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Suicide is the Rescue


Jun 9, 2006
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Suicide is the Rescue
The news, 3 Gitmo inmates committed suicide has been published in ‘The News’ June 11, 2006. If the death becomes the rescuer of life one can imagine the magnitude of the despair & torment what is being wreaked by the security personnel, upon the inmates of Gitmo under the instructions of the neo Hitler; Fuhrer Gorge W Bush of US!!!
They wernt even tried in court and many of them can be innocent too, I wil compare this to concentration camps that were run by SS.
There still investigating the reason for the suicide and even if it was a "Suicid" in the first place which I think it wasnt
A.Rahman said:
They wernt even tried in court and many of them can be innocent too, I wil compare this to concentration camps that were run by SS.

there was a news item few days back where some accused were interviwed who had been imprisoned in the Gutmo .They also said that the conditions there were so much bad that sucide is the only way to rescue.

they were also of the opinion that almost all of them were not tried in the courts and were kept there without any charge against them.
As stated repeatedly, the guys at Gitmo are being treated according to the Geneva Conventions and the GC does not require charges nor a ruling in a court of law. You can be held as long as the war is going on and the War on Terror ain't ending anytime soon.
Officer of Engineers said:
As stated repeatedly, the guys at Gitmo are being treated according to the Geneva Conventions and the GC does not require charges nor a ruling in a court of law. You can be held as long as the war is going on and the War on Terror ain't ending anytime soon.

AI has time and again said the humen rights were violated at Gitmo Sir it mean AI is lieing ????????

All is ok all those reports about abuses at the camp are baseless..??
The western media had also reported that kids were also kept there.

Sir do you agree with that even without charge anyone can be kept and tortured???

I dont say that those who are involved in the killings should not be punished but sir isnt it unfair to punish someone whom u still call suspected which means he still isnt proved guilty.

The American are considered a justice loving people than how come they believe in punishing or killing those who are still to be tried in courts.
Jana said:
AI has time and again said the humen rights were violated at Gitmo Sir it mean AI is lieing ????????

As far as I'm concerned. Yes, they are. There has not been one documented case of abuse. Now, that is not going to satisfy the detractors but I really don't care.

Jana said:
All is ok all those reports about abuses at the camp are baseless..??

There's no proof and before anyone says that I have such a warm heart. I don't. I couldn't care less about those staying at Gitmo. As far as I'm concerned, I let them sleep with the alligators just over a 100 yards away.

That's not my concern. My concern is that no one shames the uniform. Whoever violated the honour and the dignity of the uniform he wore, I want him march naked from California to Gitmo before I strung him up by the balls.

As of right now, even you cannot deny that whoever we've caught violating the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, we've strung up. If it were up to me, I would have tossed now Colonel, then Brigadier-General, Janis Karpinsk's *** into Gitmo right now and I would have disbanded the 800th Military Police Brigade for their shameful actions at Abu Ghraib.

The suggestion that we're turning a blind eye to such disgrace to the uniform and our flag is extremely insulting to say the least.

Jana said:
The western media had also reported that kids were also kept there.

Western media also reported kids have taken up arms, most recently in Canada.

Jana said:
Sir do you agree with that even without charge anyone can be kept and tortured???

Torture has not been proven at Gitmo and under the Law of War, the Geneva Conventions, and the American Uniformed Code of Military Justice, they can and are being held as enemy combattants without the need of either charge nor trial.

Jana said:
I dont say that those who are involved in the killings should not be punished but sir isnt it unfair to punish someone whom u still call suspected which means he still isnt proved guilty.

This is a war, not a police action. Different rules. All you have to be is to be a threat. Guilt means squat here.

Jana said:
The American are considered a justice loving people than how come they believe in punishing or killing those who are still to be tried in courts.

The last time the Americans were this angry, the Imperial Japanese Marines were killed almost to the last man and two cities disappearred under a mushroom cloud. This is not justice. It's vengence.

The only saving grace is those of us in uniform determined not to see our countries going down in disgrace.

I will say, however, we're not all the successful in curbing vigilante acts.
Officer of Engineers said:
As far as I'm concerned. Yes, they are. There has not been one documented case of abuse. Now, that is not going to satisfy the detractors but I really don't care.

There's no proof and before anyone says that I have such a warm heart. I don't.

Thats becaue they dont allow camera's in the compound, there wouldnt have been any proof of torture at Abu Graib if there hadnt been cameras.
That's a whole bunch of crock. There's video surveillance 24/7; especially in the interogation rooms. The entire "interview" is recorded for eval and studied. If there is torture off camera, it would have to be where the EPW was not physically recorded somewhere else at the stated time.

No such luck.

There have been incidents where US personnel approached the line but there has not been one investigated case where US personnel actually crossed the line.
Can someone give me some facts like how many people stay there? which nationalities etc. or is this information all classified?
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