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Suicide bomber who killed 27 members of Iran's Guards was Pakistani

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We don't fear nations who are younger than our socks. You guys are experts in military surrender. Iran will deal with terrorist groups on Pakistani soil if Islamabad is either unwilling or unable to deal with them. You can bet on that. There is a reason why all your politicians are quiet right now, after the statements by IRGC generals.

Your nationalism is superficial. We have a whole division of Pakistanis fighting for our cause in Syria. If that doesn't tell you anything...

Flying Pakistani flags during cricket games against Australia or India doesn't make you fearsome or nationalistic supermen. You guys are phony, just as your country is.

Hillarious. Son, you lot didn't even existed or your ancestors were wrapping leaves around their private parts when we were civilizing this region all the way to the ancient borders of Babylon. This is all Indus valley. It's funny too see you low lives talk about pride and sovernity when you lot, out of all people were civilized by Arab Bedouin and before them the Greeks. Your history is full of getting steam rolled by other nations. Funny though, the same Greek who made your queen his concubine, his arse was handed over on platter by people of Indus.

And sunshine, it's not the first time some limp d!ck Persian general have had verbal diahrea against Pakistan. It has happened many times and we laugh it off. We don't consider you equals rather a nuisance which should be ignored. We have bigger fishes to fry, like CIA and it's poodles in Afghanistan and India on east. Let me assure you, your tin pot military is off no threat to us. Your friend India say that we went inside Iranian soil and grabbed their terrorist monkey Kulbashan Yadev. If true, what does it say about you and your sovernity? And for those who are fighting in Syria , they are fighting for a cause they believe in,regardless if it's right or wrong. You think they will fight with you against own motherland? Lol. They will put holes in your head instead.

Geopolitics is exciting and unpredictable and that's why I love it. Who knows, if it's not Israel, maybe Pakistan will end your nationhood. MBS made an interesting comment while in Pakistan. He talked by greater middle east with Pakistan on its eastern flanks. Since you are not part of ME, maybe time is ripe for Indus to civilize you lot again. Worst come to worst, we can make aeeryan radioactive wasteland for next few mellinuim if we are feeling lazy.
We don't fear nations who are younger than our socks. You guys are experts in military surrender. Iran will deal with terrorist groups on Pakistani soil if Islamabad is either unwilling or unable to deal with them. You can bet on that. There is a reason why all your politicians are quiet right now, after the statements by IRGC generals.

Your nationalism is superficial. We have a whole division of Pakistanis fighting for our cause in Syria. If that doesn't tell you anything...

Flying Pakistani flags during cricket games against Australia or India doesn't make you fearsome or nationalistic supermen. You guys are phony, just as your country is.
By your own claim modren Iran is a few years old too. If we go by the historical records then pakistan is as old as Egypt, even older according to a few.

So you think that Pakistan wants to cooperate with Israel against Iran? and what do we gain from that again?

Iran is one of the few countries that us Pakistanis sympathize with and have a sentimental connection.
It's a snake and must be dealt with even if we have to make a pact with the devil itself. Our own interests before anything else.
This will be Iran's end if it opens another front. Tehran will burn if they don't realize this and mend their ways. It's the Persian empire vs arabs all over again, but this time to the east of them.
actually we are harming by good relation with Pakistan.

I prefer hostile relation but our soldiers alive.

I can only say Pakistan lost one of it's few friend neighbors.
Hillarious. Son, you lot didn't even existed or your ancestors were wrapping leaves around their private parts when we were civilizing this region all the way to the ancient borders of Babylon. This is all Indus valley. It's funny too see you low lives talk about pride and sovernity when you lot, out of all people were civilized by Arab Bedouin and before them the Greeks. Your history is full of getting steam rolled by other nations. Funny though, the same Greek who made your queen his concubine, his arse was handed over on platter by people of Indus.

And sunshine, it's not the first time some limp d!ck Persian general have had verbal diahrea against Pakistan. It has happened many times and we laugh it off. We don't consider you equals rather a nuisance which should be ignored. We have bigger fishes to fry, like CIA and it's poodles in Afghanistan and India on east. Let me assure you, your tin pot military is off no threat to us. Your friend India say that we went inside Iranian soil and grabbed their terrorist monkey Kulbashan Yadev. If true, what does it say about you and your sovernity? And for those who are fighting in Syria , they are fighting for a cause they believe in,regardless if it's right or wrong. You think they will fight with you against own motherland? Lol. They will put holes in your head instead.

Geopolitics is exciting and unpredictable and that's why I love it. Who knows, if it's not Israel, maybe Pakistan will end your nationhood. MBS made an interesting comment while in Pakistan. He talked by greater middle east with Pakistan on its eastern flanks. Since you are not part of ME, maybe time is ripe for Indus to civilize you lot again. Worst come to worst, we can make aeeryan radioactive wasteland for next few mellinuim if we are feeling lazy.
Your national anthem is in Persian since Iran was always a part of Pakistan... I personally always said Pakistan is big and powerful enough to be an independent power... But history and culture and some socio-economic situations can seriously effect how a nation think and act.. I wish the best and Kheir for both countries...
I can only say Pakistan lost one of it's few friend neighbors.

It dosent need to if iran is sensible

Do you know how much pressure Pakistan is under from everyone from the U.S to Gulf to ditch any neutral to iran position

We hate the israelis but the Gulf arabs have a current bonhomie with the juden going on, one which for a variety of reasons various countries want extended to Pakistan
Then with Pakistan onside they want iran isolated and surrounded

Pakistan is against any such plan, we have NO reason to hit iran
Its not like your indians who we hate that we would look to harm and not care about the consequences
Most Pakistanis have no issue with Iran

Pakistan and iran need to secure our shared border but most important you need to control yourselves
We get your annoyed after a major attack but that attack has numerous fathers and is based in a insecure Afghanistan under U.S control and a underdeveloped and open border region with Pakistan

We need to secure this border together
But you would be incredibly foolish to look for hostility when your enemies are eager for you to make mistakes
I love the way Iran is carrying out propaganda against Pakistan.
They have very powerful assets in paksitan, namely their co-religionist who are loyal to their cult, not the state of Pakistan. Im just stating it like it is.
" their co-religionist , Cult"... It's good that pretence of any civility is coming off . People from that "cult" should wait for their own '74. Gulf money is too thick. 30% of population are nothing in front on 20 billion.
Your national anthem is in Persian since Iran was always a part of Pakistan... I personally always said Pakistan is big and powerful enough to be an independent power... But history and culture and some socio-economic situations can seriously effect how a nation think and act.. I wish the best and Kheir for both countries...

We call it Urdu. If it feels similar to Persian, don't care. After all you write your language using Arabic alphabets.

Indeed, khair is the good choice of word but it seems someone is hell bend on a suicidal mission.
actually we are harming by good relation with Pakistan.

I prefer hostile relation but our soldiers alive.

I can only say Pakistan lost one of it's few friend neighbors.
It is actually Iran that is at risk of losing one of it's few friends.
By your own claim modren Iran is a few years old too. If we go by the historical records then pakistan is as old as Egypt, even older according to a few.

What? Iran as a political entity is much older than a few years or decades, and has been unified for at least 2700 years. Pakistan on the other has not existed before 1947, and its identity was socially constructed in these periods to set it off against non-muslim India. There is nothing in your identity or culture, whether language wise or religion, that is any way connected to the civilizations along the Indus valley.

The name of your country is Persian. So is your national anthem. Your most famous poet, Iqbal, wrote his most acclaimed verses in Farsi. There is nothing indigenous in your culture. Everything is imported.

Pakistan is in now way on par with Iran. Not historically, culturally or scientifically. You guys are small dwarfs compared to the great Iranian civilizations, including the current one that rules over Iran.
Its 21th century and we are claiming to be Muslims!! The sooner some parts of Islam choose to abandon the tribal mindset and evolve into Islam the better.. This tribal essence has been resulted into some sort of biased mindset by most people... They just can not be fair... Like when somebody from the tribe is bitten by a person the whole tribe members go get ready for a fight to punish that person, don't asking themselves if who is guilty! This is a cultural problem unfortnately is still the major force in some parts of Islam world (Arabs, Kurds, Pakistanis, Afghanism etc)...

Why it matters? It matters because it produce people who are not fair... against what Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said and told us to be.. He said, in short, put yourself in others shoes before thinking or doing anything...

Now, Iran is attacked by a terrorist group on its south eastern borders... This terrorists have members from Iranian baluchs and also from Pakistani baluchs...but since Pakistani side is less controlled, they have grown a huge base there... a refuge.. Some of these terrorists are from same tribes but different sides of border...

Attacks continue... Iran normally as any other independent nation would do, dealt with terrorists inside its borders...but then something new comes up.. They commit terrorist actions but escape into Pakistani borders... somehow deep into Pakistan... They evolve into bigger, more sophisticated, more financed, more heavily armed groups by the help of American and some other known enemies...

Now imagine you are Iran... They flee into Pakistan.. and since you respect the sovereignty of Pakistani government, you won't follow and hunt them into Pakistani lands... This is how a responsible nation is and should be..

This happens again and again and again... Iran asks Pakistanis to act.. They don't do anything... This continues for years... number of attacks grow as they found a refuge.. Iran asks Pakistan again to do something... Pakistan says we don't know where they are... Iran says, we give you their where abouts and you hunt them... Still Pakistan does not do anything.. Then after sometime, Pakistan started to act..but only in a limited fashion...

Then after a while Pak says to Iran that we will increase the number of border posts and send a new battalion to secure its Eastern regions... They do this and Iran thanks them...

Suddenly soon after Saudi terrorist Royal family promise to export terrorism into Iranian borders.. and soon after Saudis and Emiratis and Israelis and Americans lost in Syria and Iraq and their ISIS hammered, you see a new surge in terrorist attempts who even a grilled chicken knows who is supporting, funding, training and arming them...

Iran sees Imran Khan's term as an opportunity to strengthen amical and historical ties with brotherly nation of Pakistan (after a weird Pakistani behavior with regard to Iran-Pak-India gas pipeline where Iran spent a lot and built the pipeline but Pakistan suddenly submits to others and forgot its responsibilities)... Still Iran is very positive and is looking forward to having better and mutual cooperation with Imran khan...

and here we go, the thing that should never happen, HAPPENED... A bus in remote Baluchistan province is attacked and 27 Iranians are dead!! New surprise was still to come.. Iran had solid proof that this attack and the terrorist group behind it were supported by ISI in Pakistan (With or without the knowledge of Pakistani regime).. Its not just that... Iran announces locally (not internationally) that we have serious Saudi and UAE involvement proof and we will not only take a serious revenge from them but also will send proof to UN and will sue these two clown slave countries...

Everybody in Iran knows that Iranian authorities or IRGC commanders are very positive about Pakistan and this was the first time ever they talked about Pakistani ISI involvement in a terrorist attack.. Every observer in Iran had a shock when General Jafari talked about Pakistani involvement and that we had a very noble attitude toward them for years, considering them to be our good neighbor but suddenly we can not tolerate this anymore and we will take actions... I can say, they have very rude evidence of Pakistani ISI involvement in this attack..otherwise, they would never talk to Pakistani regime like that...

Even better!! two days later they busted the team behind this last attack in Baluchistan... Guess what.. two of them are Pakistani nationals including the main suicide bomber!!

Now, back to being fair... What would any of you feel or do if you were in Iranians' shoes... just as our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked us to be... FAIR...

modren Iran
When u go to Wikipedia and see Iran's page, you see on the right column under the establishment it metions a date in ancient times... as they describe Iran:

"Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 7000 BC.[1] Means Iran is established thousands of years ago and still exist today in 2019...

Now when you wikipedia search Pakistan under the establishement date it gives you a date which my father was born before that!! so Islamic reovlution in Iran is not the same as establishment of a country or nation called Pakistan..

Iranian allegations are being printed and presented by every American news agency and of course in Al-Jazeera as well.

I expect to see Pakistan's interior ministry reacting to the cry of our neighbors and doing the needful.
BTW, if public don't know Pakistan's interior minister ((@Sheriar Afridi)) is a big fan of IRGC.
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