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Suicide attack in Mohmand

What's this office of political agent ? ( Is it a govt. office or a political parties private office )

Every Friday seems to bring more grim news to pakistan.

i have noticed this too, there have been alot of bloodshed in a number of fridays. poor people.
Reservations: Have you ever thought about that.]
Putting the Taliban and other extremist on to reservations where they cant leave with out permission.

An Indian reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the United States Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are about 310 Indian reservations in the United States, meaning not all of the country's 550-plus recognized tribes have a reservation — some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none. In addition, because of past land allotments, leading to some sales to non-Indians, discussed below, some reservations are severely fragmented. Each piece of tribal, individual, and privately held land is a separate enclave. This jumble of private and public real estate creates significant administrative and political/legal difficulties.[1]

The collective geographical area of all reservations is 55.7 million acres (Twelve Indian reservations are larger than the state of Rhode Island The Navajo Indian Reservation compares to the state of West Virginia. Reservations are unevenly distributed throughout the country; the majority are west of the Mississippi River and occupy lands that were first reserved by treaty or 'granted' from the public domain.[2]

Because tribes possess tribal sovereignty, even though it is limited, laws on tribal lands vary from the surrounding area.
Reservations: Have you ever thought about that.]
Putting the Taliban and other extremist on to reservations where they cant leave with out permission.

An Indian reservation is an area of land managed by a Native American tribe under the United States Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs. There are about 310 Indian reservations in the United States, meaning not all of the country's 550-plus recognized tribes have a reservation — some tribes have more than one reservation, some share reservations, while others have none. In addition, because of past land allotments, leading to some sales to non-Indians, discussed below, some reservations are severely fragmented. Each piece of tribal, individual, and privately held land is a separate enclave. This jumble of private and public real estate creates significant administrative and political/legal difficulties.[1]

The collective geographical area of all reservations is 55.7 million acres (Twelve Indian reservations are larger than the state of Rhode Island The Navajo Indian Reservation compares to the state of West Virginia. Reservations are unevenly distributed throughout the country; the majority are west of the Mississippi River and occupy lands that were first reserved by treaty or 'granted' from the public domain.[2]

Because tribes possess tribal sovereignty, even though it is limited, laws on tribal lands vary from the surrounding area.

i have got difficulty understanding this. what is this all about?
Fifty-six killed, over 100 injured in Mohmand attack

Friday, 09 Jul, 2010

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber killed up to 56 people and over a 100 in an attack outside the office of a senior government official in Pakistan’s northwest, government and hospital officials said.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

The bomber struck when people were gathered around the office in the Mohmand Pashtun tribal region near the Afghan border, where security forces have stepped up attacks on Taliban militants in recent weeks.

The bomber struck when people were gathered around the office in the tribal area’s Yakaghund tehsil.

“There were two blasts. The first one was small but the second was a big one. Up to 56 people have been killed,” Rasool Khan, the region’s assistant political agent, told Reuters. The attack took place outside his office.

An administration official, Mehraj Khan, had earlier described the incident as a suicide attack.

Hospital officials said more than 100 people were being treated for multiple wounds, while government officials put the number of wounded at about 40.

Among the wounded were several internally displaced people, who were collecting relief goods near the blast site.
The blast also damaged several cars and about 30 shops, witnesses said.

“It was a huge blast that flattened dozens of nearby shops and people are still trapped under the rubble,” a resident, identified as Ahmed, told the private Express News TV channel.

Television footage showed victims being pulled out of the debris.

A security official at the scene said that blast also damaged a wall of a nearby prison and at least 20 inmates had escaped.

The office was targeted when some 100 people had gathered there to seek redress for their problems.
The Bajaur-Peshawar road was also closed for traffic as rescue operations continued.

The Pakistani army has carried out operations against Taliban fighters in Mohmand in recent years. — DawnNews/Agencies


DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Fifty-six killed, over 100 injured in Mohmand attack


Inna Lillah Wa Inna Alaih Raji'on

Rest In Peace the Victims.... :cry:
Abdul Wadood, 19, was sitting in a vehicle nearby when the attack happened.

"I only heard the deafening blast and lost consciousness," he said, while being treated for head and arm wounds in Peshawar. "I found myself on a hospital bed after opening my eyes.

"I think those who planned or carried out this attack are not humans."

The TTP have claimed responsibility - so much for 'negotiations'.

I assume Nawaz is smart enough to get the message - then again, perhaps not ...
Inna Lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'oon
These are the signs of "Qayamah"

May Allah forgive us all :cry:

RIP to the innocents
The TTP have claimed responsibility - so much for 'negotiations'.

I assume Nawaz is smart enough to get the message - then again, perhaps not ...

He should have got the message some time ago. As you put it aptly, 'perhaps not' will be uttered by us for some time to come.

Very sad incident, just when you hope things become better, these terrorists attack some place.

I am just baffled by what could make a man commit such a crime.

RIP to all who died, what else can you say.
Man i am so sick of these news every now and then....Something is drastically wrong....because members here often claim that PA has done a great job in controlling these pigs....similar fate NATO has in AF....Is there any way these bigots can be controlled??? People of Pakistan need to fight and fight hard....

So sickening to start your day on such a bloody news....:tdown:
Man i am so sick of these news every now and then....Something is drastically wrong....because members here often claim that PA has done a great job in controlling these pigs....similar fate NATO has in AF....Is there any way these bigots can be controlled??? People of Pakistan need to fight and fight hard....

So sickening to start your day on such a bloody news....:tdown:
The counter-insurgency campaign in Iraq is being touted as a huge success - US troops are going to start withdrawing, yet there are frequent suicide bombings in Iraq are there not?

Terrorism is like crime, you can squeeze it and reduce it to a large degree, but so long as weaknesses in society (unemployment, illiteracy, sense of injustice etc.) and governance (corruption, poor LEA's, lack of control over certain parts of the State), that fuel extremism and terrorism remain, it will be impossible to control it 100%.

The situation this year is still far improved from last year, so far (as in the case of Iraq), and incremental progress is how success will eventually be achieved, if the GoP does not squander military successes by not delivering on governance.
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i have got difficulty understanding this. what is this all about?

Just wonder if reservations might be some helping in solving the terrorism problem in Pakistan. I assume Pakistanis are going to get tired of this sooner or later..
my god, 56 people killed, over a hundred wounded by these barbarians. And look at their audacity, they proudly own the attack as if it's not humans they've killed but sheep. I pray these barbarians get some kind of nasty facial and body disfiguring disease and die the most painful slow death, so people see what true monsters they are.
Are you comparing Iraq to Pakistan ? ohh the Denial isnt it ? lets accept the fact using terrorism against other countries as tool has failed and it has failed miserably.

Knock, Knock... I’m looking for Mr. Brain (Oh sorry he's not home). He is referring to the paradigm in a COIN (Counter Insurgency) sense, a very apt parallel. If you can't understand the strategic depth of his argument it is better not to look like a fool by saying nothing at all.
I am just baffled by what could make a man commit such a crime.

The bombers themselves say they do it for the sake of their god, Allah. I suppose if you love Allah more than your fellow man, even your neighbors, then you can kill them, if you think that will please Allah.

This should be easily understood by all, by now. They do it, they say, to show Allah their love.......

PS, they don't care that you don't think that is what Allah wants. They know better. They are more committed lovers of Allah than you.
The bombers themselves say they do it for the sake of their god, Allah. I suppose if you love Allah more than your fellow man, even your neighbors, then you can kill them, if you think that will please Allah.

This should be easily understood by all, by now. They do it, they say, to show Allah their love.......

PS, they don't care that you don't think that is what Allah wants. They know better. They are more committed lovers of Allah than you.

Got to agree with the most part of your post. But the fact remain that these suicide bastards don't know anything about Islam. These hell bound creatures don't even know how many chapters are their in Holy Quran.

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