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Sun Tzu Doctrine for Asia

Have you heard of Arthashastra? india is hardwired to attack its neighbors and befriend the far.

Yes I am familiar with it. The thing about India is that it is not one monolithic entity. You have to know how to play to its different parts. Whoever subjugated India in the past did the same, whether it was Turkics, Mughals or British, they used one part against the other.

I mentioned billionaires, then there are other fault lines, upper castes (Brahmin, Kshatrya, Bhaisya), lower castes like Shudra and even lower Dalit, Adivasi etc., then there is Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist etc. The drive towards supremacy I think comes from the upper castes who may not be in the majority. Then there are political parties like Congress, BJP etc.

In the end, if some policy is good for the masses in India and the billionaires and the media are under control, the supremacist minority can be defeated at the polls. That is the beauty of democracy.
india can never join. All the South Asian countries must work with China to bring down the elephant. After the elephant is dissected into many pieces, then Asia can be at peace.

Thanks for derailing a perfectly good thread. Your post reflects total intellectual bankruptcy. Grow up!
First India-Pakistan, Pakistan-Afganistan, Iran- UAE, Iran-Israel, China- Japan- Korea-Vietnam, Israel- Palestain, Turkey- Syria and all other solve their problem. 80 % of world problem is in Asia and you are talking about Asia doctrine. Cant you see western are using Asia fight.
Wow. Unbelievable. This kalu has never been to India but seems to know it upside down. :rofl:

India is one united country no matter how you look it. Our billionares are the pride of nation. Man I can't believe that a Bangladeshi is talking about strategies to break India :hitwall:. Seems like after getting 2 tiny frigates for their navy they have become new power of the region. :lol:
Yes I am familiar with it. The thing about India is that it is not one monolithic entity. You have to know how to play to its different parts. Whoever subjugated India in the past did the same, whether it was Turkics, Mughals or British, they used one part against the other.

I mentioned billionaires, then there are other fault lines, upper castes (Brahmin, Kshatrya, Bhaisya), lower castes like Shudra and even lower Dalit, Adivasi etc., then there is Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist etc. The drive towards supremacy I think comes from the upper castes who may not be in the majority. Then there are political parties like Congress, BJP etc.

In the end, if some policy is good for the masses in India and the billionaires and the media are under control, the supremacist minority can be defeated at the polls. That is the beauty of democracy.

For you its even more easy. We just has to flow some more water to ganga and Brahmaputra, and water will do its work.
Wow. Unbelievable. This kalu has never been to India but seems to know it upside down. :rofl:

India is one united country no matter how you look it. Our billionares are the pride of nation. Man I can't believe that a Bangladeshi is talking about strategies to break India :hitwall:. Seems like after getting 2 tiny frigates for their navy they have become new power of the region. :lol:

I never discussed breaking India, India is to remain as it is and also manage its Satrapi that includes Nepal and Bhutan.

The only thing I mentioned is to defeat the supremacist cult in India using democracy, so India accepts a more sane policy for its future. Read my posts more carefully before you jump to conclusions.

For you its even more easy. We just has to flow some more water to ganga and Brahmaputra, and water will do its work.

This is not about India and Bangladesh, its about Sun Tzu Doctrine, please read the OP.
No, thank.
It's my serious question.
Who now is the leader of Asian?

No one today is, but in terms of economy China has the largest economy and its getting larger every year. So if we consider the size of economy then China is already today the leading economy in Asia and in the future its leadership will get more solidified.

Japan has a large economy, India has large population and a rising economy, Russia has huge land and great nuclear arsenal, weapons technology and powerful army to protect its land, what I am suggesting is that we have a working arrangement and division of responsibility for different Satrapi's or regions/subregions of Asia, so all these countries including Vietnam work with China following this Sun Tzu Doctrine to put Asia first.
No one today is, but in terms of economy China has the largest economy and its getting larger every year. So if we consider the size of economy then China is already today the leading economy in Asia and in the future its leadership will get more solidified.

Japan has a large economy, India has large population and a rising economy, Russia has huge land and great nuclear arsenal, weapons technology and powerful army to protect its land, what I am suggesting is that we have a working arrangement and division of responsibility for different Satrapi's or regions/subregions of Asia, so all these countries including Vietnam work with China following this Sun Tzu Doctrine to put Asia first.

What interests we will get if China is honored as Asian leader?
Problem with India is that where she will go. US want India with them against China, China want friendship with India, Japan wants Indian friendship, Australia is saying India better than China, Iran wants India on their side against Israel, Israel already India's friend, UAE already co operating India against terror, Pakistan desperatly want Indian PM to visit them, Both AL and BNP want friendship with India, EU as always friend of India, Russia not ready to arm enemy of India.

India kahan jae......:coffee:
If more and more countries start to follow this Sun Tzu Doctrine then India will be forced to join eventually, because it will risk becoming isolated in the neighborhood.

India I believe will not be very difficult to control. If China has good relations with 200 or so Indian billionaires, then the rest of India will follow.

My impression is that the dreams of competing with China and becoming superpower on its own is held by only a small percentage of population, the vast majority are more interested in their own economic benefit than some pie in the sky delusion of grandeur.

Indian mass media is also responsible for propagating these ideas among India's population. But if this Sun Tzu Doctrine turns out to be good for all Asians, including Indians, then there is enough intelligent people in that society that will start supporting it and turn the tide of public opinion in its favor.

Firstly I congratulate you for your effort and your vision for global peace :tup:

The highlighted part of your post is offensive for India, If India can be controlled by controlling 200 billionaires then Your leader China can also be controlled by controlling 200 CCP leaders.

Secondly No country wants to be a satrap of any country, Each and every country has its own pride and its own culture. This world is moving into a multi-polar state, Within a decade there will be rise of new powers which will make this world a more balanced one.
Economic power itself do not make a country a leader in world stage, Country particularly driven by false propaganda, Hunger for resources and territory , People motivated for vengeance, Racist, and Govt. trying to dominate the entire globe by hook or crook Have no chance to gain trust in world stage :tdown:.

Thirdly there is a US which is going to dominate this globe for at least a decade from now, West and US will do best efforts to divide Asia particularly the two rising powers of Asia. West and US do not want their domination to fade.

India has its own pride and objectives, India has its own strength to prosper. If India grows with double digit growth in future India can negate Chinese influence which is concern for us. On International stage India will work with other nations based on NAM principles as there is no such thing as Asian Leader or International Leader.
What interests we will get if China is honored as Asian leader?

Currently only Eurasia+ is allied with China under SCO, but ASEAN+ and GCC+ is more allied with USA.

But USA shows not interest to build up and integrate these regions, because they are not local, like old imperial colonizers, is it possible that they also want to exploit our division and get cheap resources? I don't know for sure.

For switching our inclination from USA to China, we will demand that China work to integrate these regions (ASEAN+, Eurasia+, GCC+ and India+) as subordinate Satrapi of China, under a one united Asia, while at the same time integrate entire Asia keeping itself in the center.

The result is peace, stability and high standard of living in a very integrated large economy of 4 billion people.
Firstly I congratulate you for your effort and your vision for global peace :tup:

The highlighted part of your post is offensive for India, If India can be controlled by controlling 200 billionaires then Your leader China can also be controlled by controlling 200 CCP leaders.

Secondly No country wants to be a satrap of any country, Each and every country has its own pride and its own culture. This world is moving into a multi-polar state, Within a decade there will be rise of new powers which will make this world a more balanced one.
Economic power itself do not make a country a leader in world stage, Country particularly driven by false propaganda, Hunger for resources and territory , People motivated for vengeance, Racist, and Govt. trying to dominate the entire globe by hook or crook Have no chance to gain trust in world stage :tdown:.

Thirdly there is a US which is going to dominate this globe for at least a decade from now, West and US will do best efforts to divide Asia particularly the two rising powers of Asia. West and US do not want their domination to fade.

India has its own pride and objectives, India has its own strength to prosper. If India grows with double digit growth in future India can negate Chinese influence which is concern for us. On International stage India will work with other nations based on NAM principles as there is no such thing as Asian Leader or International Leader.

Good post. I admit that sounds rather offensive, but consider this, the USA is largely in control of a small minority of billionaires and media barons, and the USA has at least 33 times the per capita GDP of India. So I rest my case. It is the nature of current incarnations of democracy and Indian democracy is no where as evolved as USA democracy.

But note what I said also in my post, if it is in Indian national interest, Indian masses will support it. We have to swallow our pride sometimes out of practical necessity and I think India will do the same, if China and many other countries in Asia can join in this kind of doctrine and build a sufficient momentum. So controlling India is the wrong way to put it, but I should say rather that India can be persuaded to follow a path that is in its national interest.

US led West is a spent force and they will not be able to hold on to their bases in Asia for much longer. Once countries in Asia figure out that Asia first policy is good for all Asians then that will seal the fate of the West. Like you mentioned in your post, that day is coming in 10-15-20 years, we should get ready for that day and make plans to get organized among ourselves is all I am saying.
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