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Sun Tzu Doctrine for Asia

Thank you, my friend!

We can get the interests of Asia with a multipolar Asia or not?
Why necessarily that is a unipolar Asia?

It is not exactly unipolar, but not exactly multipolar, it will have multiple poles such as ASEAN+, Eurasia+, GCC+ and India+, but China will be at the center, because of its current and upcoming strength.

It will be a give and take, if these regions decide to follow China, then China will have the responsibility to help integrate these regions among themselves and with itself.

Following the West may be ok for a decade or two, but they are not going to integrate us with them or work for our own regional integration, which is vital for us smaller countries and even larger countries to uplift our masses and achieve development.
Good post. I admit that sounds rather offensive, but consider this, the USA is largely in control of a small minority of billionaires and media barons, and the USA has at least 33 times the per capita GDP of India. So I rest my case. It is the nature of current incarnations of democracy and Indian democracy is no where as evolved as USA democracy.

But note what I said also in my post, if it is in Indian national interest, Indian masses will support it. We have to swallow our pride sometimes out of practical necessity and I think India will do the same, if China and many other countries in Asia can join in this kind of doctrine and build a sufficient momentum. So controlling India is the wrong way to put it, but I should say rather that India can be persuaded to follow a path that is in its national interest.

US led West is a spent force and they will not be able to hold on to their bases in Asia for much longer. Once countries in Asia figure out that Asia first policy is good for all Asians then that will seal the fate of the West. Like you mentioned in your post, that day is coming in 10-15-20 years, we should get ready for that day and make plans to get organized among ourselves is all I am saying.

I think you are talking about Lobbying. In Democracy Nation's policies will depend on domestic problems, future predictions. Lobbying do have some affect but the moment some policy is going south democracy has the mechanism to set it right by change of power some modifications in the policy by discussion and debate.

India's Democracy may not have evolved as that of US, no country in this world is governing 1.2 billion people through Democracy.

We are multilingual society, multi religion, multi culture, over populated and relatively poor compared to West, Still we are doing good in governance and administration. If India attains high GDP growth our democracy and governance will be improved.

Last but not the least you have witnessed the pressure the American leaders faced due to recent economic slow down and how the governance and administration faced tough times, Here in India our leaders and Govt. administration face this problem every day and some time they fix them effectively :P.

It is easy for the west or Europe who are rich and low populated to say our democracy is matured than India, Reality is it all depends on economic growth.
Conflict resolution and avoidance of war and violence will be one of the biggest benefits and reasons for doctrines such as this.

If Pakistan and India both accept to follow this doctrine then it will be decided by:

- China: as the leader of Asia
- Russian led Eurasia+ Satrap which will include former Soviet states+Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Mongolia
- India+Nepal+Bhutan, lets call this India+ Satrap

The collective decision taken by the combined team of these nations will be binding on individual countries. Violating a decision will risk exclusion of a nation from the group that follows this doctrine.

No and no. That is a wishful thinking.

Japan and Vietnam will never accept China´s supremacy over East and South East Asia.
Economics: yes, but no all in other fields.
It is not exactly unipolar, but not exactly multipolar, it will have multiple poles such as ASEAN+, Eurasia+, GCC+ and India+, but China will be at the center, because of its current and upcoming strength.

It will be a give and take, if these regions decide to follow China, then China will have the responsibility to help integrate these regions among themselves and with itself.

Following the West may be ok for a decade or two, but they are not going to integrate us with them or work for our own regional integration, which is vital for us smaller countries and even larger countries to uplift our masses and achieve development.

I disagree with the Highlighted part of yours. China will grow in future so as India and even India is 3/4 of Chinese economy (As china grows older India will gain) India will not accept.

You can go through the predictions of future and India is very close to China. If you think BD needs a big friend and it is China that is savior you can forge alliance with it, Countries in Asia are not looking at China and even in future regional blocks will play an important role.

It is not Sun tzu's doctrine I think you are confused with Monroe with sun Tzu. There are Chanakya and Machiavelli who are also comes in that category. India has Chanakya no need for Highlighting sun tzu.
It is not exactly unipolar, but not exactly multipolar, it will have multiple poles such as ASEAN+, Eurasia+, GCC+ and India+, but China will be at the center, because of its current and upcoming strength.

It will be a give and take, if these regions decide to follow China, then China will have the responsibility to help integrate these regions among themselves and with itself.

Following the West may be ok for a decade or two, but they are not going to integrate us with them or work for our own regional integration, which is vital for us smaller countries and even larger countries to uplift our masses and achieve development.

I think China is just worthy of a pole of a multi-polar Asia.

Others are India, Russia, Japan,... and ASEAN could be if it do well...
I disagree with the Highlighted part of yours. China will grow in future so as India and even India is 3/4 of Chinese economy (As china grows older India will gain) India will not accept.

India is 1/5 of China's economy at best.

No and no. That is a wishful thinking.

Japan and Vietnam will never accept China´s supremacy over East and South East Asia.
Economics: yes, but no all in other fields.

We are militarily number one in Asia, how you are not going to accept this fact?
India is 1/5 of China's economy at best.

We are militarily number one in Asia, how you are not going to accept this fact?

India right now is at 1.85 trillion and China is 7 .2 trillion calculate what is the percentage of Indian GDP. You can chest thump with your new copied military toys and say what ever. India has its own defense strategy. I said we do not accept Chinese hegemony.

China is not yet the number one in Asia
India right now is at 1.85 trillion and China is 7 .2 trillion calculate what is the percentage of Indian GDP. You can chest thump with your new copied military toys and say what ever. India has its own defense strategy. I said we do not accept Chinese hegemony.

China is not yet the number one in Asia

Rupee is dropping down like rock, and your nominal GDP is only 1.5 trillion in 2011 compared to China's 7.3 trillion.
India right now is at 1.85 trillion and China is 7 .2 trillion calculate what is the percentage of Indian GDP. You can chest thump with your new copied military toys and say what ever. India has its own defense strategy. I said we do not accept Chinese hegemony.

China is not yet the number one in Asia

India is defending itself now by defecating openly and this will gross out any potential invaders. This is India's defense strategy.
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