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Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia - Breaking News

RIP....Sad incident......... Killing each other due to religious bigotry and such height of hate between different sections of Islam.They are not giving good name to religion.
Everybody should only promote Peace.
Anybody can claim responsibility. Let's wait until the investigation is done.

Nobody cares about Hezbollah. Let them bark in their caves in Southern Lebanon and worry about their dozens of dead in Syria and about supporting the Al-Assad genocidal maniac "as in the spirit" of Imam Ali (ra). Irony might have been used here.

Well, the Shia's in KSA should convert. Problem solved.:coffee:

They just announced 'Wilayat Najd' :what:
They just announced 'Wilayat Najd' :what:


Wonder who will become the leader and if Hijaz is next.:guns:

Call the police.:buba_phone:

Have they incorporated Palestine as one of their Wilayat or is that part of their Shami Wilayat?



LOL, that's the thing I saw on twitter. It could be fake. Anyways, my mistake I guess he turned out to be an Arab.

Actually I did some research. They declared a Wilayat of Arabia ages ago. Several in fact.



They are wannabe clowns and misguided too. Not many Ibn al-Khattab's left.

Only true mujahideen will be victories in Syria.
ISIS have claim responsibly for saudi attack . seems war is now entering Saudi
ISIS have claim responsibly for saudi attack . seems war is now entering Saudi

The second such terrorist attack in 6 months (the only 2 such attacks in 83 years of KSA's history as a state) does not mean "war". Not even if there were 10 of such attacks in those 6 months.

Life will return to normal and there will always be a few of such sleeper cells in the current climate of the ME. Nothing to worry about. Let ISIS even come near the Saudi Arabian borders to try and conquer the Northern provinces of KSA and then we can talk about a war.

The only war that KSA is engaged in right now is against the Houthi terrorists and as of now it's only a war fought by the air force and a few border guards.
Rest In Peace .

KSA knows how to control nutcases in their nation.So we can hope that this wont spread like other nations in the Middle East.
Unfortunate incident of indiscriminate violence which the shia communities across the world have been suffering. We should learn from the shias. In the past 10 years I have not heard of the concept of a shia suicide bomber. Sunnis and shias must learn to live in peace.

I hope this is a wake up call for Saudi Arabia and it stops supporting and funding Wahabi terrorism around the world which has caused immense losses to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Terrorism is an enemy, an evil that deserves to be destroyed. We must go in where ever the terrorists hide and eliminate them like the dogs they are.

I wish the best to Saudi Arabias shias who are facing terrorism and curtailment of their rights by the ruling Saud family. Be brave and be loyal to Saudia, but at the same time do not give up your fundamental rights, rights you as Saudi Arabians must receive.

Bro, just because you don't know about Shi'ite suicide bombers, doesn't mean they don't exist. You need to update yourself:

1) Shi'ite suicide bombers, southern Lebanon, Nov 2013:
Suicide bombings on the rise among Shiites - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

2) Mahdi Army June 2014:
View attachment 223971
Watch complete video:
I watch army of hooded suicide bombers march in to save Iraq: BARBARA JONES on the frontline as radical cleric who was UK's most feared and hated enemy takes control of Baghdad to repel rampaging jihadists | Daily Mail Online

Yesterday I witnessed the extraordinary sight of hordes of suicide bombers, dressed in black and brandishing Kalashnikovs, marching through the slums of Baghdad. - Daily Mail, 21st June 2014
I watch army of hooded suicide bombers march in to save Iraq: BARBARA JONES on the frontline as radical cleric who was UK's most feared and hated enemy takes control of Baghdad to repel rampaging jihadists | Daily Mail Online

View attachment 223972Mahdi Army - July 2014
Baghdad’s Shia Militia Plans for War on ISIS | The Marin Renaissance

3) Shia militia attack on Sunni mosque in Iraq leaves scores (78) dead - Aug 2014
A suicide bomber broke into the Musab bin Omair mosque in Imam Wais village in Diyala province, about 75 miles north-east of Baghdad, and detonated his explosives before gunmen rushed in and opened fire on worshippers
Shia militia attack on Sunni mosque in Iraq leaves scores dead | World news | The Guardian

4) History of Suicide bombings
A short history of suicide bombing | AOAV

You can further google yourself.

From BBC:

Saudi Arabia attack: Islamic State claims Shia mosque bombing

The Islamic State (IS) group says it was behind a suicide bombing on a Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia that killed at least 10 people.

The attack in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province is the first to be claimed by the Saudi branch of IS, which was formally established last November.

The claim was posted on Twitter with an image of the bomber by an account that is a reliable source on the group.

IS has previously threatened to attack Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia.

Witnesses reported a huge blast at the Imam Ali mosque in the village of al-Qadeeh, in Qatif governorate during Friday prayers.

A doctor at the hospital said at least 10 people had been killed and about 70 injured, "some very critically".

'Terrorist crime'
Television pictures of the bombing showed shattered glass and debris inside the mosque, where scores were said to have been praying.

A spokesman for the Saudi interior ministry said the bomber detonated a suicide belt inside the mosque, causing a number of people to be "martyred or wounded".

"Security authorities will spare no effort in the pursuit of all those involved in this terrorist crime," the official said in a statement carried by state news agency SPA.

It will come as no surprise that the Islamic State group was behind this calculated attack on peaceful worshippers in a Saudi mosque.

The Sunni extremists of IS have a special loathing for the Shia and they will almost certainly have been looking to exacerbate sectarian tensions between Saudi Arabia's Shia minority and the rest of the population.

Shia anger will likely be directed at the Saudi authorities for failing to protect their community in Eastern Province.

Shias have been concerned for some time at inflammatory speeches given by hardline Sunnis that depict them as being 'not real Muslims', a view shared by IS.

In a statement published online, IS said "the soldiers of the Caliphate" were behind the attack and pledged "dark days ahead" for the Shia community. It identified the bomber as Abu Amer al-Najdi.

In a separate statement, the jihadist group also said it was behind a similar attack on a Shia mosque in neighbouring Yemen on Friday, which injured about a dozen people.

Saudi Arabia has previously been threatened by IS, which is being targeted by a US-led coalition in Syria and Iraq.

In November last year, an audio recording purported to be from IS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called on Saudi followers to attack Shia targets.

More than 2,000 Saudis are believed to have joined IS, with hundreds having returned home. Saudi Arabia has launched a security crackdown in recent months, arresting hundreds of IS suspects.

Saudi Arabia's large Shia Muslim minority is mainly based in the Eastern Province, and there have been sporadic protests by Shia there for greater rights.

The attack on Friday comes at a time when the Saudis are leading a coalition of Arab states in an air campaign against Shia rebels in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia attack: Islamic State claims Shia mosque bombing - BBC News

N.B. ISIS / ISIL / Daeesh have been declared as Khawarij by Sunni / Deobandi / Salafi / Barailve Scholars. They have nothing to do with Islam!
One of the victims of the terrorist attack:


Well, it's very unfortunate that children of all people are targeted. Not to make the deaths' of others less painful but children are always children.

One must be totally brainwashed/out of touch with reality to commit such attacks. Hopeless cases. People are not born like this. I always have a theory that terrorists have physical problems or have had traumas in their life's and that bad events in their life can trigger them to such extremes.

That's not normal behavior. Let's take the most "conservative" Muslims the Salafis. How many of them are there out there? 50 million? 100 million? 99,9% of them are peaceful people. We even had dozens of users here that called themselves Salafis and were clever well-functioning people.

Among them I remember @TankMan

Labeling a sect is silly. This is the work of individuals and terrorist groups. Not sects because no sect talks about committing suicide attacks against civilians.
Only cowards attack places of worship. This is truly a disgusting and heinous crime.

Secondly, Just because a so called Muslim does it, IT DOES NOT mean Islam allows suicide bombings. Not one authentic ruling, from the time of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, exists that allows suicide bombings! Not one!
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