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Super Hercules aircraft lands at Kargil for first time


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
NewDelhi,March 10 : The newly acquired strategic aircraft by the Indian Air Force C -130-J called as Super Hercules landed at Kargil airfield for the first time on Friday.

Once it’s get fully operational it will be a great boost for the civilian population and will play an important role for the military planning in future.

Beside this the humanitarian efforts of the Indian Air Force continues with the airlifting of large number of stranded local population from far flung areas of Ladakh, Jammu and Srinagar region by the mighty jet of IAF i.e IL-76.

People who were stranded during winters were able to meet their relatives and families at Kargil, Jammu and Srinagar.

A large number of students and teachers were also there who can start their school on time after their winter vacations.

On Friday, about 650 passengers including children, ladies and students were airlifted from Jammu, Leh and Srinagar.

The welfare and humanitarian efforts of the Indian Air Force for the local population continues in all possible ways and the same will continue in future.

Super Hercules aircraft lands at Kargil for first time : Pravasi Today - NRI & PIO News Portal
C130 is only a heavy duty for short takeoff and landing. Pakistan been using this plane on short Northern strips for last many decades.
C130 is only a heavy duty for short takeoff and landing. Pakistan been using this plane on short Northern strips for last many decades.
This is C-130J-30, a spec ops version of the C-130 family. Pakistan uses a much earlier model. This is much more modernized, not to mention especially meant for special operations.
This is C-130J-30, a spec ops version of the C-130 family. Pakistan uses a much earlier model. This is much more modernized, not to mention especially meant for special operations.
Pakistan receive few upgraded C130 years back.
Pakistan receive few upgraded C130 years back.

They are still different aircraft, 130-J30 is a "stretched" version. You may compare the C-130H you have with the
normal C-130J at best, even with all the upgrades. But the C-130J-30 is a different, bigger, longer plane -


See the difference in size? C-130H/J have a cargo hold 40 feet long, J-30 version has 55-foot long hold and
greater payload capacity. 130H/J carry 94 soldiers or 64 paratroops, while 130J-30 (used by IAF) can
carry upto 128 soldiers or 92 paratroops. You can't get that with upgrades.

@Abingdonboy Any pictures of the Super Herc at Kargil mate?
They are still different aircraft, 130-J30 is a "stretched" version. You may compare the C-130H you have with the
normal C-130J at best, even with all the upgrades.
Even with all the upgrades it's not going to be up to the same level as the J (not even talking about the stretched -30 version), as the J includes new, more powerful RR engines, new composite 5 blade propellers etc not to mention a substantial avionics upgrade over all earlier versions, the fact the IAF have further opted for a "spec ops" version means it will feature even more advanced features...

Anyway there's no point in this d!ck measuring contest, it is the epitome of a waste of time...

@Abingdonboy Any pictures of the Super Herc at Kargil mate?

Sadly not at this time. When the IAF's C-17 lands there, surely this will be worthy of a few snaps from the MoD/IAF PR offices.

The IAF's C-130J fleet of only SIX is impressively over-worked, they are taking part in every major exercise the IAF has held in the last few years, they are flying to Kargil, to LEH, down to A&N, training with SOFs (their primary job), taking part in relief missions to Utrakhand and Sikkim, flying and being certified for airbases all over India- and this only what the IAF makes public. Points to some very impressive availability figures. It certainly warrants a fleet larger than 12! 12 is enough for the Spec Ops command/role but there is no doubt reasoning behind an order for more (non Spec Ops) Super Hercs...
I fully agree. I think we should put the Avro replacement competition away and order some 35-40 Super Hercs
to complement the planned 45-strong MRTA fleet.
I'd say leave the Avro replacement as is, the IAF needs something around the size of a C-72J/C-295 to compliment the Hercs and Globemasters.

For a fleet of an additional, say 40 Hercs, I think the IAF should become the launch customer of the C-130XJ- a "no frills" Herc variant that is purely a cheap (relatively) and cheerful transporter that maintains many of the key advantages of the J (power, ability to land on unpaved/unprepared runways, short take off and landing ability, high availability etc etc) without the high-end electronics found on the "full-spec" J or Spec Ops variant the IAF has. It would seem to be ideal for the IAF's needs...

Lockheed Martin Promotes Lower-Cost “C130XJ” | Aviation International News

"India’s refusal to sign the Communications Inter-Operability and Security Memorandum of Agreement (CISMOA) will mean that the aircraft will be delivered sans military grade secure equipment."
U.S. Dilutes Defence Technology to India | Hexxcom

"However the IAF added similar equipment produced indigenously to the aircraft after delivery"
Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now we all know how good indigenous hardware is!!:yahoo:
The IAF would've gone this way anyway- they only want secure comns gear of Indian origin abroad their a/c (for obvious reasons), P-8I another case in point:
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No more Kargil type adventure guys, for that matter no more terrorists or terrorism too please. The more you focus on growth and economic stability the more international community will accept and respect you.

Love and peace.

Well, what big deal flying an str its new plane in Indian inventory. Indian posters excitement is understandable .
Only difference Indian can now park one extra four wheeler.

Most recent delivery to PAF

Except the those figures are for the C-130J vs the C-130J-30. The PAF doesn't operate a single J, only Es and Hs, so their performance will be down on even the J.

And there is a lot more the Js can do than lift more than their predecessors...

And no one's gloating about the Super Hercs, they're hardly new in the IAF's inventory.
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