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Sunni Insurgents Step Up Attacks in Iran

ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
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Pakistani Sunni Insurgents Step Up Attacks in Iran
OCT. 9, 2014

TEHRAN — Sunni insurgents in Pakistan increased attacks on Iranian border posts in the southeast of the country this week, employing methods similar to those used by Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq.

In one instance, a car bomber struck a fortified base near the city of Saravan, killing one senior officer and prompting Iranian commanders and politicians Thursday to call upon Pakistan to control its borders. On Tuesday, three police officers were killed in an ambush after responding to a distress call.

These were only the latest in a series of attacks. Last month, insurgents rammed a vehicle laden with more than 1,000 pounds of explosives into one of the outer walls of a central base before launching a surprise attack with a convoy of pickup trucks carrying 70 insurgents, a senior military official told the Fars news agency this week.

The official, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpur of the Revolutionary Guard Corps, said the attackers had been repelled only after a long firefight and the arrival of reinforcements, helicoptered in from other bases.

The Iranian-Pakistan border cuts straight through the Sunni tribal area of Baluchistan, which has been volatile for the past 15 years. In the past decade more than 3,000 Iranian border guards have been killed in gun battles with drug-smuggling gangs, but in recent years the fighting has grown more sectarian.

A Sunni extremist group, Jaish ul-Adl, or the Army of Justice, has been carrying out a program of harassment, derailing trains and conducting assassinations and bombings. It demands independence, but Iran has accused its leaders of working for the United States and Saudi Arabia.

In a statement published on Edaalat News, a blog said to be run by Jaish ul-Adl militants, the group took responsibility for the attack on the police officers. “The Jaish ul-Adl organization hereby informs the public that the fighters of Baluchistan have attacked Saravan’s Aspich base located 10 kilometers away from Saravan and killed two staff and a conscript,” it said. "Details will be announced later.”

In recent months Iran has directed a lot of its resources to the protection of its western and eastern borders. The attack on the border post in the south, basically a well-defended fort in the middle of nowhere, is not the first. In 2013, “bandits” killed 20 border guards, Iranian officials announced, saying that in retaliation they had executed 16 Sunni extremist prisoners held on death row.

Iranian officials are now warning Pakistan that they are considering going into its territory on hot-pursuit missions. “The Pakistani government has practically no control over the border areas, and if they really cannot control the common border, they should tell us so that we ourselves can take action,” Esma’il Kowsari, a leading lawmaker, told the Tasmin news agency on Thursday.
thats serious,,
since Pakistan doesnt have enough resources to control these areas,Iran should provide assistance to Pakistan in controlling this menace.

or maybe mine the border

Yeaaah right!

Iranian Mullahs have been crushing Sunnis in Sistan for a long long long long time.

this is internal Iranian $hit. And they should deal with it.

No need to call up ISIS or Sunni militants. That's just a word play on the sad situation in Iraq and Syria.
Yeaaah right!

Iranian Mullahs have been crushing Sunnis in Sistan for a long long long long time.

this is internal Iranian $hit. And they should deal with it.

No need to call up ISIS or Sunni militants. That's just a word play on the sad situation in Iraq and Syria.
bro,dont you think,,if a neighboring country which has no dispute whatsoever with you is saying something like this,,,then there must be some truth in it....
n frankly terrorists crossing over to Pakistan after staging attacks in Iran should'nt be surprising,considering that it happened before,,also you will have to acknowledge the fact that conditions in those areas are not exactly under control.
bro,dont you think,,if a neighboring country which has no dispute whatsoever with you is saying something like this,,,then there must be some truth in it....
n frankly terrorists crossing over to Pakistan after staging attacks in Iran should'nt be surprising,considering that it happened before,,also you will have to acknowledge the fact that those areas are not exactly under control.

Ever travelled from Quetta Chaman Zahidan route. If you do, you will know.

Read the whole news. Don't jump on headlines.

This is a separatist Balochi group that has more similarity with Balochi insurgents in Pak.

No this is an internal Iranian issue

just like BLA is internal Pakistani issue.

We should not blame India for BLA

Iran should not blame Pak for their insurgents.

plain and simple
what happens on Iranian side of the border is their business....for bilateral issues in which both sides are concerned there's a hotline we use for border forces/militaries to use

this isnt merely just a BLA/separatist thing; you also have bandits and fuel smugglers. They've been there since time immemorial; more needs to be done to disband them
Ever travelled from Quetta Chaman Zahidan route. If you do, you will know.Read the whole news. Don't jump on headlines.
This is a separatist Balochi group that has more similarity with Balochi insurgents in Pak.
No this is an internal Iranian issue
just like BLA is internal Pakistani issue.
We should not blame India for BLA
Iran should not blame Pak for their insurgents.
plain and simple
but they are blaming you,,thats the point,,why would a friendly country blame you without reason..

anyway,,obviously,i dont know more then you about the situation,to comment further.
but they are blaming you,,thats the point,,why would a friendly country blame you without reason..

anyway,,obviously,i dont know more then you about the situation,to comment further.

Oh Bhai,

Ayatullahs are god-incarnates. Their job is to make satan out of ordinary mortals.

Sure they will blame us first. Then they will blame all Hinduism.

What will you do then. Move to Burma?
The best option for Iran is to stop persecuting Sunnis in Sistan and include them into the national fold. Has anyone ever wondered why no such insurgency of this magnitude had taken place when Iran was not rule by discriminatory beard bearers?

Jaish-al-Adl are Iranians and operate on Iranian side of the border. Iran is building a fence which should solve this issue. Lastly Iran has funded terrorism in Pakistan as well, the Jaish-e-Mohammed is an Iranian proxy though smashed to pieces right now. We will cooperate with Iran on matters of counterinsurgency only if it stops making silly statements about invading Pakistani territory because that will result in an embarrassment for Tehran.
Yeaaah right!
Iranian Mullahs have been crushing Sunnis in Sistan for a long long long long time.
this is internal Iranian $hit. And they should deal with it.
No need to call up ISIS or Sunni militants. That's just a word play on the sad situation in Iraq and Syria


EVERY SINGLE TIME we see an attack in border those terrorists run into pakistan. you can't deny it . most famous of them was the one when they took 5 iranian soldiers into pakistan and of course even separatists hate them cuz they kill balouchi people as well .you can google it to be sure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jeish-al-adl and jeish-al-nasr are the 2 major terrorist organizations .guess where they are right now?? IN PAKISTAN !!! and your mr gulu do nothing about them lol :lol:
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EVERY SINGLE TIME we see an attack in border those terrorists run into pakistan. .l:

Why do you guys fail to stop them from crossing YOUR border?
Why do you guys fail to stop them from running?

Because they can run faster than your troops?

if that's the case make sure Iranian troops do good exercise every morning. reduce weight, and thus run faster.
Internal Problem of Iran blamed on Pakistan.

Why do you guys fail to stop them from crossing YOUR border?
Why do you guys fail to stop them from running?
the answer is so simple my friend. THEY RUN INTO YOUR COUNTRY !!!
PAKISTAN is a safe heaven for them that's a fact! both terrorist organizations (jeish-al-adl and jeish-al-nasr ) are inside pakistan right now.

so if this is our internal sh!t (as you guys say ) then we have right to attack your country to fight with those terrorists. (it's internal. isn't it ? ) :lol:
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the answer is so simple my friend. THEY RUN INTO YOUR COUNTRY !!!
PAKISTAN is a safe heaven for them that's a fact! both terrorist organizations (jeish-al-adl and jeish-al-nasr ) are inside pakistan right now.

so if this is our internal sh!t (as you guys say ) then we have right to attack your country to fight with those terrorists. (it's internal. isn't it ? ) :lol:
no that becomes internal of pakistan :enjoy:
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