure!
Enjoy self pleasing, India is doing well..

Why was PDF banned in China?
Why was PDF banned in China?
There is a thread going on abt it, pls find out, but it seems CCP is not happy people on PDF crticising CCP's opression of Muslims in China..some very sr Cinenese members have gone mad talking rubbish with people like Oscar..but u can read abt it.
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